Nuachtlitir 2017

061 327088

School Development : Scoil Mhuire has introduced Ready Set Go Maths, a highly progressive maths programme for Infant classes for the first time in 2017. The children are active in small groups throughout the lessons and their resulting understanding of mathematical concepts is much enhanced. The children love these new methodologies and materials and the level of engagement is very high. We thank the B.O.M for the resources for this programme which we believe will be of huge benefit to all our students.
Team teaching has been ongoing throughout 2016/2017 in all classes with pupils benefiting from being taught in small groups of 6 or less at appropriate levels with new resource materials in both Maths and English. Again, we thank the B.O.M for funding these resources.
Mary Immaculte College has donated 15 second hand computers which are a great resource for the school.

Croke Park Hours : These are being used for morning supervision, teacher personal planning, staff meetings,Parent/teacher meetings and Inservice in Numeracy(Problem solving and Ready Set Go Maths) and team teaching in English. (Literacy Lift Off-Junior Infants to Second and Small Group Literacy Initiative -3rd to 6th class.
Green Schools : Work is underway to attain our Green Flag for Water. Many thanks to Ms. Jordan and Ms. Coloe and the Green School Team for all their hard work throughout the year. Greenschool Newsletter to follow shortly!

Hurling Blitz : 4th, 5th and 6th class attended a hurling events in Newmarket on Fergus in May. These were attended by Cratloe, Newmarket,Clonmoney, Ballycar, Stonehall and Sixmilebridge. Our pupils really enjoyed these sporting events.
Camogie Match : Girls from Fourth, Fifth and Sixth class attended a camogie blitz in Meelick G.A.A. pitch. Well done to all involved.

Music Generation : Mr. O’ Donnells’ class have been participating in the Music Generation Programme with their singing coach Bronwyn. They attended a recital in Newmarket on Fergus, which three other schools also attended. Parents were present at the performance. This was a very enjoyable evening for all and the performance from our school was excellent as was the behaviour of our pupils.

First Holy Communion : Thanks to Ms. Coloe, Ms. Jordan, Fr. Tom Carroll, Hilary Salmon, and Susan Madigan for all their hard work in preparing for the ceremony. The ceremony held on 13th May was beautiful and did our school proud.
Congratulations and God Bless to :


Cillian Geoghegan
Paddy Brennan
Sean Kelly
Sean Sheehan
Shane O Brien
Abigail Dawson
Aoife Killeen
Jodie Carey

Leah Crowe
Linda Vorobjova
Lauren Nash
Conor Dillon
James Neylon
Luke O Donovan
Martin Mc Namara


Confirmation : Thanks to Bishop Leahy, Fr. Tom Carroll, Mr. O Donnell, Ms. Jordan, Hilary Salmon and Susan Madigan for all their hard work in preparing for the lovely ceremony on 4th April.
Congratulations and God bless the pupils who were confirmed:


Erin Dawson
Joe O’ Brien
Abi O’ Doherty
Brīon O’ Donovan
Terence O’ Farrell
Elle O’ Mahony
Siobhán Rogan
Emma Ryan
Cian Fitzpatrick
Louise Goff
Shóna Guerin
David Know
Cathal O’ Brien
Lucy Smyth
Jack Ryan Steven Walsh
Ellie Geary


Health and Safety: Shannon Fire services delivered a seminar to Third class on Fire Safety. The children were highly motivated by the topic.
Oral Irish Ms Mc Mahons class have competed in the Duais an Priomhoide for presentation of Irish essays. Well done to all the children. The standard was very high.
Anti-Bullying : A seminar for 4th, 5th and 6th class pupils was delivered recently by Garda Cathal from Ardnacrusha. It dealt with cyber bullying and responsible social behaviour. Parents please be vigilant and continue to monitor all your child’s social media communications.
RSE The bi-annual Relationship and Sexuality Education Seminar for 5th/6th class pupils and their parents took place 1st June in school.This was delivered by Anne Mc Mahon a highly experienced Principal in this field. Stay Safe lessons have been taught to all classes during 2016/2017.
Book Fair : Our annual book fair took place between 18th of May and the 23rd of May . This is a fundraiser for our school with 50% of all funds raised returned in books directly to our classroom libraries. Thank you all for your support.
Senior Class Magazine : We look forward to the publication of Mr. O’ Donnells annual class magazine which pupils are currently busy preparing.
Graduation : Our sixth class graduation will take place on 22nd June Mass will be at 7pm followed by graduation awards and refreshments in the school. Bus departs at 8.15/8.30 pm for Supermacs and return to school at 10.30 pm. The graduation is a lovely event in the school calendar. We would like to take this opportunity to wish our sixth class and their parents well in the next step of their education journey and thank them for their contributions to school life over the past eight years.
Parents Association : Many thanks to the Parents Association for their hard work and help throughout the year. We are indebted to it for its immense support to our school. At the moment the Book Rental Scheme is being organised for 2017/2018, if you can help with this please contact the school. Also, our Parents Association ask the Parents of next year’s First Class and Fifth Class to keep their diaries free to provide the hospitality for our Communion and Confirmation ceremonies next year. First Holy Communion takes place on the second Saturday in May and we will confirm the confirmation date immediately we know it ourselves.
Ardnacrusha visit Ms. Mc Mahons fourth and fifth class had a very successful visit to ardnacrusha Hydro Electric power station on the 6th May. Mr. O Donnells 5th/6th will visit there also on June 15th. Ardnacrusha is a valuable resource for the teaching of science, history and geography. We thank the personnel for the educational tours.
Enrolment : Our school continues to enrol for the new school year. Parents can call into the office for enrolment forms or ring the office at 061-327088.
Induction Meeting for new parents will take place on 20th June at 2.15 pm -3pm Induction for new pupils will take place on the following day 21st June at 2.15 pm-3pm. Light refreshments will be served in the lobby area by members of the Parents Association for new parents on the day. We look forward to welcoming our new students.
Swimming : Our swimming classes took place in Grove Island this year, promoting good health and well-being from classes 1st to 6th. This swimming course is worthwhile and beneficial to all students on a variety of levels and the lessons represent great value for money. All the pupils worked hard and progressed well with their groups. Swim cards have been distributed to all pupils. This card allows 2 adults and 2 children to swim in Aura Grove Island Leisure Centre for 9.99 euro. Happy swimming!
Tin Whistle Taispeantas: Tin whistle classes are ongoing with Comhaltas tutor Katie O’ Sullivan. You are cordially invited to attend a tin whistle recital by Katie and all students first to sixth on 27th June 2017 at 9.30a.m.
Book Launch ; Ms. Jordan’s Book Launch “An Icy Escape” will take place directly after the Taispeantas, for the parents of Third Class pupils.
Sports Day will be held on the 27th June and rugby coaches will be in attendance on the day. Looking forward to a fun and active end to the academic year.
Clothes Recycling Fundraiser: This term we raised €575 through your clothes recycling donated to the National Council for the Blind. The NCBI is a very worthy cause and the money raised by our school will go towards the purchase of new Irish resources for all classes to improve the standard of oral irish. Many thanks for all your support.
School Tours : It is tour time again and we wish all our pupils active, enjoyable and educational tours and a safe return.

Ms. O’ Looney Juniors and Seniors / Fri 23/06/2017
9.20 – 2.00 pm / Stonehall Farm
Ms. Coloe First/2nd / Thurs 8th June 2017
9.20 – 4.00 pm / The Hunt Museum
Frank Mc Court Museum
Viking open top bus.
Ms. Jordan
3rd Class / Wed. 14th June 2017
8.30 – 4.30 pm / Atlantaquaria Salt hill
Planet Bowling/Supermacs
Ms. Mc Mahons
4th/5th / Mon 12th June 2017
9.20- 4.20 / U.L Activity Centre Killaloe
Mr. O’ Donnell
5th/6th / Friday 02nd June 2017
8.30 – 6.30 pm / Tralee Wetlands
Aquadome/Mc Donalds

End of Year Mass : Fr. Tom Carroll will say Mass for the school community at 9.30 am on June 28th. All are welcome.
Summer Holidays : School will close on 28th June for summer holidays and re-open on September 1st 2017.

We have had a very busy and productive year. I wish to thank all the teachers and ancillary staff for their hard work and commitment and to thank you the parents for all your continued support. Our pupils continue to make us proud and they are a credit to you their parents and families. Nī neart go cur le chéile. On behalf of all staff, I wish you a restorative and safe summer holiday.

Le Meas

Maria O’ Looney