Mongar Higher Secondary School

Mongar: Bhutan.

Weekly test – 1st semester – 2009

Class: IX Marks: 25

Sub: English Time: 50mins

Question 1

Choose the correct answer for the following. [5]

1.  The author of ‘ A Grain of Mustard Seed is

a)  George Loveridge b) Edith Pargeter

c)  The little girl. d) Alfred Noyes.

2.  The story, ‘A Grain of Mustard Seed’ is narrated by:-

a) Edith Pargeter b)The father

c) The mother d)Little girl

3.  The Protagonist of ‘The big story’ is

a)  True love b)Ernie Cibson

c)  John Vollmer d) George Loveridge

4.  John Vollmer died because

a)  he was drowned in Willow lake b)he was drowned in the river

c) he had a car accident. d) He was killed in war.

5.  The Phrase, “I took his words for it” means:-

a)  I trusted him b) I obeyed him

c)I am using his words d) I do not obey him.

Question 2

Answer the following questions.

1.  In the story, ‘A Grain of mustard Seed’, the family decided to leave Lahore. Why did they decide to leave Lahore? [1]

2.  Describe Mahdar Iqbal’s behavior at the train station. [2]

3.  why Ernie Gibson didn’t get an opportunity to write the big story before [2]

Question 3 (Grammar)

Fill in the blanks with correct words. [5]

1.  Dorji……………a good book (has/have)

2.  She always……………late (come /comes)

3.  Dechen is taller ………….Pema (than/then)

4.  He …………like studying (don’t /doesn’t)

5.  We Enjoy……..fruits (eat/eating)

Question 4

Edit the following sentences. [5]

1.  The Principal advice us every morning

2.  He did not ate breakfast.

3.  He is a honest man.

4.  This dogs are barking a lot

5.  Yesterday, they plays football.

Question 5

Make a sentence each for the following. Words. [5]

1.  Journalist

2.  Obstacle

3.  Partition

4.  Narrator

5.  Anxious.

Cl.IX English Paper Page 1 of 1 Weekly test, 2009.MHSS