Cotter High School Class of 2015
Hiawatha Education Foundation Scholarship Application
This application should be returned to the Counseling Office no later than
Friday, February 27, 2015
Full Legal Name: ______
Number of Years at Cotter High School including this year: ______
Social Security Number: (Required if you are a U.S. citizen) ______
Home Phone Number: ______
Permanent Home Mailing Address: ______
HEF Scholarship Criteria: Students’ HEF scholarships are based on the following criteria: highest ACT or SAT composite score through the December exam (1/3), GPA (1/3), and the quality of leadership and participation in Cotter extra-curricular activities/essay (1/3). *Please note that students’ scholarships are prorated by the number of years in attendance at Cotter High School.
Part I Directions:
Please list up to four extra-curricular activities that you were most involved in at Cotter High School during grades 9 – 12. (Do not list more than four activities.)Extra-curricular activities are school activities for which students DO NOT receive credit and are held outside of the school day. Those activities NOTeligible as extra-curricular activities are courses that are offered for credit both in and outside the school day such as band, choir, jazz band, and show choir. Examples of extra-curricular activities that ARE eligibleinclude Math Team, summer Marching Band, athletic teams, CCMP, Honors Choir, school plays, Speech Team, clubs, etc.
Please select four activities with your highest involvement and include the number of years that you were involved. Here is an example:
Activity: Years of Involvement
Summer Marching Band4
Fall musical2
- ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
Please indicate any awards or special recognition you have received, or leadership positionsyou have heldat Cotter in grades 9-12. Do not include the position of captain if it was a rotating position.
On one attached sheet of paper, please describe how you have contributed to the Cotter High School community by giving of your time or talent beyond what was required for yourcommunity service requirement. Focus on ONEactivity, experience, or accomplishment, and provide ample details to support it and tell your story. How did the experience change you? What did you learn from it?Please submit a well-organized, concise essay that has been spell checked and proofread, with a maximum of 350 words. This should be a sample of your best writing!
**Please include your signature at the bottom of the sheet to certify that your statement is accurate and truthful.
**This application should be returned to the Counseling Office no later than February 27, 2015. Please submit your application on time. Failure to do so may likely result in a penalty.
*** Students that are unsure of their attendance at a U.S. college and those delaying their education due to serving in the military should complete an application.They may access their scholarship award after their service is completed or in case their plans change.
I decline the opportunity to apply for the HEF scholarship. I understand that if I forego this opportunity, I will not have the opportunity again.
Signature Date
For office use only:
ACT/SAT highest score:______/100 pts.
Grade Point Average: ______/100 pts.
Activities/essay: ______/100 pts.
Subtotal: ______/300 pts.
Yrs. at CHS*: ______
Total Points:______