Friends Association of Cleddau Reach VC Primary School

1st February 2016, 7.00pm


Danielle Bond (DB)

Helen Stamp (HS)

Catherine Parsons (CP)
Lorraine Allman (LA)

Nick Groves (NG)

Vicky Lloyd Roberts (VLR)


Jane Haigh

Sophie David

Jo Rees-Wigmore

Agenda Item / To be actioned by
1.Welcome and Apologies / DB welcomed everyone to the meeting, and apologies were noted for those unable to attend.
2. Notes from last meeting and updates (9/11/2015) / Notes were mainly regarding the Christmas Market which went ahead and was a success.
DB stated there were poor donations for the wine and water stalls ? to consider whether to have this stall next year or not.
NG felt as the main fundraiser the event was a success and a good community event.
NG reported good feedback from outside stall holders.
The raffle licence has been renewed.
It was again highlighted we need more volunteers for the friends of the school.
Discussed 100 club, not proceeding at this time.
3. Treasurer report/update / Current balance is £3217.93 awaiting match funding from Barclays Bank which will result in £4217.93. Insurances have been paid.
4. Spring Events to be planned / Daffodil Sale – 2 or 3 volunteers to pick daffodils then bunch together for sale at school. Fundraiser heavily reliant on Jo Richards. DB to discuss with Jo directly.
Discos and sports day will be held later in the year.
It was agreed at the meeting an Easter Bingo will be held on 22nd March 2016 6-8pm in the main school hall. School to ask for donations for Easter eggs. Bingo books available at school. ? Electronic bingo machine to be sought.
Volunteers - LA and CP to be bingo callers
CP on the door to take money
NG to hold auction for prizes
Further volunteers required for refreshments which will include tea, coffee, squash and nibbles. Donations to be sought for auction prizes. / DB
5. Planned projects requiring funding-NG / NG discussed the following requiring funding from the Friends
Year 5 residential trip – Cardiff
Year 6 residential trip – Sealingham
Approx £4 per child required
Minibus Travel to Narberth for Enterprise Troopers Day -£50
Easter Hat Competition prizes needs approx £20
Outdoor Classroom for foundation Phase and update to Juniors playground e.g. giant board games. It was agreed Friends to donate £1000 to be split for Foundation and Juniors playground work
6. Any Other Business / JRW had requested new books in school library but it was discussed there are funds within school budget already for new books. ? to trial book exchange at school instead
Allotment-DB discussed the Princes Trust are available in March 2016 and could work on the allotment as their community project. NG concerned that would then rely on volunteers to maintain especially over the summer months. To be considered at a later date.
VLR discussed stamptastic clothing labelling company, if parents sign up the school can claim 30%, LA to send out flyers/put in newsletter.
LA also mentioned easy fundraising from which the school can also claim commission.
LA suggested a spare uniform stall to be set up in school hall – to be included in newsletter. / LA
Date of next meeting / No date set

The meeting closed at 8.15pm.