5 Wicket Bags
A miniature trophy is awarded for all players who have taken 5 wickets in an innings.
These were achieved by:
Manan Desai Y8/U14 Googlies5-10 & 5-28
Saarim Tasneem U15 B1 White 5-31
Vinnie MacNevin U18A 5-18
James Higgs Y8/U14 Flyers 5-3
Most players in Y-3 - Y.6 teams have little opportunity to score 50 or more runs or take 5 or more wickets because of the playing conditions they play under. While trophies are not presented, names of players in the Y.3 - Y.6 age groups are recorded who have scored 30 or more runs; taken 3 or more wickets in an innings; produced some other exemplary performance the coach feels should be recognised.
30 or more runs
Kahi Wilson Blades30no v Arahoe 11 December 2004
Jordan Trainor Blades30no v WCC Wizards 19 February 2005
Kahi Wilson Blades32no v Laingholm 5 March 2005
Pranil Ranchhod Yorkers33 Ret n.o. v New Windsor All Rounders 19/02/2005
Mitch Cooper Yorkers31 Ret n.o. v SNL Chris Fawkner 12/03/2005
Yukio WilkinsPanthers30 runs
Eric CoillinsDuelmasters30 runs v ERDCC Zoids
Anas PatelDuelmasters36 runs v ERDCC Blades
3 Wicket Bags
Kiran Pattery Blades4/4 v Laingholm 5 March 2005.
Nilay Patel Zoids4/4
Musa PatelPanthers4/10
Samual CurranPanthers 4/12
Yukio WilkinsPanthers4/18
Brett Randell Yorkers3 wickets 4-2-8-3 9/02/2005 v. New Windsor Allrounders
Brett RandellYorkers3 wickets 4-1-9-3 12/03/2005 v. SNL Chris Fawkner
Dwain QuadrosPanthers3/15 & 3/9
Ryan Warring - Panthers
In one of their games, their main wicket keeper got injured and the second WK was away sick. No one wanted to do this job. Ryan, who has never kept wickets in the past, put his hand up. He did a brilliant job and pulled off a marvelous catch to finish off the game.
Ryan showed the exemplary quality of being a Team Player.
2004 / 2005 PRIZEGIVING
Sunday 3 April 2005
Welcome to the 2005 prizegiving for the Junior Section of the Eden-Roskill Cricket Club.
This year our 22 teams playing in Western Districts and Auckland Cricket competitions have performed with distinction, with seven of our teams achieving championship winning performances. Congratulations to the Flippers who have achieved this on 5 consecutive occasions, the U.15 Prem 2’s for a second year in succession, the U.18As, The U.15B1 Blues, the Panthers and the Googlies.
Albeit with some difficulty along the way, we have formed a girls team, the Rosebuds, which we hope will continue and encourage more girls to take part.Thank you to Kym Hornell and Fleur Douglas for their part in this.
The individual performances of distinction were numerous and are listed elsewhere, but notably, this summer has seen four players achieve a century.
To our parents, please remember that every Coach, Team Manager, Committee Member, Scorer, Umpire in our junior club is someone’s parent. Not only is parental support important, but also involvement and commitment. That need for support will never change.
A special thanks to anyone who prepared gear, coached, ran practices, scored, put pads on, or assisted with any of the many tasks that are required during the year.
To our players, today is your day, whether or not you have received a trophy or some special mention. Not only do we celebrate our stars, but also our part in their success. I am sure that those who are being honoured today will remember that without 10 others playing with you, your own success could not be achieved, nor would it be complete.
All of you should look back to your own special moment or period during a match when your were the star. That is one of the great thing about cricket - every player has their golden moment that makes cricket players forget about the times you were bowled for a duck, or were hit all over the ground or dropped a catch.
Congratulations to all our prize-winners today. See you all back next summer.
Chris Voerman
Junior Chairman
A miniature trophy is awarded to players scoring centuries during the 2004 / 05 season .
Vamshi PupalaY7/8 Pumas108 n.o.
Michael Pule U15 Prem 2101 n.o.
Vaidik Raj Y6/7 Panthers101 n.o.
Rakesh Kanji Y8/U14 Flyers100 n.o.
Half Centuries
While trophies are not awarded to batters who scored half centuries, these are notable & worthy of recognition. This benchmark was achieved by:
Chris Dittmer U15 Prem 297Sanjeev SharmaU15 B1 White 78
Josh Krissansen-Totten U15 B1 Blue63 & 89 n.o.
Milan KanjiY7/8 Tigers 78 Pretesh PatelU15 B1 Blue 71
Vishal NaiduU15 B1 White 58,70 & 96Darren GrayY8/U14 Flippers67
Mustapha AbbasY8/U14 Flyers65Rajal ChaudharyU18A63.
Jignesh KeshoorU15 Prem 262Saarim Tasneem U15 B1 White61
Vinnie MacNevinU18A61Akanksh HegdeU15 B1 Blue62
Tushar ChadhaY8/U14 Flippers60 n.o.Harsha VasishtY8/U14 Googlies59 n.o.
Vaidik RajY6/7 Panthers58 n.o.Vemish Sothinathan U18A56
Angad MarwahU18A54Aditya DhadwalY4/5 Zoids53 n.o.
Simon WellsY8/U14 Flippers52 n.o. Munsarim AhmedY5/652 n.o.
Vignesh Krishnamorthy Y4/5 Zoids 52 n.o. James SkipperU15 Prem 251
Sanchut ChopraY7/8 Tigers51Brett RandellY5/6 Yorkers 50 n.o.
Vamshi PupalaY7/8 Pumas50Jaspal singhY7/8 Pumas50
Hat Tricks
A miniature trophy is awarded to players who have taken a “Hat Trick” - 3 wickets with three consecutive balls in a match during the season.
Joel SathuluriU15B1 Blue 4-5 Arjun BhatU15 Prem 2 6-6
Darshan LakshmanaY5/6 Yorkers 3-3 Musa PatelY6/7 Panthers 3-2
Cameron ProctorY8/U14 GoogliesHat-trick
6 Wicket Bags
A miniature trophy is awarded to all players who have taken 6 or more wickets in an innings.
Arjun Bhat U15 Prem 2 5-17 & 6-6Pretesh Patel U15 B1 Blue 6-14
Vishal Sharma U18A 6-14 & 6-25Mustapha Abbas Y8/U14 Flyers 5-27 & 6-19
Josh Krissansen-Totten U15 B1 Blue 5-9 & 6-25
U.18 Awards
These are awarded to the member of any U.18 Team who has produced the best overall performance during 2003/04 in the categories of batting, & bowling. Winners for 2003 / 04 are:
Batting:Vemish SothinathanU.18A
Bowling:Vinnie MacNevinU.18A
Carters Cup
The “Carters Cup” was presented to the Club by Carter Holt Harvey Ltd to be awarded to a team that produces a meritorious performance over the season in adverse or special circumstances. Winners for 2004 / 05 are:
ER Y7/8 Pumas (Coached by Mohamed Patel)
Despite not having the benefit of a coach at the start of the season this team of boys and willing parents have turned their season around after Christmas and are unbeaten in the 2005 season.
Jan Veart Memorial Shield
The “Jan Veart Memorial Shield” was presented to the Club by the family of the late Jan Veart’ a former long-serving junior Chairperson of the Club and stalwart of the club’ to be awarded to a Junior team that performs with distinction during a season. Winners for 2004 / 05 are:
Joint winners-: U14 Flipper / U15 B1 Blue / U15 Prem. 2 and U18A.
Each of these four teams won their Auckland Cricket Association Championships. The joint winning of the Jan Veart Memorial Shield recognises the fantastic achievement of the U14 to U18 teams in dominating the ACA Junior grades.
Chairmans Cup
The “Chairmans Cup” was presented to the Junior Club by the Eden-Roskill Cricket Club.
This trophy is awarded at the Chairpersons discretion to a coach or parent attached to any Eden-Roskill Junior team who has produced an exemplary overall performance or contribution to the club or their team during 2004/2005, but also taking into account earlier contributions. i.e. the most recent year may be the culmination of previous years work or contribution. The recipient for 2004 / 05 is:
Robyn Dyson
Robyn has supported the team that is currently our U.15B1 Blue and has kept the scorebook for this squad of players for over five years. During this time, she has never declined when asked(invariably every week) to act as scorer. If more parents were like Robyn, club cricketthroughout New Zealand, let alone at Eden-Roskill, would be in better shape.
ER MILO SQUAD (Coach: Wayne McDougall)
ER DUELMASTERS (Coach: Geoff Abbott)
The Season has been a tremendous one for development with all players new to cricket in October 2004.
We started 2005 with a change in half the players as our younger players stayed back with Crushgears in the action grade while their older players’ joined us in a move to the Junior Grade, playing 25 over I day games. It is important to note that the majority of the new team consisted of year 4 boys while this grade predominantly consists of players in years 5 & 6
Player development all round has been amazing and I wish all the best for next season. You all have the ability to go on to greater heights. Keep up your team spirit and sportsmanship
The team played 6 games in the new grade for two wins and lost four games (although 2 losses were by a very close margin)
Players were: Eric Collins, Fraser Ellis, Murtaza Haidermota, Peter Horner, Bhavish Kapadia, Anas Patel, Karan Patel, Neeraj Reddy, Shaneil Sharma , Jaymesh Tailor.and Rohit Rayapeddi (played 2 games only.)
Thanks also to Parents who supported the boys at games and by coming along to practice. Special thanks to Tim Ellis and David Horner, two of an overall very supportive group of parents, who have put in a lot of effort in assisting.
ER INCREDIBLES (Coach: Wayne McDougall)
ER CRUSHGEARS (Coach: Bharat Mehta)
Another positive year for the Crushgears. The older members of last years Crushgears team were merged with the older members of the Duelmasters team to form a new team. The younger members of Dualmasters came down to the Crushgears. The new team gelled pretty quickly and we completed the season with more wins than losses.
Every player improved during the season and they gained confidence as the season progressed.
Special mention goes to:
Joshua Bogun, for his excellent and consistent batting throughout the season.
Kavin Natali – our best all-round performer.
Abhay Vaidya for his bowling and fielding.
Andrew Tea – our most improved player & keeper.
This team will certainly improve next year if they stick together.
Thanks also to Kiran Natali, our team manager. Thanks for communicating with parents and the club with regards to weekly draws and match results.
Bharat Mehta
ER BLADES (Coach: Malcolm Campbell)
2004 / 05 has been another good season for the Blades. Several members of the team were in their third season with the club, and we welcomed a number of newcomers who made good contributions. The Blades really hit their straps right towards the end of the season, and it’s a pity Easter came so early to put an end to our run of good form.
The hallmark of the season was the improvement in the players’ skills. Batting became much more reliable, all of the players exhibiting a wider range of shots and backing up their strokes with more power. The team also became a more consistent outfit in the field, with the emergence of several promising bowlers and better ground fielding and catching.
The achievements of this year are due in no small part to the tremendous parental support the team enjoyed. All our parents showed encouragement towards every team member, a precious commodity in children’s sport. There were always many willing hands at practice and on Saturdays—I would like to express the team’s thanks to Richard Lawrence, Joe Wilson and Philip van der Klift in particular for help with training, scoring and umpiring. But the outstanding contributors were the players themselves—their friendships, commitment to practice and enthusiasm on match day. It has been a privilege to be involved with the team.
Cricketer of the Year
Trophies are awarded in each of the age groups to the player considered by the coaches of those teams within each age group to be the best player in that age group for 2004 / 05.
While statistical performance represents the major component in considering the winner, attitude, commitment, sportsmanship and contribution to the team as whole is taken into account. This year the trophies to be awarded are:
Downie CupPritaam SikkaMilo Squad
Edna Rose MemorialEric CollinsER Duelmasters
Gordon & Gotch CupAditya DhadwalER Zoids
Danske Mobler ShieldBrett RandellER Yorkers
Phil Goff CupVaidik RajER Panthers
Fickling CupSanchut ChopraER Tigers
McNaughton CupDarren GrayER Y8/U.14 Flippers
Portage CupJosh Krissansen-TottenU.15B1 Blue
Richard Bell Mem. TrophyRajal Chaudhary U.18A
This trophy has been presented by Tyco Electronics to be awarded to the player in any Year 3 to Year 6 team that is considered to be Junior Batter of the year and Junior Bowler of the year: This year these are Awarded to:
Junior Batter of the Year:Vaidik RajER Panthers
Junior Bowler of the Year:Shyam Mehta & Brett RandellER Yorkers
Garth Ballantyne Trophies
The “Garth Ballantyne Trophies” are awarded to the member of any U.15 Team who has produced the best overall performance during 2004/2005 in the categories of batting, bowling & fielding (inc. wicket keeping). Winners for 2004 / 05 are:
Batting:Chris DittmerU.15 Prem 2
Bowling:Arjun BhatU.15 Prem 2
Fielding:Jignesh KeshoorU.15 Prem 2
Team Awards
Awards are presented to a player in each team, for “Best Team Player” & “Most Improved Player”. This year the recipients are:
Team / Best Team Player / Most Improved PlayerMilo
/ Pritaam Sikka / Mark LawrenceDuelmasters
/ Eric Collins / Shaneil SharmaIncredibles
/ Wynard Claassens /Sagar Patel
Crushgears / Kavin Natali / Andrew TeaBlades
/ Andrew Jackson / Jordan TrainorBouncers
/Naman Bhasin
/ Deepak RajaniYu-Gi-Ohs /
Rugved Deshpande
/ Gavin PooleZoids
/ Vignesh Krishnamorthy / Joseph ConnellyDragonballz /
Harshae Raniga
/Darryn Ferdis
/ Tori Higgs /Kate Hughes
Yorkers /Shyam Mehta
/ Mitch CooperPanthers
/ Vaidik Raj / Musa PatelLions
/ Hamish Kumar / Vineet ChauhanTigers /
Aniket Joshi
/ Dheeraj GopalakrishnanPumas /
Asif Patel
/ Mehvish KaziFlippers /
Simon Wells
/ Andrew VoermanFlyers /
James Higgs
/ Rahesh KanjiGooglies / Manan Desai / Ryan McNeil
U.15 B1 White / Saarim Tasneem /
Sanjeev Sharma
U.15 B1 Bl;ue /Josh Krissanson-Totten
/ Pretesh PatelU.15 Prem. 2 / Chris Dittmer / Arjun Bhat
U.18A / Angad Marwah / Vishal Sharma
If any performance has been overlooked, please accept our apologies. We rely on coaches to provide this information and we try our best to get it right.
ER ZOIDS (Coach: Pravin Patel)
This is the second year for me as the coach of the Zoids. It started with a surprise for the team selection for the Zoids. With a few players, playing cricket for the first time and starting to teach them from the scratch it was indeed a challenge. But on a positive side with some good players still in the team we started with a win. The weather God was not very kind before Xmas but we remained UNBEATEN from November 2004 to December 2005. That was very satisfying. In the new year, the boys started playing Junior 1 Day game for first time. It was a big step for them because that was their very first LOSS. But then they learnt the concept of the game and the winning mode came back. So from November 2004 to 12/03/05 we have only LOST ONE game.
This year was not a very happy year as coach because some of the parents questioning every thing you do and no matter how much you do they are still not happy. But on a very positive side the majority of the parents were very supportive. I must take this opportunity to thanks those parents who have helped a lot without any expectation. The boys played well together.
ER YU-GI-OHS (Coach: Ajit Pinto)
This year the Yu-gi-ohs team performance was quite good. We played a total of 10 Matches. Won 6and lost 4.The Thursday evening practices has helped a lot as the emphasis was on all round performance batting, bowling, fielding & wicket-keeping. The team has jelled well and there has been a lot of encouragement, enthusiasm and team spirit leading up to excellent team work. The boys have now improved in bowling to the full length of the pitch and not more than the two bounces as per the new rules. Even the players who initially struggled with bowling full length have bagged a couple of wickets. Our all round performance has been very good and we could have done better if not for some silly run outs. In two of the matches the batting excelled, as we did not loose a single wicket. In fact, the entire team Retired at the 25 overs. Well Done!. Team Yu-gi-Ohs. Keep up the good work.
I also take this opportunity to especially thank the Parents for the support at practices and the Saturday matches. Special Thanks to Tony Poole for doing a wonderful job with the score book. Thanks to Ashish and Paul for Umpiring and helping out in my absence. A special Thanks to the Organizers and committee of the ERDCC for all the hard work put in to make this season a great success.
Ajit Pinto
ER BOUNCERS (Coach: Ajay Bhasin)
2004/05 has been a learning season for the Bouncers. Most members of the team were players in their first season with the club, and we welcomed back several old members who made outstanding contributions. The Bouncers could not play after Christmas due to lack of alternative arrangement for Coach, in the absence of Ajay, as he was not well.