
St Peter’s BaptistChurch is a lively and growing congregation in Worcesterwith over 400 people actively involved in church life. Our vision for the next three years is to GO DEEPER with God, GO DEEPER in relationships and GO DEEPER in mission.

We consider pastoral care to involve both encouraging one another in committed discipleship and supporting one another in times of need. Our approach to pastoral care is primarily through small groups. We are seeking a Minister for Pastoral Care who will lead this area of church life, working in a team with the Senior Minister, the Minister for Children and Community and the Youth Minister.

Job Description

  1. To lead and coordinate pastoral care, chiefly among the adult congregation
  2. To oversee and develop the small group system as the primary means of pastoral care
  3. To be the primary contact when small group leaders need to refer a person for help which the small group cannot provide
  4. To support, encourage, inspire and train small group leaders
  5. To develop and implement a strategy for multiplying small groups
  6. To encourage the whole congregation to be involved in appropriate small groups
  7. To co-ordinate pastoral care for people who are not in small groups, which will involve as appropriate:
  8. visiting personally
  9. calling on othersto visit, eg Visiting Team, ministers or church leaders
  10. referring to outside agencies
  11. To follow-up newcomers and help them to integrate into small groups
  12. To lead and train the Visiting Team
  13. To provide training in pastoral skills
  14. There will be opportunities to preach but this is not a core requirement of the role.

Person Specification

The successful candidate may or may not be an accredited minister. He or she will, however, have the following qualities:


  1. A committed and passionate Christian faith, demonstrated in practice and professed through baptism as a believer
  2. A track record of providing pastoral care for people of a variety of ages in a Christian context
  3. Proven leadership skills and strong inter-personal and communication skills
  4. Experience of leading small groups in a local church
  5. Skills in training others
  6. A vision for excellence in pastoral care and a belief that small groups have a major role to play in this
  7. Agreement with the Vision and Values and Constitution of the church
  8. A willingness to adopt a flexible working pattern, including regular evening work


  1. Training in pastoral care or counselling
  2. Training in Biblical studies or theology

More information about the church can be found at

If you would like to talk further about the position, please call Martin Hodson on 01905 767090.

Please submit applications by 15 June using the application form provided to:

Martin Hodson

St Peter’s BaptistChurch

St Peter’s Drive
