Graduation Requirements Worksheet

Entering Class 2008-2011

Updated June 2011

Name:Today’s Date:

CSU ID Number:Date Entered LawSchool:

Reference your CSU Transcript on CampusNet at for an accurate update on the courses that you have completed. The information below is derived from the College of Law Academic Regulations. At all times the Academic Regulations control and not the information contained here.


Law School Graduation Worksheet – Entering 2008-2011

Core Courses

_____Contracts, L501(__1st Sem. __ 2nd Sem.)5 credits

_____Torts, L502(__1st Sem. __ 2nd Sem.)5 credits

_____Property, L508(__1st Sem. __ 2nd Sem.)5 credits

_____Legal Writing, L504 (__1st Sem. __2nd Sem.)6 credits

_____Criminal Law, L5063 credits

_____Civil Procedure L505 (__1st Sem. __2nd Sem.)6 credits

_____Constitutional Law, L516

(___1st Sem. ___ 2nd Sem.)5 credits


Additional Graduation Requirements

_____Third Semester Legal Writing2-3 credits

_____Administrative Law Component2-3 credits

_____Evidence, L6614 credits

_____Legal Profession, L6432-3 credits

_____Perspective2-3 credits

_____Upper Level Legal Writing2-3 credits

_____Skills Course2-3 credits

REQUIREMENT CREDITS (From above) ______

TOTAL ELECTIVE CREDITS (See next page) ______

TOTAL CREDITS (90 Required for Graduation) ______

Perspective Courses regularly offered (1 required)

Designated (9) on course schedules

_____American Legal History, L550

_____Ancient Athenian Law, L570

_____Biomedical Ethics, L605, beginning Fall 2008

_____Church & State, L560

_____Comparative Constitutional Law, L567

_____Comparative Law, L687

_____Comparative Law: Canon Law, L581

_____Comparative Law: Islamic Law, L551

_____Federal Indian Law, L627

_____International Criminal Law, L610

_____International Law, L553

_____Judaic Law, L561

_____Jurisprudence, L554

_____Law & Economics, L555 (Spring ’09 and after)

_____Law, Literature & Film, L569

_____Ohio Constitutional History, L572

_____Psychiatry and Law, L558

_____Race, Racism & the Law, L565

_____Sexual Orientation & the Law, L563

_____Social Science & the Law, L585

_____Theories of Business Firm in Critical Perspective, L762

_____Theories of Justice, L559

_____Women & Law, L631

Administrative Law Component (1 required)

Designated (4) on course schedules

_____Administrative Law, L623

_____Banking Regulations, L641

_____Election Law, L727 (Fall ’05 and after)

_____Employment Discrimination Law, L639 (2009-2010 academic year only)

_____Employment Law, L684

_____Environmental Law and Regulation, L671

_____Fair Labor Standards Lact, L739

_____Health Care Law, L686

_____HIPAA and Privacy, L690

_____Immigration & Nationality Law, L734

_____Labor Law, L629

_____Labor Law Seminar, L709

_____Legislation, L557 (after Spring 2007 and so designated on schedule)

_____Public Sector Labor and Employment Law, L675

_____Regulatory Law, L638 (formerly Regulatory Federalism)

_____Securities Regulation, L655

_____Tax Procedures, Penalties & Crimes, L647

_____Workers’ Compensation, L651, beginning Fall 2008

Skills Course Requirement - Students must complete one course from those designated as satisfying the Skills Course Requirement. The initial list of courses satisfying this requirement follows:

_____Advanced Brief Writing, L615

_____Alternate Dispute Resolution, L696

_____Arbitration, L633

_____Community Health Advocacy Law Clinic, L824

_____Employment Law Clinic, L802

_____Environmental Law & Policy Clinic, L808

_____Externships – including

Judicial, L815

US Attorney, L882

Gov’t/Public Interest, L817

Independent, L805

General counsel, L827

_____Fair Housing Clinic

_____Jessup International Moot Court, L820

_____Law & Public Policy Clinic, L825

_____Law Practice Management, L674

_____Legal Drafting: General, L778

_____Legal Drafting: Current Issues, L798

_____Legal Drafting: Employment, L788

_____Legal Writing & Litigation, L792

_____Mediation, L673

_____Medical Malpractice, L664C (3 credit course only)

_____Moot Court I & II, L806 & L809

_____Trial Advocacy, L663

_____Trial Advocacy Competition, L863

_____Trial Advocacy Competiton:Adv., L864

_____Urban Development Law Clinic, L826

Third Semester Legal Writing (1 required)

Designated (12) on course schedules

_____Advanced Brief Writing, L6152 credits

_____Advanced Legal Writing & Research, L7772 credits

_____Employment Law Seminar:Employment

Drafting or Pretrial Litigation, L750B2 credits

_____Legal Writing and Litigation, L792 2 or 3 cr_____Legal Drafting: designated topics, L7982 credits

_____Legal Drafting: Employment, L7882 credits

_____Legal Drafting: General, L7782 credits

_____Scholarly Writing, L7912 credits

Upper Level Writing Requirement (1 required)

Designated Seminar /Class(5 or 5a on schedules)*

_____Independent Legal Research, L860 2 or 3 credits

_____Other: ______2 or 3 credits

*Course must be so designated for term in which student enrolls

Law School Graduation Worksheet – Entering 2008-2011










Law School Graduation Worksheet – Entering 2008-2011

Total Credits Required for Graduation:90 Credits

Joint Degree Programs: JD Credit Requirements**** Consult applicable graduate college for credit and degree requirements for graduate degree

JD/MBA80 Law Credits + 10 MBA Credits = 90JD/MAES 80 Law Credits + 10 MAES Credits=90JD/MUPDD 80 Law Credits +10 MUPDD Credits =90

JD/MPA80 Law Credits + 10 MPA Credits = 90JD/MSES 80 Law Credits + 10 MSES Credits =90


Law School Graduation Worksheet – Entering 2008-2011