Weimar Republic / Munich Putsch / Hyperinflation
Dawes Plan / Nuremburg Laws / Kristallnacht
Wall Street Crash / Night of the Long Knives / Mein Kampf
Weimar Republic / The Reichstag Fire / Hitler becomes Chancellor
The Ruhr Crisis / Adolf Hitler / Kristallnacht
Wall Street Crash / Hindenburg / Mein Kampf
The Locarno Treaty / Proportional Representation / Hyperinflation
Dawes Plan / The Golden Age of Weimar / Kristallnacht
Reparations / Night of the Long Knives / Treaty of Versailles
Treaty of Versailles / Munich Putsch / Hyperinflation
Dawes Plan / Reichstag / Lebensraum
Wall Street Crash / The Reichstag Fire / Mein Kampf
Lebensraum / Fuhrer / The 3 Ks
Ernst Rohm / Nuremburg Laws / Kristallnacht
Wall Street Crash / Night of the Long Knives / Mein Kampf
Weimar Republic / Munich Putsch / Hyperinflation
Dawes Plan / Nuremburg Laws / The SA
The 3 Ks / The Treaty of Versailles / Mein Kampf
Weimar Republic / Munich Putsch / The Ruhr Crisis
Reparations / Nuremburg Laws / Kristallnacht
Wall Street Crash / The Golden Age of Weimar / The Locarno Treaty
The Ruhr crisis / Munich Putsch / Weimar Republic
Kristallnacht / Nuremburg Laws / Lebensraum
Reparations / Night of the Long Knives / Gustav Stresemann

Bingo questions

·  The book written by Adolf Hitler while he was in prison

·  This event took place on January 30th 1933

·  A agreement reached in 1925 between the governments of Germany, Britain, France and Belgium to secure their international borders

·  When the prices in Germany started to spiral out of control

·  The compensation money that Germany had to pay after the First world war was known as this

·  The laws passed in 1935 that made Jews second class citizens

·  A system of voting where the number of seats in the parliament is based on the percentage of the vote each party receives

·  When the Nazis tried to take power in 1923

·  In February 1933 the parliament was burned down

·  The title that Hitler used, which meant ‘Leader’

·  The Sturm Abteilung, or Brownshirts, were Hitler’s private army

·  The ‘Night of Broken glass’ when thousands of Jews were attacked and arrested and their property destroyed

·  The peace agreement at the end of the first world war

·  When the French army invaded in 1923 after Germany failed to pay the reparations. German workers went on strike

·  ‘Living Space’ – an idea from Mein Kampf that Germany needed to expand her territory to give enough space for her population

·  The German Parliament in Berlin

·  My Struggle – the book written by Hitler while he was in prison

·  The period of time after the crisis of 1923 when Stresemann was able to improve the German economy

·  ‘Kinder, Kirche, Kuche’ – Children, Church, Cooking the 3 things that German women should do

·  The name of the elderly German President who eventually chose Hitler to become Chancellor

·  The Leader of the Nazi party and leader of Germany from 1933-1945

·  The loans that American banks gave to rebuild Germany and help her pay off her reparations was known as this

·  When Hitler needed the support of the Army he murdered the leaders of the SA on this night

·  The leader of the SA who was murdered on the night of the long knives

·  When the American stock market collapsed

·  The name given to the government in Germany after the first world war which lasted from 1919-1933

·  The most successful Chancellor and Foreign Minister of the Weimar republic who died in 1929