/ Name: ______
Class: ____Section: ______

Q.1 Look at each of the changes pictured below. Fill in the blanks to say whether the changes are reversible or irreversible. For the reversible changes, draw in a second arrow below the first and pointing in the opposite direction.


Baking a cake is ______Change.


Melting a chocolate is ______Change.


A nail rusting is ______Change


Toasting bread is ______Change.

Q.2 Read these sentences and decide if they are true or false. Write a T next to the sentences that are true and a F next to the sentences that are False.

a)  You melt something by cooling it down. ____

b)  Melting chocolate is an reversible change ___

c)  You can separate sugar and water by using filter paper___

d)  When something dissolves it disappears ____

e)  Sand does not dissolve in water____

f)  If you want to turn water into ice you heat the liquid up___

Q.3 Answer the following:

1. What happens when vinegar and baking soda are mixed?


2. What does this symbol mean?


3. Which of these is reversible?

a. burning a candle

b. baking bread

c. both

d. neither

4. Which of these is reversible?

a. Evaporating

b. Condensing

c. both

d. neither

5. Name two reversible reactions that can occur in the water cycle.


6. (Liquid Solid) what is this change called?


Q.4 Write T if material change is temporary and P if permanent:

1. Pull a rubber band ______

2. Drop a cell phone from second floor to ground floor ______

3. Squeeze a rubber ball ______

4. Shatter Glass into pieces ______

5. Crumple a soda cans ______

Q.5 Label each process as a physical or chemical change:

1. Perfume evaporating on your skin ______
2. Butter melting ______
3. Autumn leaves changing color ______
4. Melting copper metal ______
5. Burning sugar ______
6. Mixing sugar in water ______

Q.6 Which of the following is NOT a physical change?

a. grating cheese
b. melting cheese
c. fermenting of cheese
d. mixing two cheeses in a bowl

Q.7 Imagine you left a toy truck made of plastic and metal outside for a long time. When you find it later, the metal has rusted and the plastic has cracked. What kind of changes happened to the toy truck? Explain.


Q.8 Read the Paragraph and answer the below mentioned questions:

Water covers most of our planet. It can be found in oceans, lakes, and ponds, and in the ground itself. The cycle of water from liquid to vapor to solid is called the water cycle. The water cycle is an exciting and continuous process, with no beginning or end. The water cycle is the movement of water in the environment by evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.

The warm sun causes liquid water to evaporate (to change from a liquid

into a gas or vapor) and rise up into the sky. The water vapors that are

formed cool during evaporation. These cooled water vapors form clouds in

the sky. The transformation of the vapor into clouds (that is, from a gas

into a liquid) is condensation. Clouds can be a mass of water droplets

and/or ice particles. When the clouds get heavy enough, the water falls

back to the ground in the form of rain, snow, or hail. This is precipitation.

Plants in our environment contain water in a liquid form. They release water vapor into the atmosphere. When plants do this it is called transpiration. Transpiration is a kind of evaporation.


1. What are the three forms of water listed in the article?

a. liquid, vapour, solid

b. frozen, vapour, solid

c. liquid, gas, hail

d. water, gas, solid

2. Which of the following is the best definition of evaporation?

a. It is the process of disappearing.

b. It is a magical process of turning into vapour.

c. It is the process of changing from liquid to vapour.

d. It is the process of moving from one place to another.

3. Which of the following is the best definition of condensation?

a. It is the process of moving things very close together.

b. It is the process of changing from vapour to liquid.

c. It is the process of changing from liquid to vapour.

d. It is the process of changing from vapour to solid.

4. Which of the following is the best example of precipitation?

a. rain

b. clouds

c. evaporation

d. ice

5. What causes evaporation?

a. The warm sun and photosynthesis.

b. Perspiration and precipitation.

c. Rain and snow.

d. The sun and transpiration.

6. What are clouds?

a. Masses of condensed water formed by cooled water vapors.

b. Masses of condensed vapors.

c. Masses of cotton balls.

d. Masses of evaporated water.

7. What causes precipitation?

a. Evaporation.

b. The weight of the clouds.

c. The hot sun.

d. Plant transpiration.