1. Explain the adaptations to the marine environment in terms of pigments and structures of the following algae:
a. Phaeophyta
b. Chlorophyta
c. Rhodophyta
2. Give adaptations to the marine environment for the following groups based on their buoyancy, pigments, reproductions, and movement methods.
Cyanobacteria / Dinophyta / BacillariophytaExamples
3. Explain the adaptations to the marine environment of the following invertebrate phylums in terms of their movement, specialized systems, protection, and feeding methods.
a. Porifera
b. Cnidarian
c. Ctenophora
d. Mollusca
e. Annelida
f. Arthropoda
g. Echinodermata
4. Describe adaptations and give examples of the different fish classes.
Agnatha / Osteichthyes / ChondrichthyesExamples
5. What is the function of the swim bladder? In which class of fish is it found?
6. What are the energy saving techniques used by the class Chondrichthyes?
7. Describe the different body shapes of fish. Give an example of each.
Body ShapeDescription
8. Give the functions for the following fins and write the letter that corresponds to it from the picture on the right:
Marine Science Second Semester Exam Review Revised 04/30/2009 Page 3
_____anal fin
_____caudal fin
_____dorsal fin
_____pectoral fin
_____pelvic fin
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Marine Science Second Semester Exam Review Revised 04/30/2009 Page 3
9. Describe adaptations of species found in the class Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia. Give examples.
Class / Reptilia / Aves / MammaliaAdaptations
10. Describe adaptations of species found in the following mammalian orders:
Sirenia / PinnipediaCetacea / Carnivora
11. Describe how echolocation works. What benefit does it serve toothed whales?
12. What are the two suborders of whales? Give adaptations for both of them?
Suborder (common name)Adaptations
Marine Science Second Semester Exam Review Revised 04/30/2009 Page 3