Attachment 4:Budget
The total budget for this Program is estimated to be $560,998. The requested grant funding from DWR is $294,125. Cost share will be provided by West Basin and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, through both in-kind and cash contributions equaling $266,873.
Table 8. Budget TableLine Item / Requested Grant Funding / Cost Share / Total
Personnel Services
West Basin Staff (Administration) / $21,748 / $21,748
West Basin Staff (Proposal Monitoring Plan) / $10,000 / $10,000
Subtotal / $31,748 / $31,748
Land/Easement Acquisition / n/a / n/a / n/a
Grantee Expenses / n/a / n/a / n/a
Pre-Rinse Spray Valve / $16,000 / $16,000
Flow Restrictors / $5,000 / $5,000 / $10,000
Air-Cooled Ice Machine / $180,000 / $150,000 / $330,000
Subtotal / $201,000 / $155,000 / $356,000
Professional and Consultant Services
Administration (Vendor/ SBESC) / $5,625 / $8,400 / $14,025
Kitchen Surveys (Vendor / SBESC) / $22,500 / $61,725 / $84,225
Ice Machine Installations (Vendor) / $45,000 / $45,000
PRSV & Flow Restrictor Installations (Vendor) / $20,000 / $20,000
Subtotal / $93,125 / $70,125 / $163,250
Construction/Implementation Costs / n/a / n/a / n/a
TOTAL / $294,125 / $256,873 / $550,998
Budget Narrative
Personnel Services – West Basin Staff (Administration)
Salary & Fringe Benefits ($31,747.95)
Mr. Jeremiah Shea, West Basin’s Water ResourcesAnalyst, will manage and implement the Program along with managerial support from Mr. Gus Meza, West Basin’s Senior Water Efficiency Specialist. The budget for administering and managingthe Project is $31,747.95for a two year period. This cost includes the salary and fringe benefits based on an estimated 1% (20 hours per year) of the Sr. Water Efficiency Specialist’s time devoted to the Project, and an estimated 5% (104hours per year) of the Water Resource Analyst’s time devoted to the management of this Project. For FY16-17, West Basin has budgeted fringe benefits at 90% of salaries, and indirect labor is calculated as 76.26% of direct labor.Over a 2 year period of Project implementation, the total cost of salary and fringe benefits devoted to the project by West Basin staff is calculated as follows:
[$35/hour] x [104 hours per year] x [1.7626] x [1.9] x 2 years=$24,380.28
[$55/hour] x [40 hours per year] x [1.7626] x [1.9] x 2 years=$7,367.67
Total In-Kind Contributions=$31,747.95
The total salary and fringe benefits provided as in-kind contribution to this Project by West Basin staff over the 2 year Project implementation period is therefore $31,747.95. It’s estimated that development of the proposal monitoring plan will require approximately 1/3 of this time, or $10,000, while the remainder ($21,748) will be required for administration.
Land / Easement Acquisitions ($0)
There are no land or easement acquisition costs associated with this Project.
Grantee Expenses($0)
There are no grantee expenses associated with this Project.
Equipment ($356,000)
The total cost of the equipment is $360,000. The cost share provided by West Basin and its partners is $155,000 and DWR would provide $205,000.
Device / Quantity / Unit Cost / Total CostFaucet Flow Restrictors / Plumbing Flow Control Valves (0.5 gpm) / 1,000 / $10 each / $10,000
Pre-Rinse Spray Valve (1.1 gpm) / 400 / $40 each / $16,000
Air-Cooled Ice Machine / 150 / $2,200 each / $330,000
Total / $356,000
Faucet Flow Restrictors ($10,000)
Through this Project, West Basin will procureone thousand (1,000) faucet flow restrictors / plumbing flow control valves rated at 0.5 gallons per minute flow. Flow restrictors are devices which are installed underneath sinks, in-line with the existing plumbing infrastructure, in order to reduce the flow being delivered to each sink faucet. Two flow restrictors are installed at each sink faucet, one for hot water and another for the cold water. The typical cost of purchasing flow restrictors from manufacturers is approximately $20 for two (2) flow restrictors ($10/each). The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) currently offers a commercial rebate of $5 per flow restrictor purchased, which is accessible by West Basin through MWD’s member agency allocation funding for conservation programs. West Basin is requesting additional grant funding of up to $5 per flow restrictor from DWR in order to cover the full retail cost of $10 per device. West Basin has purchased, and continues to use, these devices for the ongoing iteration of its Cash for Kitchens program, and therefore West Basin staff is familiar with the pricing of the devices from vendors. Price breaks have been offered to West Basin previously for bulk orders of Flow Restrictor devices, and so the unit cost of each device may be decreased further depending upon the vendor’s discount availability.
Pre-Rinse Spray Valves ($16,000)
West Basin will procure four hundred (400) Pre-Rinse Spray Valves rated at 1.1 gallons per minute through this Project; these will be directly installed at institutional kitchen facilities in order to replace existing, inefficient devices which use more water. A centerpiece in any kitchen, the pre-rinse spray valve, is used to rinse food debris off of dishes before they are washed in dish basins. Pre-rinse spray valves, or PRSVs, are used extensively in restaurants and kitchens, and can account for large amounts of water and energy use throughout the day. West Basin plans to purchase these devices with the assistance of the DWR grant funding in order to directly install the devices in the institutional kitchens that participate in the kitchen survey and subsequent direct installation portion of the proposed Program. West Basin has experience procuring these devices from vendors, and is familiar with the price per unit of the low-flow PRSVs that are warranted by this conservation program (1.1gpm).
West Basin staff has already received a preliminary quote for an order of 400 PRSVs (Exhibit A) to demonstrate the feasibility of purchasing these devices at an affordable price for the program. The vendor,, priced each PRSV at $31.77 per device, which is less than the estimates below, which are based on retail pricing, and although this specific quote is only valid through February 8, 2017, West Basin would like to demonstrate their ability to procure the devices at a favorable discount. The typical retail cost of purchasing low-flow PRSVs is around $40 per device, therefore West Basin is requesting $16,000 in funding from DWR to purchase 400 devices at a conservative, estimated price of $40 per unit. Retail pricing examples are provided below from two different distributors:
PRSV Retail Pricing Example 1 ($48 / unit)
PRSV Retail Pricing Example 2 ($35.25 / unit)
Air-Cooled Ice Machines ($330,000)
West Basin will procure 150Air-Cooled Ice Machines for direct installation at institutional kitchen sites following theirparticipation in the Cash for Kitchens survey. West Basin willutilize its partnership with MWD to be reimbursed $1,000 per ice machine by MWD through West Basin’s member agency allocation of conservation funding. West Basin is requesting an additional $1,200 per ice machine from DWR through the Water-Energy Grant program in order to completely cover the anticipated cost ($2,200, the estimated average price per machine)of air-cooled ice machine equipment for direct installation. Ice machines are typically found in one of two styles: the “undercounter” models, which are smaller and fit underneath bar counters and other areas; or the larger, standalone ice-making head plus storage bin models. Commercial air-cooled ice machines range in price depending on the size and model type, from the low end of$1,700 for a small, undercounter unit; the larger ice-making heads (which can be retrofitted onto existing bins), can be purchased for $2,500. The average price of $2,200 per unit was derived from the estimated 80 installations of under-the-counter units, and 70 installations of standalone units, while still allowing for price and model variance depending on the existing ice machines that need to be replaced in the facilities encountered through the Program (i.e. more ice-making head models encountered than the cheaper,undercounter models):
[(80/150) x $1,700] + [(70/150) x $2,500] = $2,073
West Basin is requesting $180,000 in funding from DWR to purchase 150 air-cooled ice machines at an estimated average price of $2,200 per unit. The MWD will provide $150,000 in cost share funding for these devices through the member agency allocation of conservation funding provided to West Basin. Retail pricing examples are provided below for both types of ice machines being considered for this Program:
Ice Machine Pricing Example 1 ($1,766 / unit)
Ice Machine Pricing Example 2 ($2,434 / unit)
Professional and Consultant Services ($168,250)
West Basin has budgeted $168,250 for professional and consultant services. These services include $24,025 for vendor administration costs, $84,225 for institutional kitchen audits/surveys, and $60,000 for the direct installation of devices.
West Basin’s ongoing partnership with the South Bay Environmental Services Center allocates $21,000 annually toward the existing Cash for Kitchens Program ($42,000 total over the proposed 2-year Project lifetime); approximately 80% of this funding is for kitchen audits/surveys ($33,600), and the remaining 20% is dedicated to Program administrative tasks ($8,400). These amounts will be provided as a cost share for the Kitchen Surveys and Vendor Administration Tasks, respectively.
Vendor Administration ($24,025)
West Basin will hire a qualified vendor through a competitive bid process, to administer and manage the proposed Project. Administration costs for the selected vendor are designed to encompass all database management, customer outreach and marketing, scheduling, and implementation. The total budget for vendor administration is $14,025 for this Program; $8,400 of this budget will be provided by West Basin for the SBESC administrative services, which will include coordinating surveys, scheduling surveys and device installations, and managing the Program database with the selected vendor and the West Basin Program manager. West Basin is requesting the remaining $5,625 for this budget from DWR in the form of grant funding.
Kitchen Surveys ($84,225)
The budget for conducting the 225 kitchen surveys is $84,225. SBESC’s task for the kitchen survey portion of the Program will total $33,600 to conduct 90 kitchen surveys over the 2-year program timeline (45 surveys per year, as stated in the existing West Basin-SBESC funding agreement). West Basin will provide $28,125 for costs incurred by the selected vendor to conduct the remaining 135 kitchen surveys. West Basin is requesting additional funding from DWR through this Water-Energy grant program in the amount of $22,500 to pay the vendor for these 135 kitchen surveys. Based on previous experience with the C4K program, the unit price per survey is anticipated to be $375. The cost per survey of both SBESC- and vendor-conducted surveys is calculated below:
[$33,600 SBESC survey budget] / [90 surveys] = [$373.33 per survey]
[$50,625 vendor survey budget] / [135 surveys] = [$375 per survey]
Ice Machine Installations ($45,000)
The C4K Program budget for installing 150 water and energy efficient, air-cooled ice machines at institutional kitchen facilities is $45,000. This budget will cover costs incurred by the selected vendor for installing ice machines, anticipated to be $300 per installation. West Basin is requesting grant funding from DWR to cover the costs of installing these devices at institutional kitchen facilities.
PRSV and Flow Restrictor Installations ($20,000)
The C4K Program budget for installing 400 Pre-Rinse Spray Valves and 1,000 Flow Restrictors is $20,000. West Basin is requesting grant funding from DWR to cover the costs of installing these devices at institutional kitchen facilities. This budget was derived from the expectation that 400 PRSVs and 1,000 Flow Restrictors would be installed at approximately 200 of the 225 facilities that participate in the kitchen survey. Depending on each facility’s size, these institutional kitchens typically have 1-3 PRSVs in use, and are expected to have 2-3 sinks in the kitchen area which would be eligible for retrofitting with Flow Restrictors. The cost per installation is outlined below, as well as the calculation for estimating PRSV and Flow Restrictors per facility:
[$20,000 install budget] / [200 kitchens] = [$100 per installation]
[2.5 sinks per kitchen] x [2 valves per sink] x [200 kitchens] = [1,000 Flow Restrictors]
[2 PRSV per kitchen] x [200 kitchens] = [400 PRSVs]
The cost estimate for installing these “smaller” devices is relatively affordable, primarily due to the expectation that the selected vendor will receive written consent from the site manager and install these devices on-site during the initial kitchen survey. This will reduce costs for traveling and follow-up visits to the same site. Additionally, the installation process for PRSV and Flow Restrictors is fairly simple; they are easily threaded into place after removing the older devices.
Construction / Implementation Costs ($0)
These costs have been captured in the Professional and Consultant Services Category.
Exhibit A
665 Raco Drive, Suite A, Lawrenceville GA 30046 (678)935-0924
11/08/2016Quote valid for 90 Days
Thanks for the opportunity to provide you with a quote on the items(s) you requested.
Conservation Mart Quote Number: 1111
Item: Niagara 1.1 gpmPrerinse Kitchen Spray N2180-1.1
Item #: 10365s
Quantity: 400
Price: $31.77
Shipping: FREE.No sales tax outside GA.
Total: $12708.00
When you're ready to order, it's easy!
Email or call us at 1800-789-8598 M-F between 9am to 5pm with your billing and shipping addresses and preferred payment method.
We accept:
-institutional purchase orders
-credit card payment over the phone.
-check by mail
-payments via PayPal.