Curriculum vitae et studiorum of Carlotta De Filippo (PhD)

Name and surname Carlotta De Filippo

Nationality Italian

Place and date of birth Florence, September 9th, 1968

e-mail carlotta.defilippo@

Current position Research fellow

Department of Preclinic and Clinic Pharmacology, University of Florence,

Viale Pieraccini, 6, 50139 Florence, Italy


·  March 1995- Master Thesis in Biological Science, Molecular Biology, at the University of Florence, Italy

·  1999-2003- PhD student in Pharmacology and Toxicology at the Department of Pharmacology of the University of Florence

·  February 2003 PhD thesis discussion titled “DNA microarrays as a tool for studying cell response to stress, drugs and toxic substances”.

Fellowships and academic position

·  1995-1999 EU fellowship at the Department of Pharmacology of the University of Florence

·  1999-2000 awarded of a one year fellowship from the French Government (APRIFEL)

·  1999-2000 PhD internship at Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard University with Prof. Leona D. Samson

·  2002-2003 Visiting Scientist at Bauer Center for Genomics Research, Harvard University

·  2003-2006 post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Pharmacology of the University of Florence

·  2006-present Research fellow at the Department of Preclinic and Clinic Pharmacology, University of Florence,


2001- Grant for young researcher from Italian Government (MIUR) for the project “DNA microarray technology to study polyphenols effects and mechanisms of action in yeast cells and in mammalian cells: an evolutionistic approach”.

Teaching activity

From 2002 she is lecturer in Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Florence. From 2003 she is Professor of Pharmacogenomics at the University of Florence

Scientific Interests: Gastrointestinal disease, colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, disbiosis. Gut microbiota characterization using metagenomics approach. Interaction between intestinal mucosa and microorganisms. Gene expression profiles.

C. De Filippo is author of di 25 pubblications on International Journals


1.  De Filippo C, Caderni G, Bazzicalupo M, Briani C, Giannini A, Fazi M, Dolara P. Mutations of the Apc gene in experimental colorectal carcinogenesis induced by azoxymethane in F344 rats. British J of Cancer 1998, 77(12):2148-51.

2.  Baratti M, Bazzicalupo M, De Filippo C, and Messana G. Detection of genetic variability within stygobitic isopods using RAPD markers. Crustaceana 1999, 72(7): 625-634.

3.  Luceri C, Guglielmi F, De Filippo C, Caderni G, Mini E, Biggeri A, Napoli C, Tonelli F, Cianchi F and Dolara P. Clinico-patological features and FHIT gene expression in sporadic colorectal adenocarcinomas. Scand. J. Gastroenterology 2000, 6:637-641.

4.  Luceri C, De Filippo C, Caderni G, Gambacciani L, Salvadori M, Giannini A, Dolara P. Detection of somatic DNA alterations in AOM-induced F-344 rat colon tumors by random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis. Carcinogenesis 2000, 21:1753-1756.

5.  Caderni G, De Filippo C, Luceri C, Salvadori M, Giannini A, Biggeri A, Remy S, Cheynier V, Dolara P. Effects of black tea, green tea and wine extracts on intestinal carcinogenesis induced by azoxymethane in F344 rats. Carcinogenesis 2000, 21:1965-1969.

6.  Lodovici M, Casalini C, De Filippo C, Copeland E, Xu X, Clifford M and Dolara P. Inhibition of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced oxidative DNA damage in rat colon mucosa by black tea complex polyphenols. Food Chem Toxicol. 2000, 38(12):1085-1088.

7.  Giovannelli L, Testa G, De Filippo C, Cheynier V, Clifford MN and Dolara P. Effect of complex polyphenols and tannins from red wine on DNA oxidative damage of rat colon mucosa in vivo. Eur J of Nutrition 2000, 39: 207-212.

8.  Caderni G, Luceri C, De Filippo C, Salvadori M, Giannini A, Tessitore L, Dolara P. Sodium butyrate does not modify azoxymethane (AOM)-induced intestinal carcinogenesis in F344 rats. Carcinogenesis 2001, 22:525-7.

9.  Sofic E, Denisova N, Youdim K, Vatrenjak-Velagic V, De Filippo C, Mehmedagic A, Causevic A, Cao G, Joseph JA, Prior RL. Antioxidant and pro-oxidant capacity of catecholamines and related compounds. Effects of hydrogen peroxide on glutathione and sphingomyelinase activity in pheochromocytoma PC12 cells: potential relevance to age-related diseases. J Neural Transm. 2001, 108:541-57.

10.  De Filippo C & Cavalieri D. Yeast in the post-genomic era: Use of DNA microarrays to study stress response, response to drugs and alkylating agents in S. cerevisiae. Minerva Biotech 2001, 13 (4): 249-254.

11.  Luceri C, De Filippo C, Guglielmi F, Caderni G, Messerini L, Biggeri A, Mini E, Tonelli F, Cianchi F and Dolara P. Microsatellite instability in a population of sporadic colorectal cancers: correlation between genetic and pathological profiles. Dig Liver Dis 2002, 34: 553-559.

12.  De Filippo C, Luceri C, Caderni G, Pacini M, Messerini L, Biggeri A, Mini E, Tonelli F, Cianchi F and Dolara P. Mutations of the APC gene in human sporadic colorectal cancers. Scand. J. Gastroenterology 2002, 37(9):1048-53.

13.  Cavalieri D, De Filippo C, Grosu P and Biggeri A. Making sense of whole genome expression data: microarray databases and tools for integrating whole-genome expression results into cellular networks. Minerva Biotech 2002, 14 (3-4): 291-304.

14.  Garosi P, De Filippo C, van Erk M, Rocca-Serra P, Sansone SA and Elliot R. Defining best practise for microarray analyses in nutrigenomic studies. British J Nutr 2005, 93:425-432.

15.  Cavalieri D, De Filippo C Bioinformatic methods for integrating whole-genome expression results into cellular networks. Drug Disc Today 2005, 10:727-734.

16.  Luceri C, De Filippo C, Giovannelli L, Blangiardo M, Cavalieri D, Aglietti F, Pampaloni M, Andreuccetti D, Pieri L, Bambi F, Biggeri A and Dolara P. Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields do not affect DNA damage and gene expression profiles of yeast and human lymphocytes Radiation Res. 2005, 164:277-85.

17.  Dolara P, Luceri C, De Filippo C, Femia AP, Giovannelli L, Caderni G, Cecchini C, Silvi S, Orpianesi C and Cresci A. Red wine polyphenols influence carcinogenesis, intestinal microflora, oxidative damage and gene expression profiles of colonic mucosa in F344 rats. Mutation Res 2005, 591:237-246.

18.  Giuntini E, Mengoni A, De Filippo C, Cavalieri D, Aubin-Horth N, Landry CR, Becker A, Bazzicalupo M. Large-scale genetic variation of the symbiosis-required megaplasmid pSymA revealed by comparative genomic analysis of Sinorhizobium meliloti natural strains. BMC Genomics. 2005, 6:158.

19.  Gamberi T, Cavalieri D, Magherini F, Mangoni ML, De Filippo C, Borro M,Gentile G, Simmaco M, Modesti A. An integrated analysis of the effects of Esculentin 1-21 on Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2007 Jun;1774(6):688-700.

20.  Cavalieri D, Dolara P, Mini E, Luceri C, Castagnini C, Toti S, Maciag K, De Filippo C, Nobili S, Morganti M, Napoli C, Tonini G, Baccini M, Biggeri A, Tonelli F, Valanzano R, Orlando C, Gelmini S, Cianchi F, Messerini L, Luzzatto L. Analysis of gene expression profiles reveals novel correlations with the clinical course of colorectal cancer. Oncol Res. 2007;16(11):535-48

21.  Lodovici M, Luceri C, De Filippo C, Romualdi C, Bambi F, Dolara P. Smokers and passive smokers gene expression profiles: correlation with the DNA oxidation damage. Free Radic Biol Med. 2007 Aug 1;43(3):415-22.

22.  Biggeri A, Dreassi E, Lagazio C, Toti S, De Filippo C, Cavalieri D Hierarchical Bayesian Modelling of Multiple Arrays Experiments, BioMedical Statistics and Clinical Epidemiology 2008, 2, 1, 47-55.

23.  Magherini F, Carpentieri A, Amoresano A, Gamberi T, De Filippo C, Rizzetto L, Biagini M, Pucci P, Modesti A. Different carbon sources affect lifespan and protein redox state during Saccharomyces cerevisiae chronological ageing. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2009 Mar;66(5):933-47.

24.  De Filippo C, Pini-Prato A, Mattioli G, Avanzini S, Rapuzzi G, Cavalieri D, Di Paola M, Stefanini I, Ceccherini I, Mavilio D, Lionetti P, Jasonni V. Genomics approach to the analysis of bacterial communities dynamics in Hirschsprung's disease-associated enterocolitis: a pilot study. Pediatr Surg Int. 2010 Mar 20.[Epub ahead of print]

25.  Rizzetto L, Kuka M, De Filippo C, Cambi A, Netea MG, Beltrame L, Napolitani G, Torcia MG, D'Oro U, Cavalieri D. Differential IL-17 Production and Mannan Recognition Contribute to Fungal Pathogenicity and Commensalism. J Immunol. 2010 Mar 12. [Epub ahead of print]


Gastrointestinal effects of complex polyphenols from red wine and tea in experimental animal models. Dolara P, Casalini C, Caderni G, Giovannelli L, Lodovici M, De Filippo C, Luceri C, Clifford MN, Chenyer V. “Polyphenols, wine and health” edited by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.