Reaching Those We Currently Don’t: 20s – 40s
The Diocesan Goals of ‘Reach’, ‘Grow’ & ‘Sustain’
During 2017, following the Diocesan Roadshows in 2016, the Diocesan Synod approved the adoption of the following three goals for our diocese:
- Reaching Those We Currently Don’t
- Moving To Growth
- Establishing Sustainable Finances
The ‘Reach’ Goal has two elements – reaching those in their 20s – 40s, and People in Poverty. There is clearly some overlap between these (many of our parishes with the highest numbers of 20s – 40s are the most deprived) but also distinct areas of mission too.The age profile of our churches is rising steadily. We rejoice that there are some places where this is not the case but in most benefices a significant new approach is needed to reach those in their 20s – 40s. We are being called to make bold and faith-filled decisions as we look to address our aging profile and reach those we currently don’t.
This document sets out the thinking so far on reaching 20s -40s; it is still very much a ‘work in progress’ but, hopefully, gives you a sense of the direction being taken. We envisage 2018 being largely a year of preparation and we will then be looking to encourage each benefice and deanery to consider how they might respond to the challenge of reaching and discipling 20s – 40s.
If you wish to offer any reflections, please do be in touch with me.
Andy Broom
Archdeacon of the East Riding
The Vision to Reach 20s – 40s
Our vision is to see every benefice finding ways to reach the 20s – 40s and enabling those who are reached to grow as disciples of Christ.
The challenge is increasingly obvious with many churches having few or no people in this age group. Whilst it must be remembered that many 20s – 40s are single and/or have no children, this is the primary age range for those who are parents with children at home and so the ability to engage with children and young people will often be important.
Whilst all benefices will be encouraged to fulfil this vision it is recognised that a few benefices may not be able to engage meaningfully with this goal yet, and that there may be some with relatively low numbers of 20s – 40s who would be better placed focussing on reaching those aged over 50. It is hoped, though, that deanery initiatives will occur which will enable all benefices to contribute in some way towards this goal.
Moving from Vision to Strategy
The strategy being proposed has five distinct approaches which aim to complement one another and alongside there are three ‘core supports’ which will aid effective implementation. We trust that, through these, the Holy Spirit willwork in many different and various ways and as a result we would also hope to see the wider diocesan ethos and culture being changed and would expect this to prompt fresh missional energy leading to new disciples being made beyond simply the 20s – 40s.
It is generally recognised that many 20s – 40s are open to spirituality in its widest sense but that an increasing disconnection exists with the Church, and that this ‘cultural gap’ is becoming ever wider. Any attempt to reach this age group must be strongly contextual, with no simple template being applied. However, there are likely to be some consistent factors:
- Clear and intentional activities / approach focussed on 20s - 40s
- An emphasis on belonging, often with an inter-generational approach to worship
- Sundays and church buildings may not be essential components
- Discipleship and transformation will be the goal
Fresh Funding and Learning Together
The Church Commissioners are changing the way they fund dioceses as they reduce their present grant to dioceses over the next 10 years. However, they are also offering significant investment for new missional initiatives which have the clear intention of bringing about numerical growth. This is exciting and, with some match funding from ourselves, we aim to fund a number of new posts and provide new resources and support for our churches.
However, such funding alone over five years will not see the goal to Reach 20s – 40s fulfilled. TheDiocese, therefore, must be strategic in how we use this investment to ‘kick-start’ a wider change and ensure that we maximise our learning together on how to most effectively reach and disciple this age group. The new posts will deliberately be placed in a variety of locations to encourage this and all the new posts will protect some time to share their insights and learning with others. It is hoped that over the next five years the diocesan ethos and culture will be significantly affected with individuals, churches, benefices and deaneries envisioned to re-focus their ministries with this goal in mind.
The Five Approaches
- A Toolbox for Reaching 20s – 40s
This will involve a variety of resources, ideas and insights that any benefice or individual church may use, being easily accessible from a new website. It will be regularly updated with local and national experiences, with an emphasis on social media resources. This will equip those reaching 20s – 40sand encourage them to join existing congregations or lead to the creation of new congregations / communities (see 2 below).
- Establishing New Worshipping Congregations / Communities
Evidence from elsewhere suggests that often creating new congregations / communities for 20s – 40s is significant in creating an environment where they can belong and begin to explore faith and discipleship. Sometimes these are referred to as ‘Fresh Expressions of Church’ and a recent survey showed that our Diocese has a very low number of them.
Every benefice would be encouraged to create at least one new worshipping congregation / community. As many in this age group will travel for events it ispossible to envisage something new in a benefice or deanerywhich is supported by a number of local churches. Interestingly, in other parts of the country these are often led by lay members of churches.
- New Ministerial Roles
- 20s – 40s Ministers: 12 full time stipendiary posts(open to clergy & licensed lay workers)
They will be tasked with reaching and discipling 20s – 40s and so create at least one substantial worshipping and discipling community. These posts will be focussed on distinct areas which will include:
(i)Urban Deprived Areas: a disproportionate number of 20s – 40s live here
(ii)New Housing Areas: there are significant new housing estates being built
(iii)Existing Large Estates: there are some substantialhousing estates where the local parish has lacked resources to engage meaningfully
(iv)Specific Demographics: for instance, those in 20s – early 30s and without families, probably in student areas
Discerning Where to Place 20s – 40s Ministers
Many criteria will need to be considered, with benefices, deaneries and the Archbishop’s Leadership Team all being consulted. There are many factors:
- Census figures indicating places of high numbers of 20-40s
- A wide variety of locations to enable shared learning across the Diocese
- A variety of church communities and traditions to enable shared learning
- Parishes & deaneries who are supportive and have the potential for a team
Offering Support to Other Churches
Each of the 20s – 40s Minsters would devote 10% of their time to support other churches / deaneries in using the Tool Box. We are exploring whether some, say two or three, of the roles might have a higher proportion of their role given over to enabling churches / deaneries to reach 20s – 40s, possibly as much as 50% of their time.
- 20s – 40s Ministers : 25 part time posts
In many contexts there are lay people with the necessary gifts to create new communities / congregations and they will already have the connections and vision but may lack the time and resources. This is especially true in some urban areas and the experience of other dioceses suggests that this will be the case elsewhere. Funding will be available to enable up to 25 people to be employed for 8 hours a week, with individual churches applying for this.
- Deanery Initiatives
Each deanery will be encouraged to consider how they can contribute towards this diocesan goal through a particular initiative which may be better run by them than an individual benefice. Over time they will also be encouraged to consider whether any stipendiary roles, or elements of them, could be re-focussed on meeting this goal.
- The Belfrey
St Michael le Belfrey is a well-resourced church with a desire to supportthe ministry of the Diocese beyond their own parish. We areexploring how their insights and resources can be shared, to what extent they can be a training / placement hub for others, and how theirdesire toenable church planting into places of recognised opportunitymight beharnessed appropriately.It is envisaged other churches could develop wider ministries in this way.
‘The Three Core Supports’
It is important that this new emphasis on reaching 20s – 40s has the full support of the wider diocesan culture and resources. The following have been identified as particularly significant:
- Cultural Change: a deepening culture of permission giving, faith and risk-taking, where
the sharing of learning, experiences and insights is the norm and the diocesan goals shape and inform all our decision making.
- Ministry, Training & Vocations: our approach to the discernment of vocations, the formation, training and appointment of ministers, and the resourcing and equipping of them must be shaped by this goal. This applies equally to lay and ordained ministries.
- Oversight & Support of the Goal: the direction of these new ministries requires oversight, the Toolbox must be developed and it is vital that we share our learning. We must decide how this is done and whether any new posts are required to enable this.
Going forwards with faith and courage . . .
The Diocesan Roadshows in 2016 revealed very clearly that the mind of the Diocese agreedthat we must find fresh ways to reach those in their 20s – 40s, and their children when they have them. We are now at a stage where we are being called together to explore how best this can be done. This year, 2018, is being largely given over to making the necessary preparations – what you have read above outlines the current direction, almost certainly this will be developed, please do pray for all involved.
The timescale for the year looks like this:
Stage 1 for our application to the Church Commissioners has to be completed by 27th April and, assuming we are approved, Stage 2,which involvesconsiderable detail, has to be submitted by 2nd November. The extent of the detail required for Stage 2 means that new appointments could begin in early 2019 and we should have resources in place to encourage and support every benefice going forwards during that year.
Once we know we have been successful at Stage 1 we will begin to communicate in more detail with the whole Diocesebut we are keen for you to be aware of this significant direction now – please pray for this development across the Diocese but also in your own benefice as you begin to consider how your approach to reaching and discipling 20s – 40s can be developed; what could it mean for you and your benefice?
As Joshua prepared to cross the Jordan God encouraged him ‘to be strong and courageous’ – so let us look forward with faith and courage as we commit ourselves to reaching those we currently don’t and embracing the change that will inevitably be involved.