Current results of experiments with GDV images
Igor Kononenko, Tatjana Zrimec, Aleksander Sadikov, Matjaz Bevk

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Trzaska 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

tel: +386-61-1768390, fax: +386-61-1264647, e-mail: {igor.kononenko;tatjana.zrimec}

Keywords: Kirlian camera, bioelectromagnetic field, machine learning, corona

Machine learning technology (Mitchell, 1997) is well suited for the induction of diagnostic and prognostic rules and solving small and specialized classification, diagnostic and prognostic problems. Recently developed technology, based on the Kirlian effect, for recording the human/plant bioelectromagnetic field using the Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique provides potentially useful information about the biophysical and/or psychical state of the object/patient (Korotkov, 1998). We have recorded coronas of fruits and human fingers with the Kirlian camera. The recorded coronas are then processed and described by a set of numerical parameters. Then we use machine learning algorithms to interpret the GDV coronas in order to verify three hypotheses: 1. The GDV images contain useful information about the plant/person, 2. The map of coronas of fingers according to Chinese medicine does make sense, and 3. The human bioelectromagnetic field can be influenced by some outside factors, such as special T-shirts. We performed several independent studies, two on fruits and four on humans.

Current research and results

Apple skin: We recorded the coronas of apple peels that were cut off from apples in a standard way. We used four sorts of apples of two different ages. We succeeded un extracting useful information for distinguishing apples of different sorts and of different ages (the achieved classification accuracy was low but significantly higher than random classification). We were unable to extract any information to distinguish sun/shadow sides of apples.

Grapes: The aim of the study was to verify whether the Kirlian camera could be used to describe grapevines and if the berry bioelectromagnetic field is influenced by disease. With the Kirlian camera we recorded coronas of grape berries. We tested this method on eight grapevine cultivars, performing different tests. The results show that the coronas of grapevine berries contain significant information about the cultivars and their sanitary status.

Menstrual cycle: For the preliminary study we recorded coronas of all ten fingertips of 13 female students in four weeks, one recording per week. Each recording was classified into one of four menstrual phases. The results of the analysis indicate that the coronas seem to be correlated with menstrual phases and that sectors of organs make sense. Out of 225 numerical parameters we automatically extracted 15 most important parameters. Fourteen of those parameters corresponded to sectors of three fingers which by Chinese medicine are directly connected with organs that are by offical medicine affected by/responsible for the menstrual cycle.

T-shirts: We wanted to evaluate the effect of different T-shirts on the human bioelectromagnetic field: color T-shirts developed by physicist Dr. Tom Chalko from Australia, ‘healing’ T-shirt developed by Vitalis from Slovenia, and an ordinary black and ordinary white T-shirt. We measured 5 groups of people (and a control group). Each person also completed a questionnaire about health problems. The analysis confirmed that black and white T-shirts have no significant influence on the coronas, while Vitalis and Color T-shirts do have positive influence - they improve in time the coronas of humans fingers (larger area and lower fragmentation). We also generated a decision tree in order to distinguish healthy persons from those with throat problems. Out of 75 parameters describing sectors of fingers, a sector that by Chinese medicine corresponds to the throat was estimated as the most important. The classification accuracy was 15% higher than random classification.

Glass 2000: Vili Poznik from Celje, Slovenia uses orgon technology to encode information into a glass that affects in some way the water with which you fill the glass. We recorded coronas of 34 persons before and after drinking the tap water from an ordinary glass and from a Glass 2000, coded by Vili Poznik. The results show that ther was a significant improvement of coronas (larger area and lower fragmentation) when drinking water from a Glass 2000 while the effect of drinking from ordinary glass was insignificant.

The art of living: We performed three studies in order to verify the effects of The Art of Living Programme (exercises in communication, relaxation and breathing) on its participants. The results showed significant improvement of coronas (larger area) for participants of a 2-hour meeting and of a 6 day seminar compared to control groups which had no significant differences.


Korotkov, K.(1998) Aura and Consciousness, St.Petersburg, Russia: State Editing & Publishing Unit “Kultura”.

Mitchell, T. (1997): Machine Learning, McGraw Hill.