Bungee Egg Drop Project FZX 1st

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to design, calibrate and test a bungee egg drop device. Your device will use a large Grade AA uncooked egg attached to an “elastic “ cord which when dropped will come as close as possible to the ground without breaking the egg. You will need to create your own “drop team” from members of your class and you must have at least one but not more than two other team member(s) for this mission. Each team will get an attempt to get closest to the ground in class on September 28th, from two different heights. No physical alterations may be made to the device’s cord the day of the competition (fine tune adjustments are allowed such as adjusting the length of the cord).

The Laws of Egg Dropping

1. Students will provide the “elastic” cord and harness to use for their drop. The instructor will provide the raw large Grade AA egg (APPROXIMATELY 40-60 grams) and a scale which teams may use to mass the egg. Teams may bring a substance like sand to add to the harness to obtain a consistent mass. A constant mass improves success.

2. The two heights above the ground, from which the cord will be held and the egg is to be dropped, will be between 1.5- 5.5 meters and will not be announced until the day the class meets.

3. The cord used in the drop may be made of ONLY one material. There may be more than one strand but, must recoilat least 25% of the announced drop height in # 2. NO BUNGEE CORDS, HOOKS or metal of any kind.

4. At least two cm of the “pointed” end of the egg should extend beyond the bottom of the attachment harness and must not be protected in any way (2 cm below the lowest point). The egg MUST be the first thing to hit the ground and must have a solid backing.

5. All design work, construction and most calibration testing must be completed on your own time before or after school (7-7:30, 2:20-3:00) only or on your own time away from school with the exception of one day, September 7thwill be a calibration day in class. All egg mess must be cleaned up each day and only hard boiled eggs can be brought on campus.

6. The following deadline will be used in grading the progress of your project. If a deadline is missed you will receive no further grade.

A. Name of both people in the group. August 22st (10 points)

B. Material due August 27th (10 points)

C. Test the “egg dropper” at 1.5 m and 5.5 m points and test that it will stretch at least 25% (20 points) September 7th

Begin calibration to the nearest 0.10 m (ladies not a good day to wear skirts )

D. Calibration due September 28th (30 points) calibrations to the nearest .1m will receive 30 points.

E. Test day (30 points) September 28th-(ladies not a good day to wear skirts )

Your drop score two grades of 15 points each. If you eggs drops more than 50 cm from the floor, if it falls out or hits the floor and cracks you will get a zero. There is a grader for the eggs that goes from 0 cm above the ground to 50 cm. For each ~ 3 cm above the ground you will lose 1 point. i.e. 3-6 cm from the ground 14 points, 47-50 cm from the ground 1 point.

7. If the egg is broken after it has been inspected and accepted by the student at any time before the drop, this will receive the same score as a broken egg, 0/15.

8. Students will have two minute from the time they are called to complete the drop of their egg.

9. The egg is considered broken as defined by an audible hit on the ground and orcracking the egg.


Groups reported- August 22

Material in class August 27

Project completed for in class calibration day to the meter September 7

Calibrated to the .10 meter and Test Day September 28

Name______Period ______



ItemduePoints PossiblePointssub total

GroupAugust 22 10______

Material August 27 10______

Egg dropper in class testSeptember 720______

Calibration to the 0.10 meterSeptember 2830______

Test 1September 2815______

Test 2September 2815______

Warning – Any testing done at school must be done with a hard boiled egg or you will be suspended.