Church of our Lady of the Assumption Beeston

Minutes of the Extraordinary PPC meeting held on

17thOctober 2012 at 8.00pm

Present :Fr Ka Fai Lee,Kieran O’Connor, Jack Walton, David Aldred, John Wabukenda, Alan Horgan, Rebekah Smith McGloin, Helen Gooden, Alan Simmons, Jim Lowe.

Apologies :Ruth Marlow, Deacon Anthony.

Absent:, Barbara Kildear, Anna Jones.

Opening Prayer. Fr Ka Fai

Minutes of last meeting Accepted

Matters Arising

  • Fr Ka Fai, Helen and Kieran attended a “Living Stones” meeting last night chaired by Catenian Ron Lynch. We are part of the 12 parishes which make up Nottingham West Deanery. We are having to go through this process in practice now, though the deanery as a whole is a little behind others in terms of preparation. Ideas included sharing sacramental preparation programmes, coordinating mass times etc. Meeting planned for February to announce the final plan for implementation in September 2013.
  • Accident Book is now in the office.
  • The Insurance Certificate is now on display in the church and the office.
  • Grotto exit has been made double width to match hall exit.
  • Electrical PAT testing of house complete.
  • Church boiler IS serviced regularly, hall still pending.
  • CRB notice has been put in the newsletter.
  • “Do Not Enter” and “No Working Alone” notices have been installed where required.
  • Hall floor contractor has been appointed. Commence date to be advised.
  • Hall sign has been removed.

Feedback from the Parish Open Meeting

The meeting was an opportunity for views to be aired. The feeling of the open meeting was that the pictures of Our Lady in Church should be removed. The PPC concurred by a majority of 5 in favour, 2 against, 2 abstentions. Kr Ka Fai will ask for the parishioners view via a notice in the newsletter and action accordingly. Some have already been taken by parishioners.

The proposed PPC constitution was then discussed. Membership of PPC and Finance Committee will be restricted to baptised Catholics who worship at the Assumption, in accordance with canon law. The canon law definition of “parishioner” as being one residing within the parish boundary, wasset aside. Notwithstanding the apparent complicated electoral process proposed, it was agreed to follow David and Rebekah’sprogramme in order to give parishioners an opportunity for legitimate representation. The need for a balanced PPC was expressed together with a desire for someone under 25 to be included. This was accepted in principle but was dependant upon people from those groups putting themselves forward. The meeting thanked David and Rebekah for putting this together.

Progress Reports

  • Finance

The meeting examined the finance sheet prepared by Deacon Anthony. Kieran explained that items “Church Mtnc” and “Pres Mtnc” included gas electric water and rates for Church and Hall.

Fr Ka Fai will encourage the uptake of standing orders on the weekend of 3rd/4th November. Various cost saving ideas were proposed, which received a mixed reception by the PPC.

  • Buildings

Kieran reported that house boiler has been serviced but that water flow problems have been identified due to use of micro-bore piping in some areas. House wiring in good repair. One hand basin has been removed from a small downstairs room. A £450 grant for lift insulation is available from the Local Authority. Gutters need clearing. Bishop expects house to be habitable by Sept 2013 in readiness for new parish priest.

Flushing unit in hall disabled toilet has been repaired at a cost of £121.00. Contractors are preparing quote for replacing hall doors to increase security. Pat Lally has agreed to redecorate small rooms in hall (not hall or office) at same time that floor is done. Volunteers will be called to clear undergrowth around hall perimeter and replace with membrane and gravel.

  • Pastoral – Year of Faith – Sacraments

Alan and Donal had met with Fr Ka Fai to discuss initiatives which included a week long parish retreat programme, 24 hour adoration on the Feast of Corpus Christi, revival of parish Eucharistic Adoration. Fr John and Deacon Anthony had arranged monthly talks in the hall beginning October 30th.

Due to the lack of volunteers coming forward to act as catechists, Fr Ka Fai proposed postponing First Holy Communion until next year when things had settled down in the parish.[1]

  • Christmas Mass Times

These were set at 5.30pm Christmas Eve (preceded by carols at 5.00pm) and 9.00am Christmas Day. The times of midnight mass at other churches would also be notified in the newsletter.

Any Other Business

Alan S, Kieran and Fr Ka Fai will sort out access to church via a suitable key safe as necessary.

As there was no farewell party for Fr Ephraim before he left, it was proposed and agreed that a notice be put in the newsletter requesting farewell gifts for Fr Ephraim, in suitably marked envelopes handed in to the Office or via Sunday collection baskets.

David advised that the office PC is 10 years + old and will need replacement / refurbishment eventually.

John fedback that some parishioners had questioned the emphasis on “forget the past” and “fresh start” etc with the departure of Fr Ephraim. Should we not be building on Fr Ephraim’s legacy and the excellent pastoral efforts he made, rather than forgetting them? This was noted by the PPC.

Closing Prayer- Fr Ka Fai

Meeting closed at 10.40pm

[1] Post meeting note: Alan has been approached by several parents wanting to help. A meeting has been arranged for Thursday 1st Nov 8.00pm to discuss the way forward.