Dear Parents,

My name is Mr. Aeen and I am your child’s 6th grade Math teacher for the school year 2013-2014. I am a graduate of Portola Middle School (Class of 1991). I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Studies from California State University, Northridge. Later, I received my Teaching Credential and Master’s Degree in Education from Pepperdine University. Later, I received my Administrative Credential from National University. I’ve been a teacher at a private school for 4 years and at Portola Middle School for 11 years. The goal of this class is to ensure that each student learns the state-mandated curriculum in 6th grade Math, and to provide a positive, learning atmosphere where all students can reach their maximum learning potential. Please read the following information; it is necessary for successfully completing this course. This syllabus addresses the course textbook, necessary materials, grading policy, class rules, consequences, and expectations.


The students will be using the McDougal Littell textbook as well as other resources and supplemental materials. Every lesson taught in class will address the newly-adopted Common Core Standards.

Necessary Materials

Each student is expected to come prepared to class with the following materials:

·  Lots of sharpened pencils (mechanical OK), pens, erasers, and sharpener with catch for shavings

·  At least 4 white board markers

·  2 composition books used for Math and Earth Science


The grading is based on points accumulated from tests, class work, projects, and homework assignments. The following scale will be used to determine academic grades:

90%------100% A Tests & quizzes…...... ……50% of grade

80%------89% B Homework………………….….10% of grade

70%------79% C Composition book check………20% of grade

60%------69% D Class work………………….….20% of grade

Anything below 60% is considered a Fail. Class attendance and participation will greatly strengthen academic grades. Homework and class work assignments are assigned points. Incomplete or missing assignments are worth 0 points. Late work may be turned in for full credit. All homework assignments will be posted online at www.schoolnotes.com and emailed to parents with valid email addresses. Student grades will be available for viewing on jupitergrades.com. Make-up tests will be available for students on assigned dates.

Students are expected to use their agenda books to copy assignments, upcoming test schedules, and homework each day. District assessments will be administered 3 times per subject this school-year in preparation for the CST.


Each student must abide by the following class rules in order to maintain a positive learning environment for all.

1.  Each student is to be seated quietly and prepared to begin class when the tardy bell rings.

2.  Each student must raise his/her hand before speaking or getting up.

3.  No food or chewing gum is allowed in class. (Except water bottles)

4.  Students will be dismissed from class by the teacher, not the bell.

5.  Students must keep backpacks on the floor under the desks, not on laps.


As a disciplinary policy the following set of consequences will be implemented for those students that repeatedly break the class rules.

1.  Verbal warnings

2.  “U” (unsatisfactory) on report card

3.  Paper Pickup/ lunch detention

4.  Phone call home

5.  Moved to Dean’s Office

The above set of consequences may be subject to change depending on circumstances.


In 6th grade, Math students are expected to attend class daily and on time, prepared with all the necessary materials. The students are expected to work hard and complete all assignments on time. Laziness will not be tolerated. Working together and establishing clear methods of communication will be beneficial to your child’s success in this class and in the future. Let’s have a great year filled with plenty of learning and fun!

Classroom donations will be greatly appreciated. (tissues, paper towels, hand sanitizing wipes, paper, reading books, white board markers, white board cleaning solution, pencils, pens, scissors, composition books, etc.)

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this syllabus, please contact me via email (). Please fill out the information on the next page and have your child return it to class to receive points. Keep the syllabus.


Student name (print legibly):______

Parent name (print legibly):______

Parent email (print legibly):______

Parent phone number(s):______

Parent signature:______


Student name (print legibly):______

Parent name (print legibly):______

Parent email (print legibly):______

Parent phone number(s):______

Parent signature:______