Minutes April 14, 2011

Maple Lake Improvement District

President Dusterhoft called the meeting to order at 7 PM, Thursday April 14, 2011. Present were board member R. Bergman, D. Christianson, L. Dusterhoft,

R. Paradis, G. Radke, and M. Schulz, P & Z representative, D. Yell, and sec/treasure

D. Rosenberg. Absent was board member L. Abel. Also present was Steve Swanson. Radke made a motion to approve the agenda with Christianson seconding. The motion carried. Christianson made a motion to approve the March 2011 minutes and the treasures report with a second from Radke. The motion carried. There is currently 18888.11 in the checking account. Yell told the board there will be a P & Z meeting on April 15, 2011 regarding the Ulland sub-division. The board did not have a problem with the map that Yell presented. Schulz presented the board with the first draft of the golf cart and ATV ordinance. This has to be approved by the County attorney before it goes to the Polk County Commissioners. The MLID was satisfied with this draft.

In old business Swanson gave an update on the directory. It is a week to a week and half behind due to the fact his printer went out of business. He has hired Kris Versdahl to help with some of the lay outs. The directory should be ready by the 15th of May. He also presented a bid from Knight printing for mailing. The MLID board has decided to stuff and mail the directory itself. The board approved the information Swanson presented for the blank pages. After much discussion Paradis made a motion to put the directory on the web site with Schulz seconding. The motion carried. Kris Versdahl will be doing a spring newsletter. What will go into the newsletter will be discussed at the May meeting.

In new business L. Abel had sent an email regarding spraying dates. These dates are subject to change depending on the weather. Water testing will be done again this year. Board member will take care of getting the samples and sending them to the lab. Paradis informed the board the fireworks will be on Labor Day this year. Several board members would also like to have a car show that day and a dance at the pavilion. There was much discussion regarding paying for a band and the rent of the pavilion. This will all be paid for with donations. There will be no assessment fees used to pay for any of the events on Labor Day.

Paradis made a motion to adjourn with Bergman seconding. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Diane Rosenberg


The next meeting of the Maple Lake Improvement District

Thursday May 12, 2011

7 PM

Mentor Community Center