Script for Toastmaster of the Evening
This is an example. You can arrange this to fit your taste.
How to contact with members /メンバーとの連絡方法
easySpeak email function, mailing list.
You can ask anything by mailing list or facebook.
Preparation (1-2 weeks before) / 準備 (1-2週間前から)
About 1~2 weeks prior to the meeting
(Must) Ask each prepared speaker to input speech title and speech introduction into easySpeak.
A few days ~ one day before the meeting
1. (Must) Print meeting adenda. (Please ask required number to officers.)
1) Log in
2) Left side menu
Meeting on 201X-XX-XX
View Meeting <-- click!
3) 'Agenda' view will open
upper right area
Find 'Printer image + agenda' icon and click!
Agenda for print will be appear in a new tab. Print it.
2. (Option) Prepare a 30 - 60 sec remark with seasonal topics or recent news for pleasant transition to educational session.
1. (必須)ミーティングのアジェンダ(プログラム)を印刷する。
1) ログイン
2) 左サイドメニュー
Meeting on 201X-XX-XX
View Meeting ← クリック
3) Agenda画面に変わる
画面右上のあたりにある'プリンターマーク + agenda' アイコンをクリック
2.(オプション)可能なら、Educational session をスムーズに快活に始められるような、季節やニュースに絡めた 30-60 秒程のコメントを用意する。(長いコメントは厳禁です。)
(Shake hands with presiding officer.)
Thank you very much for your nice introduction.
(Stand in front of podium)
Good evening fellow toastmasters and welcome guest. It's my pleasure to take control over today's meeting as Toastmasters of the evening.
(If you can prepare, put 30 sec remark to transit educational session smoothly and pleasantly.
もし可能ならば、季節やニュースに絡めてEducational sessionに関係するコメントを30-60秒程度入れる。)
Before start the educational session, I would like introduce today’s helpers:
First helper is grammarian. Toastmaster ______could you introduce your role and word of the day?
Thank you Toastmaster ______. (Clap hands.)
Second helper is Ah counter. Toastmaster ______could you briefly introduce your role?
Thank you Toastmaster ______. (Clap hands.)
Second helper is timer. Toastmaster ______could you introduce your role?
Thank you Toastmaster ______. (Clap hands.)
Last but not the least helper is vote counter. Toastmaster ______could you introduce your role?
Thank you Toastmaster ______. (Clap hands.)
Now , we’ve done our house keeping work.
[Tabletopics session, TT session、テーブルトピックス・セッション]
Let’s move on to the first educational session, tabletopics session.
The purpose of Tabletopics is to make members "think on their feet" and speak for a minute or so.
The Toastmasters program has a tradition - every member speaks at a meeting. The Table Topics session is the portion of the meeting that ensures this tradition: Topicsmaster will ask questions to participants randomly, especially who don't have specific role in the meeting.
Today's Tabletopic master is Toastmaster ______!
(If you could prepare, introduce Table topics master nicely.)
Let's welcome Toastmaster ______with big applause!
(Pay attention on time management. The last question should be asked at least 3 min prior to TT session closing time.)
(Ensure, Tabletopics master call timers report and call for vote best tabletopic speaker.
Tabletopics masterが、タイマーレポート と 投票を呼びかけたら終わり。)
Thank you very much for very (attractive, interesting, meaningful etc.) questions! We very much enjoyed with your questions! Let's give him/her a round of applause!
[Prepared speech session, 準備スピーチ・セッション]
Let's move on to the most interesting session in our regular meeting. Let's start prepared speech session!
[Example of process]
(You can obtain underlined information from agenda in easySpeak. アンダーラインしたデータはeasySpeakのAgenda画面にあります。)
Toastmaster will talk project #1 the Ice breaker of competent communication manual.
Objective of the project is: Speak before an audience; Use existing speaking skills; Introduce self to fellow club members.
The speech title is "My dream."
Let's welcome Toastmaster S with big hands!!!
(Shake hands)
(End of speech)
Thank you very much for your (informative, humorous, thoughtful, etc.) speech! (Clap hands.)
Feedback is essential in Toastmastering. Pleases keep 1 minute science and write your comment in the column of 1st speaker of your ballot sheet.
(Measure 1 min. and resume.)
[1st speaker]
The first speaker is Toastmaster ______.
Toastmaster ______will do
project #_____ (project number) of ______manual (manual name).
Objective of the project is ______( ß read agenda).
His/her speech title is "______". ( ← speech title).
(When you got information about the speech from the speaker, introduce it in your word. 事前に、スピーカーからスピーチについての情報を貰っていたら、それを自分の言葉で紹介する。)
Let's welcome Toastmaster ______(name) with big hands!!!
(Shake hands)
(End of speech)
Thank you very much for your (informative, humorous, thoughtful, etc.) speech! (Clap hands.)
Feedback is essential in Toastmastering. Pleases keep 1 minute science and write your comment in the column of 1st speaker of your ballot sheet.
(Measure 1 min. and resume.)
[2nd speaker]
The second speaker is Toastmaster ______.
Toastmaster ______will do
project #_____ (project number) of ______manual (manual name).
Objective of the project is ______( ß read agenda).
His/her speech title is "______". ( ← speech title).
(When you got information about the speech from the speaker, introduce it in your word. 事前に、スピーカーからスピーチについての情報を貰っていたら、それを自分の言葉で紹介する。)
Let's welcome Toastmaster ______(name) with big hands!!!
(Shake hands)
(End of speech)
Thank you very much for your (informative, humorous, thoughtful, etc.) speech! (Clap hands.)
Pleases keep 1 minute science and write your comment in your ballot sheet.
(Measure 1 min. and resume.)
[3rd speaker]
The third speaker is Toastmaster ______.
Toastmaster ______will do
project #_____ (project number) of ______manual (manual name).
Objective of the project is ______( ← read agenda).
His/her speech title is "______". ( ← speech title).
(When you got information about the speech from the speaker, introduce it in your word. 事前に、スピーカーからスピーチについての情報を貰っていたら、それを自分の言葉で紹介する。)
Let's welcome Toastmaster ______(name) with big hands!!!
(Shake hands)
(End of speech)
Thank you very much for your (informative, humorous, thoughtful, etc.) speech! (Clap hands.)
Pleases keep 1 minute science and write your comment in your ballot sheet.
(measure 1 min. and resume.)
[Timers report]
Toastmaster ______, please give me timers report.
1st speaker ______is?
2nd speaker ______is?
3rd speaker ______is?
(Speaker is eligible for vote, when finished his/her speech in allotted time +/- 30 sec.
スピーチに定められた時間 +/- 30秒で終えたスピーカーが、投票の対象になります。)
All speakers are eligible for vote. / Toastmaster ______and ______are eligible for vote.
Please vote.
We will have a break and will resume ______. (check agenda.)
[Evaluation session]
The last not the least portion of educational session is evaluation session.
Evaluation's purpose is to help each member become less self-conscious and a better speaker.
Today's General evaluator is Toastmaster ______!
Let's welcome Toastmaster ______with big hand-crapping!!!
(Shake hands)
(Start evaluation session)
(Pay attention on time management. When in need, tell general evaluator available time. タイムマネジメントに注意する。必要ならGeneral evaluatorに残り時間を伝える。)
(End of evaluation session)
Toastmaster ______, I'm grateful for your nice general evaluation session with a lot of applicable suggestions (etc.) Thank you! (clapping hands)
[Award session]
Let's move on to the award session! It's the most thrilling session in our regular meeting.
Vote counter, toastmaster ______, are you ready?
Please start with 3rd tabletopics speaker. (Tentative)
3rd tabletopics speaker is?
Congratulations Toastmaster ______!
(Give certificate) Please say short remark!
2nd tabletopics speaker is?
Congratulations Toastmaster ______!
(Give certificate) Please say short remark!
Best tabletopics speaker is?
Congratulations Toastmaster ______!
(Give certificate and a plaque) Please say short remark!
Then, the best evaluator is?
Congratulations Toastmaster ______!
(Give certificate and a plaque) Please say short remark!
The best prepared speaker is ?
Congratulations Toastmaster ______!
(Give certificate and a plaque) Please say short remark!
Congratulations all award winners!!! (applause)
We successfully finished all of agendas of today's educational session. I appreciate all of your enthusiastic contributions.
Now, Let me pass the meeting control to presiding officer.
(Shaking hands with presiding officer.)