Table e-1
Volumes (cm3) and asymmetry indices (%) of brain regions of patients with multiple system atrophy, progressive supranuclear palsy, Parkinson disease and control subjects.
PSP / MSA / PD / Controlsintracranial volume / 1469.8±121.2 / 1475.8±154 / 1499.4±149.7 / 1476.5±123.7
cortical gray and white matter / 409.1±35.8†* / 426.1±43.2 / 435.8±45.8 / 428.7±43.6
caudate, total volume / 6.6±0.9† / 6.4±1*† / 7±1.1 / 6.8±0.8
thalamus, total volume / 11.6±1.3***†††‡‡‡ / 13.3±1.4† / 14±1.5 / 13.4±1.5
globus pallidus, total volume / 2.3±0.3***†††‡ / 2.5±0.5***††† / 3.1±0.4 / 3±0.3
cerebellar gray matter
total volume / 103.3±8.8 / 92.2±16.3***†††∫∫∫ / 106.8±9.9 / 104.3±9.9
volume of more
affected side / 50.6±4.5 / 45.3±8.1***†††∫∫∫ / 52.5±4.9 / 51.1±4.8
asymmetry index / 4.1±3.4 / 3.8±2.6 / 3.1±2.8 / 4±3.1
cerebellar white matter
total volume / 23.6±3.9*††† / 21±7.2***†††∫ / 27.9±3.4 / 26.2±2.6
volume of more
affected side / 11.2±1.8**†† / 10±3.6***†††∫ / 13.4±1.5 / 12.7±1.2
asymmetry index / 10.5±8.6 / 12.1±14.1**† / 6.9±7.2 / 6.1±5.8
total volume / 8.3±1.1***††† / 7.3±1.6***†††∫∫ / 9.5±1.3 / 9.4±0.9
volume of more
affected side / 4±0.5**(*)††† / 3.4±0.8***†††∫∫∫ / 4.6±0.6 / 4.5±0.5
asymmetry index / 6.5±4.5 / 12.4±10.9***†††∫∫∫ / 5.8±4.3 / 5.8±4.1
midbrain, total volume / 1.7±0.3***†††‡‡‡ / 2.5±0.3**†† / 2.8±0.4 / 2.8±0.4
pons, total volume / 12.4±1.7†† / 10.9±3.2***†††∫∫ / 13.9±1.9 / 13.1±1.3
hippocampus, total volume / 7.4±0.8*† / 7.7±0.9 / 8±0.9 / 7.8±0.7
amygdala, total volume / 2.8±0.4† / 2.9±0.4 / 3±0.5 / 2.9±0.3
3rd ventricle,
total volume / 2.7±0.9***†††‡‡‡ / 1.9±0.8** / 1.8±0.6 / 1.5±0.5
4th ventricle,
total volume / 3±1***††† / 2.8±1**†† / 2.1±0.7 / 2±0.6
putamen/midbrain ratio / 2.53±0.69***††† / 1.36±0.32†††**∫∫∫ / 1.7±0.32 / 1.65±0.2
midbrain/pons ratio / 0.14±0.03***††‡‡‡ / 0.27±0.13†††** / 0.2±0.03 / 0.22±0.03
Values represent the means (±1 SD). Volumes of bilateral located subcortical brain areas were summed up to provide the total volume of the right and left side. The more affected volume was averaged within the patient group. The volumetric asymmetry index was calculated according to the formula:[(a - b)/(a + b)] × 2 × 100, where a and b represent the two different sides of the brain region. 1
Putamen/midbrain index, midbrain/pons index, asymmetry index (cerebellum gray matter, cerebellum white mater, putamen) and ICV were calculated by one-way ANOVA with post hoc LSD correction (least statistical significance).
*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01;***P < 0.001 versus normal controls
†P < 0.05; ††P < 0.01; †††P < 0.001 versus PD
‡P < 0.05;‡‡‡P < 0.001 versus MSA
∫P < 0.05; ∫∫P < 0.01; ∫∫∫P < 0.001versus PSP
1. Zijlmans J, Evans A, Fontes F, et al. [123I] FP-CIT SPECT study in vascular parkinsonism and Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord 2007;22:1278-1285.