English 4 Multi-Genre Project

Finished Product

Each person will produce a portfolio (binder, report cover, etc.) with the following items:

­  Annotated bibliography (10 sources with summaries) **100 points**

­  Biographical sketch (2+ pages) **50 points**

­  Song and Analysis (200 words) **50 points**

­  Original Poem (15 line minimum) **50 points**

­  Illustration with 200 word analysis **50 points**

­  Nonfiction Article and Analysis (one page article reflection) **50 points**

­  Three minute speech **50 points**

­  Teacher Conference about project **50 points**

Due Dates:

­  Annotated Bibliography rough draft and article annotation (50 points): Wednesday, April 21st

­  Teacher Conference: Friday, April 30th

­  Finished product and speeches: Monday, May 17th

Step One: Choose a Partner

You will work with one partner on this project. You MAY NOT turn in exactly the same material, but your partner is there to work with you on your topic and help get research. Any two people who turn in the same materials will fail the project.

Step Two: Choose a topic. This will be first come first served.

Task: Spend some time in the library researching the following topics. Know what you want and why you want it before you come to me to ask for it. I will not sign anyone up for a topic the first 15 minutes of classtime.

D. Hartness


1966 Texas Western Basketball Team

54th Massachusetts Civil War

Adult Sentences for Juvenile Offenders

Afghanistan: Success or Stalemate

African Americans & the Academy Awards

Censorship & the Entertainment Industry

Civil Rights Movement

Coco Chanel

Creationism in the Public School System

Ernie Davis

Genocide in Darfur

Girl Fights: Female Action Heroes

Gullah Culture

Legalization of Recreational Drug Use

Modern-day Busing for Integration

Oprah’s Influence on Reading

Red Dress Project

Rise of Vampirism in Pop Culture

Same-Sex Marriage

SC’s Corridor of Shame

The Achievement Gap

The Effects of Brown vs. Board of Education

The Moral Ethics of Cloning

Violence in Mass Media

Women & Fortune 500 Companies

Women’s Rights in Afghanistan

D. Hartness


Step Three: Finding Sources and Taking Notes

Task: Find ten appropriate sources (at least three journal articles from DISCUS); compile a works cited list rough draft; print one article for classwork. Using the article you printed, complete an annotation—summarize the content and its format, assess the source’s appropriateness for your use, and reflect (was it helpful to you, how does it help your research, how does it compare with other sources, is it reliable or biased, etc.). This should be 15 to 20 sentences.

Works Cited Rough Draft

Source #1: (Type of Source) ______Author: ______Title: ______Title 2: ______Numbers (dates, page #s, volume #s, issue #s): ______Publisher information: ______Extras: ______

Source #2: (Type of Source) ______Author: ______Title: ______Title 2: ______Numbers (dates, page #s, volume #s, issue #s): ______Publisher information: ______Extras: ______

Source #3: (Type of Source) ______Author: ______Title: ______Title 2: ______Numbers (dates, page #s, volume #s, issue #s): ______Publisher information: ______Extras: ______

Source #4: (Type of Source) ______Author: ______Title: ______Title 2: ______Numbers (dates, page #s, volume #s, issue #s): ______Publisher information: ______Extras: ______

Source #5: (Type of Source) ______Author: ______Title: ______Title 2: ______Numbers (dates, page #s, volume #s, issue #s): ______Publisher information: ______Extras: ______

Source #6: (Type of Source) ______Author: ______Title: ______Title 2: ______Numbers (dates, page #s, volume #s, issue #s): ______Publisher information: ______Extras: ______

Source #7: (Type of Source) ______Author: ______Title: ______Title 2: ______Numbers (dates, page #s, volume #s, issue #s): ______Publisher information: ______Extras: ______

Source #8: (Type of Source) ______Author: ______Title: ______Title 2: ______Numbers (dates, page #s, volume #s, issue #s): ______Publisher information: ______Extras: ______

Source #9: (Type of Source) ______Author: ______Title: ______Title 2: ______Numbers (dates, page #s, volume #s, issue #s): ______Publisher information: ______Extras: ______

Source #10: (Type of Source) ______Author: ______Title: ______Title 2: ______Numbers (dates, page #s, volume #s, issue #s): ______Publisher information: ______Extras: ______

Citation Wizards (sites where you can plug in information to get a correct citation):

¶  http://workscited.tripod.com/

¶  http://21cif.com/tools/cite/mla/index.html

¶  http://citationmachine.net/

Article Annotation Rough Draft

Article Citation (Use a citation wizard to correctly format your article citation):


Part One: Summarize

What are the main arguments? What is the point? What topics are covered?

Part Two: Assess

Is it a useful source? How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography? Is it reliable? Is it biased or objective? What is the goal of the source?

Part Three: Reflect

Was this source helpful? How does it help influence your research? How can you use it? Has it changed the way you think about your topic?

Step Four: Annotated Bibliography Final Draft

Task: Type up all ten source citations. Citations should be single-spaced with hanging indent. Complete an annotation for each source.

Tips for final draft:

¶  Use a plain, size 12 font, one inch margins, and “Annotated Bibliography” for your title.

¶  Use a footer with your name in the center. Make this font smaller than the rest of the paper.

¶  You may want to use a footer with a page number, but be sure your entire portfolio is paginated correctly. This is not a requirement.

¶  Use MLA format for sources. Alphabetize the list.

¶  Use a citation wizard or other website to help with source format.

¶  Complete an annotation for each article. Follow the format you used for the article in step three. Each annotation should be 15 to 20 sentences.

¶  Single space everything. Double space between each entry.

Step Five: Biographical Sketch

Task: Write a two-page (minimum) biographical sketch on your topic.

Tips for final draft:

¶  Follow proper essay format—double space, size 12, one inch margins, etc.

¶  Include background information. Tell lots of interesting facts.

¶  Use your own words.

Step Five: Song and 200 word analysis*

Task: Choose a song that represents your topic and write a 200 word analysis of that song.

Tips for final draft:

¶  Copy and paste your lyrics into a word document.

¶  Your analysis should look at the following:

o  Author’s craft (figurative language, etc.)

o  How does this song relate to your topic?

Step Six: Original Poem

Task: Write a poem that represents your topic.

Tips for final draft:

¶  Use figurative language.

¶  Have a minimum of 15 lines.

¶  Type in any font (that is legible).

Alternative Task: Find a poem that you think represents your topic and write a 200 word analysis.

Step Seven: Illustration/Picture and 200 Word Analysis*

Task: Find or create a picture or illustration relating to your topic and analyze it.

Tips for final draft:

¶  Copy and paste your picture into a word document.

¶  Your analysis should examine the following:

o  What is happening in the illustration?

o  What medium does the artist use (photograph, drawing, etc.)?

o  How does this relate to your topic?

Step Eight: Nonfiction Article and Reflection*

Task: Find a nonfiction article that relates to your topic. Write a one-page article reflection.

Step One: Annotate

To annotate means to mark up. As you read, you will need to mark up the text. Here’s a step-by-step guide to a good annotation.

1.  Make a prediction. Read the title carefully and predict what you think the article is going to be about.

2.  Mark important items or details. Use stars, arrows, etc. In the margins, explain why that detail is important.

3.  Circle or highlight words that are unfamiliar or unusual. Try to figure out what the words mean through the way they are used. You may want to use a dictionary to verify your guess.

4.  Highlight words, images, and details that seem to form a pattern throughout the text. These patterns may help you discover the theme.

5.  Mark passages that you think might be symbolic.

6.  Highlight any uses of figurative language. Look specifically for common ones, such as simile, metaphor, and allusion, and consider the author’s purpose for using that type of language. It is always a good idea to take notes in the margin to remember what you were thinking.

7.  Write your reactions in the margins. If a sentence makes you think of something else, write it down. If you are confused, write it down. If something surprises you, mark your reaction in the margins.

Step Two: Reflect

­  This paper is not a summary of the article you just read; it is a record of your reaction.

­  Include your thoughts and opinions.

­  Follow the prompt assigned, if there is one. If not, think about these questions:

o  Do you agree or disagree with what is written? Why or why not?

o  Did the reading make you think about something else?

o  What questions were you left with during the reading?

o  Can you relate the reading to something else in current events or your life?

o  Does the author give a valid and/or logical argument?

Step Nine: Three-Minute Speech

Task: Speak to your peers for a minimum of three minutes about your topic.

Tips for public speaking:

¶  Knowthe needs of your audience and match your contents to their needs.

¶  Knowyour material thoroughly.

¶  Put what you have to say in a logical sequence.

¶  Ensure your speech will be captivating to your audience as well as worth their time and attention.

¶  Practice and rehearse your speech at home or where you can be at ease and comfortable, in front of a mirror, your family, friends or colleagues.

¶  Knowwhat your strong and weak points are. Emphasize your strong points during your presentation.

Step Ten: Final Portfolio

¶  Use a binder or report portfolio for your final product.

¶  Have a cover page with your name, a title, your class, and the year.

¶  A footer with your name should appear on every page.

¶  If you number your pages, be sure that they are in order and numbered appropriately.

¶  All pages should be neat and professional. Each sample of writing will be something that you can share in an English class at the next level.

¶  The final portfolio is due May 17th. No late portfolios will be accepted.

¶  If you have any questions or concerns, have them addressed immediately. Do not wait until the beginning of May to decide to start.

¶  You will be given as much class time as you work. Failure to work in class will result in not being allowed to use the lab during class time.

Project Rubrics

Rubric for Rough Draft:

Grading Definitions: 5=Awesome; 4=Pretty good; 3=Fair; 2=Needs Improvement; 1=Where’s the effort?

Part One: Content
o  Sources are interesting and appropriate.
o  Each is clearly relevant to your topic.
o  Each has been published in the last five years or can be considered a seminal work.
Part Two: Level
o  You select the appropriate variety of sources.
o  Each is written for this project’s intended audience.
Part Three: Format
o  Size 12, plain, professional font
o  One-inch margins / o  Single-spaced
o  MLA format
Part Four: Summary and Assessment
o  You clearly summarize the main point of each source.
o  You explicitly connect your sources to your topic.
o  You completely assess the source’s usefulness.
Part Five: Reflection
o  You reflect on the source’s usefulness.
o  Writing flows and shows a high level of sophistication.
o  Strong and specific words are used to convey meaning.
Total Points: ______x 2 =

Rubric for Annotated Bibliography Final Draft:

Grading Definitions: 5=Awesome; 4=Pretty good; 3=Fair; 2=Needs Improvement; 1=Where’s the effort?

Part One: Content
o  Sources are interesting and appropriate.
o  Each is clearly relevant to your topic.
o  Each has been published in the last five years or can be considered a seminal work.
Part Two: Level
o  You select the appropriate variety of sources.
o  Each is written for this project’s intended audience.
Part Three: Format
o  Size 12, plain, professional font
o  One-inch margins / o  Single-spaced
o  MLA format
Part Four: Summary and Assessment
o  You clearly summarize the main point of each source.
o  You explicitly connect your sources to your topic.
o  You completely assess the source’s usefulness.
Part Five: Reflection
o  You reflect on the source’s usefulness.
o  Writing flows and shows a high level of sophistication.
o  Strong and specific words are used to convey meaning.
Total Points: ______x 4 =

Rubric Biographical Sketch:

Grading Definitions: 5=Awesome; 4=Pretty good; 3=Fair; 2=Needs Improvement; 1=Where’s the effort?

Part One: Content and Development
o  Introduction, body, & conclusion
o  Excellent details
o  Smooth transitions / o  Clear main idea
o  No unrelated words/details
Part Two: Facts/ Details
o  Shows evidence of careful research
o  Demonstrates fresh, original thoughts and ideas
o  Fully explains historical context of topic
Part Three: Format
o  Size 12, plain, professional font
o  One-inch margins
o  Double-spaced
Part Four: Conventions
o  Free of spelling and grammatical errors
o  No typographical errors
o  Correct sentence structure and word usage
Part Five: Sentence Fluency and Word Choice
o  Writing flows and shows a high level of sophistication.
o  Strong and specific words are used to convey meaning.
Total Points: ______x 2 =

Rubric for Song:

Grading Definitions: 5=Awesome; 4=Pretty good; 3=Fair; 2=Needs Improvement; 1=Where’s the effort?

Part One: Content and Development
o  Introduction, body, & conclusion
o  Excellent details
o  Smooth transitions / o  Clear main idea
o  No unrelated words/details
Part Two: Reflection
o  Examines author’s craft.
o  Relates song to topic.
Part Three: Format
o  Size 12, plain, professional font
o  One-inch margins
o  Double-spaced
Part Four: Conventions
o  Free of spelling and grammatical errors
o  No typographical errors
o  Correct sentence structure and word usage
Part Five: Sentence Fluency and Word Choice
o  Writing flows and shows a high level of sophistication.
o  Strong and specific words are used to convey meaning.
Total Points: ______x 2 =

Rubric for Poem: