Homework is a valuable way to increase students' opportunities to learn. It can provide added opportunity to practice new skills, engage new information, and explore topics using varied learning styles and interests.


Teachers will:

1. Give homework on a regular basis to all students. The appropriate ranges of hours per week for homework to be assigned are as follows:

Primary grades ---- 12 hours

Intermediate grades 24 hours

2. Give homework that extends student learning on classroom topics.

3. Give students feedback on all their homework

4. Provide instructional follow-up on all homework as needed,

5. Make sure that students understand and can explain how their homework assignments relate to what they are leaning in class.

6. Keep a record of homework assignments with their lesson plans.

7. Ensure that homework is not given as a punishment.


The principal (or designee) will:

1. Distribute copies of the Homework Policy to all teachers, students, and their parents at the beginning of each school year.

2. Monitor the homework assignments and provide feedback to teachers when appropriate.

3. Make periodic checks on the feedback and instructional followup students receive based on their homework.


Students are responsible for completing all homework and class assignments. Zeros are unacceptable. They may want to follow some of the following practical suggestions:

1. Write down assignments and due dates in the Student Planner.

2. Ask questions and select necessary books and supplies before leaving school.

3. Keep homework in the same place at home each day and take books and materials directly to this study area.

4. Plan the best time to complete work.

5. Complete work so that it is neat and legible.


Parents are urged to actively involve themselves with their children's school work. Homework assignments offer an opportunity for valuable interaction between parent and child in support of learning.

1.  Parent/Guardian/or other designated adult will check and sign their child’s student planner daily.


The Homework Policy will be reviewed annually by the SBDM Council.

EVALUATION Our Comprehensive School Improvement Planning process includes a regular cycle of reviewing data on student performance and data on our alignment with Kentucky's Standards and Indicators for School Improvement. By analyzing that data, we will be able to tell how well this policy is being implemented and having an impact, and therefore able to tell when changes are needed.