SecondSunday in Lent
March12, 2017 ~ 10am
If you need hearing assistance, an Usher can provide you with a hearing device.
Please stand as you are able.
Gathering Greeting
PRELUDE Air from Orchestral Suite No. 3, BWV 1068 Bach
CHORAL INTROIT O Come and Mourn Lloyd Pfautsch
Lifting up our commitment to each other, our community and the world
and asking God's blessing on our mission and ministry.
Please register your attendance by writing your name, phone number, address&/or e-mail address on the pads hanging at the outside ends of each pew.
PRAISE IN SONG We Are God’s People TFWS 2220
I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry TFWS 2051
Leader: Come, all who need help!
People:Our help comes from God,
the one who made heavenand earth.
Leader: Come, all who desire blessing!
People:Our blessing comes from God, the God of Abraham,
theGod of the ages.
Leader: Come, all who long for salvation!
People: Our salvation comes from Jesus Christ,
the one sent byGod to offer salvation to the world.
HYMNOFPRAISE Wash,OGod,OurSonsand Daughters UMH605
OPENING PRAYER(seated and in unison)
Gracious and glorious Lord,
we come, as did Nicodemus,
with questions on our hearts and in our lives.
We come hoping someone can help us
find answers and healing.
But we are also hardened with doubts
about self, others, and even you.
Grant us healing and openness to your spirit
that we may be better servants
of your Word, your Will, and your Way.
In Jesus’ Name we pray.
CHOIR ANTHEM Jesus, Lover of My Soul C. Wesley/M.K. Beall
Children’s TIME Like a Child TFWS 2092
Like a child love would send to reveal and to mend
like a child and a friend, Jesus comes.
Like a child we may find claiming heart, soul, and mind,
like a child strong and kind, Jesus comes.
Proclamation Response
PSALM Psalm 121, with sung response #2 UMH 844
HOLY SCRIPTUREJohn 3:1-17 NewTestament, p.86
SERMON Born into Love Pastor Carol
Hymn Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness TFWS 2120
Prayers Of The People ◊ Silent Prayer
After the prayers have been lifted up by the people there will be a time
of silence for meditationfollowed by singing of the prayer response.
O let the Son of God enfold youwith his Spirit and his love.
Let him fill your heart and satisfy your soul.
O let him have the things that hold you,and his Spirit like a dove
will descend upon your life and make you whole.
Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill your lambs.
Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill your lambs.
Guided Prayer ◊ Lord’s Prayer (Umh #895)
Offering ◊ Presentation Of Offerings
OFFERTORY Lístekodvanutý Janáček
DOXOLOGY Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
(UMH #94)praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source of all our gifts!
Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Sending Forth
CLOSING HYMN Living for Jesus TFWS 2149
POSTLUDE Pièce enfantineSibelius
You are invited to be seated & listen to the Postlude, or you may leave quietly.
Call to Worshipby Laura Jaquith Bartlett, ministrymatters.com, used by permission
Opening Prayer by Nancy Townley, ministrymatters.com, used by permission
open hearts
open minds The people of The United Methodist ChurchTM
open doors
Haller Lake United Methodist Church
Ministry: The Congregation of HLUMCPastor: Rev. Carol Mariano
13055 First Avenue NortheastAssociate Pastor,Director of Faith
Seattle, Washington 98125 Community Development:PastorVangie Rand
206-362-5383, Music Director: Dan Shelhamer
Accompanist: Hannah Matsuda
Office Manager: Marni Wiebe Keogh Lay Leader: Michelle Manis
Nursery Caregiver:Carolyn Phillips