Charles P. Allen High School

670 Rocky Lake Dr., Bedford, NS B4A 2T6
Tel: (902) 832-8964 ex. 755

Learning Strategies 11 – Semester I

Teacher: Ms. Daniele (Room 215)


Extra Help: Day 1 at lunch

September 2009

Learning Strategies 11 is designed to serve students from added construction in literacy, numeric and organizational issues. LST 11 focuses on the development of skills and strategies essential for success in learning at the high school level. The overall objective of the course is to provide the student with the skills necessary to work to the best of his/her ability throughout the remainder of senior high and on into post-secondary education. To do this, students will be expected to be active participants in their own learning in order to develop the necessary skills to be successful lifelong learners.

Course Learning Outcomes

Students will be investigating the following course outcomes and are expected to meet these outcomes associated with each unit by the end of the semester:

The following a small excerpt of the learning outcomes. Please refer to Ms. Daniele’s website for complete list of outcomes.

GCO 1: Students will be expected to identify their own learning styles and preferences and apply this knowledge in a variety of learning situations

GCO #2: Students will be expected to use time management and other study strategies to support their learning

GCO#6: Students will apply reading strategies and the process of inquiry to critically analyze text for research purposes.

GCO#8: Students will apply strategies to write for a variety of purposes.

GCO#9: Students will develop and apply effective strategies for exam and test taking.

Topics covered may include: (changes may occur depending on specific learning needs and climate):

- organization & time management - communication skills

- homework & study skills - goal setting

- reading & writing strategies - assistive technology

- math strategies - test & exam preparation

- learning styles - role/responsibility of a good student

- time management - techniques to help one learn

- note-taking

Class Requirements:

Students will be expected to have the following with them for each class:

ü  3-Ring Binder and Loose-leaf

ü  Pens, Pencils and Erasers (all hand-written assignments will be completed in blue or black ink)

ü  Highlighter

ü  Colored Pencils

ü  Duotang

ü  USB Drive

ü  Password for school computer network

ü  Active school email account

Classroom Expectations:

1.  All electronic devices are prohibited (cell phones, MP3 players, ipods, etc…). They will be

taken away and brought to the main office for a parent to pick up.

2.  No hats, jackets or book bags/purses are allowed in the classroom. You will have to use your locker!

3.  Food and Drinks are prohibited in the classroom. Bottled water is permitted.

4.  As CPA is a Scent-Sensitive Environment, please respect this policy while in the school and classroom.

5.  Respect each other, the teacher, and your class environment.

Student Assessment and Evaluation:

This course will involve multiple modes of instruction and assessment. To ensure every student has the opportunity to learn and attain the above outcomes, students will be provided with various learning and assessment alternatives throughout the semester.

Total Semester Course Work will be given a mark out of 100%, which equals 70% of the final mark. The final process evaluation will be given a mark out of 100%, which equals 30% of the final mark.

An Interim mark will be given approximately half way through the semester to indicate the student’s achievement to date. I would like to welcome you to Learning Strategies 11, and I wish you much academic success throughout the up-coming semester. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me on any occasion. Good Luck!

*The semester course work is assessed as follows:

Study Guide 10%

Assignments 30%

Portfolio 20%

Tests 20%

Quizzes 10%

Binder checks 5%

Calendar/agenda checks 5%

Final process evaluation 30%

*The assessment outline is subject to change according to the strengths and needs of the class. Changes will be relayed to the class before assessment and posted on the website.

Student Responsibilities:

1.  Attendance in all classes is mandatory due to the large amount of work that needs to be covered in a shorter period of time. When you miss class it is your responsibility to get the material missed. If you miss a video you will be required to view it at lunch the following day. A parent or guardian must call the school to excuse your absence [832-8970]. If you miss 13 classes, you will be withdrawn from the course—see your agenda for the specific details of this policy.

2.  Tardiness may also lead to academic hardships. Students are asked to be on time for class. Those showing up late should make minimal disruption when entering. Students who are late must go to the office and obtain a late slip before they are permitted to class.

3.  Students should take ownership in ensuring they complete any evaluation they missed through absenteeism. This should be done on the student’s own time.

4.  All assignments passed in for evaluation are expected to follow guidelines outlined in class.

5.  All assignments are expected at the beginning of the period for which they are assigned. Anything passed in after this point will be considered late. Late assignments and projects will not be assessed unless accompanied by an excused absence.

6.  Students must be punctual about meeting specific due dates. Curriculum outcomes may not be met if assignments are late or not passed in.

7.  The turn over rate for assignments is usually one week, depending on the type of assignment. Once assignments that were in on time are returned no other assignments will be accepted. A mark of zero will be recorded.

8.  If you miss a class, you are expected to go to my web site

( and see what you missed under daily

agenda. You will be expected to have completed all homework assignments or be

prepared for a quiz the following day.

- If you know you will be absent for a class, you must inform me ASAP, as all assignments/tests or quizzes will be due BEFORE you leave for a vacation!

9. When a test or quiz is missed due to a valid excuse, the student should be prepared

write the test or quiz at lunch or after school the day of his/her return with an

excused absence recorded in guidance.

10.  Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any students found plagiarizing will receive zero, a phone call home, and a referral to the office. This is a serious offence.