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It is interesting that we haven’t noticed much fluaround this winter, and yet we have heard that it is prevalent.

Could it be that our clients are taking more supplements to increase and improve their immune systems? Could it be that you are taking supplements earlier in the course of the flu thus enhancing your immune response? Are you generally fitter? Hopefully, all of those apply as the benefits of supplementation and improved fitness have a ripple effect on many aspects of our health.

For those vulnerable to the flu, its worth noting that Vitamin C and Zinc in therapeutic doses, as well as Echinacea and Astragalus help improve the immune system. Olive Leaf is extremely beneficial when you have flu symptoms. And yes, being fitter, which for some, means more exercise, can certainly improve our immune function.

There has been an enormous amount of publicity about Natural Healthcare and supplements; some positive, some negative.

On the positive side are the studies that continue to show the benefits of natural products. I am sure we all hope the day will come when pharmaceutical manufacturers and the government of the day realise that the best outcome for all people is for prevention of illness to be a major priority. Treatment of illness certainly has its place and we all understand its benefits.

The study of the Stockholm Heart Epidemiology project (with the acronym of SHEEP), published in July this year, set out to examine the association between self selected multivitamins and the risk of heart attacks (Myocardial Infarction.) in Swedish men and women aged between 45 and 70 years. The study using 2980 people showed an average 25% increase in the chance of heart attack, for men and women NOT taking multivitamins. Interestingly the findings took into account the intake of fruits and vegetables, showing that supplementation with multivitamins and minerals may have an independent protective action.


Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) presents a problem that all women approaching or experiencing menopause must consider. With the revelation that some of the HRT medications thought previously to prevent the onset of cancers may actually cause cancer, strokes and dementia. Caution and careful consideration is required. The increased risk is small, but enough to be worrisome and prompts questions such as “Does this represent disease prevention or disease substitution?”

So what to do?

In some cultures, menopause symptoms are mild and of little significance, but in western society the symptoms appear more severe. Could this perhaps relate to our food intake?

Of the Phyto-oestrogen containing plants (plants with natural plant hormone-like substances) being used to help with menopause, - Red Clover, Kudzu, Hops, Dong Quai, Liquorice Root, Soy, Black Cohosh and Flaxseed, studies have shown Flaxseed has no adverse safety issues at all. The others are safe when used in prescribed doses.

Flaxseed (Linseed) meal is appearing to be the most broadly effective. This is due to the presence of essential fatty acids, phytic acid and lignans in the product. Flaxseed is the richest source of Omega 3 (essential) fatty acids, which will help reduce cholesterol and improve circulation. This helps combat the increased risk of cardio-vascular disease in post-menopause.

Iron-binding Phytic Acid (IP-6) is particularly interesting in its ability to bind with iron. Why is this important? In women, periods are natural way of reducing iron content in the body. We note that when women stop having periods their risk of cancers rises dramatically, and it is believed that excess iron plays a role in this.

IP6, which may be very important in the possible prevention of cancers, is also present in Soy.

Lignans, which occur in flaxseed and rye, are turning out to be very important. These compounds block the hormone receptor sites on living cells and act as natural cancer preventives.

In Men, Flax lignans were associated with reduced coronary heart disease in a study conducted in Finland and reported this year in the Archives of Internal Medicine. In 2002, the Duke University Medical Centre published a study showing that lignans inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells.

It’s probably very wise to be taking Flaxseed Meal on a regular basis, not only for the lignan content, but also for the soluble fibre content which has previously been shown to reduce cholesterol levels, feed your beneficial bowel bacteria, improve bowel regularity and reduce incidence of bowel disease. Further studies on lignans are currently being conducted.


STRESS. With so many people showing and acknowledging signs of stress due to the demanding and pressured lifestyle we lead, we are always concerned that the stress-induced rise in cortisol levels will cause increased incidence of disease. An excessive level of cortisol in the body inhibits the immune system which is there to protect us against disease.

We have just come across a new product that claims to reduce the cortisol levels – hence improving our immune systems. I will have the data to show you what has been achieved. Please come and ask for this information which should be available by the time you receive this newsletter.

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Ian Collins is available for your assistance at Evelyn Faye Nutrition.

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How To Boost YOUR Memory?

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If you want to improve your memory, have laser-like ability to focus and concentrate, and razor sharp mental alertness appeals to you. Then you are going to find this story very exciting!

Do you suffer from these symptoms?

• Poor Concentration?

• Short term Memory?

• Clogged mind?

• Forgetfulness?

• Mental Fatigue?

• Blankness?

• Slow Mental Ability?

• Mental Exhaustion?

• Poor recall?

Your Memory Is Your Most Precious Possession
As you know, it is not just older people that have problems with memory. The ability to recall information is vital for success at almost any age. A memory that is sharp as a tack is the difference between the A Grade student and the one who gets ‘must try harder’ on the reports from school.

A person who can recall information at the snap of a finger is the one in demand in business. Being able to remember names and faces is a huge asset whether in business or in personal life.

We are drowning in a flood of information. The television bombards us, the Computer assaults us, newspapers and magazines clamour for our attention. If you are like most people you must sometimes get the feeling you are being sucked into a whirlpool of information.

Your mind just finds it hard to cope with all the stuff flooding in from all directions.

How Good Is YOUR Memory?
Take just a moment to do this simple memory test.

1. Do you have problems concentrating or does your attention leap all over the place?

2. Do you forget where you left your glasses or car keys?

3. Do you go to the supermarket, but come home without the very thing you went there for?

4. Do you easily forget the names of people you meet?

5. Do you sometimes forget anniversaries and birthdays?

6. Do you sometimes go into a room and stand there wondering why you went in?

7. Do you sometimes feel as though your brain is stuffed with cotton wool?

8. If you are studying, how well do you recall what you have studied?

9. At examination time, do you “blank out”?

If you are like a lot of people, you will find something of yourself in these examples. It makes sense to feed your brain with the nutrients it needs to perform at its very best.

Have You Ever Wondered What Nutrients Your Brain Needs?
Your brain is just like every other part of your body. It needs good nutrition to perform at its best. A healthy diet is essential for optimum brain function.

It has been discovered that a diet rich in vitamins B12, B6 and Folic Acid combats a build up of a substance called homocysteine. Interestingly, people with Alzheimer’s tend to have low levels of these nutrients.

Your Brain Needs A Lot Of Blood To Function In Top Gear

Your brain demands a constant supply of blood to perform at its best. Poor circulation is often the hidden cause of impaired brain function and hence a memory that could be better.

Gingko Biloba has a great reputation for improving blood circulation to the brain.

An Ayurvedic Herb For Memory
The ancient Indian system of Ayurvedic medicine has long used a herb called Brahmi (Bacopa) for better brain function. Studies have confirmed that Brahmi can indeed help to improve memory function.

A Little-Known Herb To Enhance Memory

Not many people have heard of the herb Schizandra. However, clinical studies have revealed that this humble herb can have a positive effect on moods and that in turn can often result in better mental clarity.

Chinese Love This Herb

Chinese Herbalists claim that the herb Gotu Kola prolongs life. They claim it improves blood vessels and as you know, the brain needs a lot of blood to cope with the daily demands of modern life. They also claim it helps to produce a good supply of the ‘feel good’ chemical messengers in the brain.

Important Amino Acids For Optimum Brain Functions
As you know, amino acids are the building blocks of the body. They also have other little-known jobs to do for us. Glutamine is known to help concentration and Phenylalanine is another amino acid that promotes production of the chemical messengers essential for optimum brain function.

This Is Vital For Brain Health

Acetylcholine is critical for optimum brain working. The signals that flow between the neurones in the brain depend on this to do its job. You get acetylcholine from lecithin.

Keen Mind contains the six nutrients, and the three herbs outlined above, and nine more brain enhancing nutrients as well all in one formula. It could give your child an advantage when studying, help you remember where you left your glasses or car keys, help you to remember names and faces and all the other advantages of a brain firing on all eight cylinders.

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Snippet needed….
SYN-TEC a new high quality SPORTS NUTRITION range.

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We have recently received the range of Syntec products. Syntec, from New Zealand are committed to producing the best, and these three products are excellent examples of the approach being taken by them.

Nitro-plex sustained release protein complex. Designed to last up to 8 hours in the system, this slow release powder containing a full spectrum of amino acids is perfect for muscle recovery and growth. Containing ultra-cold filtered whey protein concentrate and a unique form of calcium caseinate containing sub-grouped micellar proteins, proven to have outstanding anti-catabolic properties.

The manufacturing process provides totally undenatured protein that is highly concentrated with the anabolic fraction Immunoglobulins (IgG), plus 4 grams of Glutamine per serve.

Nitroplex has a very positive potassium to sodium ratio so important in fluid retention.

HMB Extra-Tec.

Beta-hydroxy-beta methylbutyrate (HMB) is a metabolite of the branched chain amino acid Leucine. HMB is an anti-catabolic (ie. anabolic) supplement that increases lean body mass, strength and muscle function. When ingested with a protein source, the HMB will work by grabbing hold of the protein and basically escorts it to the muscle cells where it is used for muscle repair.

It helps keep the body in positive nitrogen balance.

HMB also promotes fat loss and is ideal for women as well as men.

Syn-Tec’s HMB also contains Zinc Magnesium and Vitamin B6 which increases the bioavailabilty of HMB and helps support testosterone and IgF-1 synthesis in the body.

This is far superior to HMB on its own.

THERMALENE -a weight loss product that sits alone.

There are many weight loss products available, but Thermalene capsules contains a range of ingredients different to all the others. It contains; Hydroxy Citric Acid – an appetite suppressant, Citrus aurantium – a fat metaboliser, Chromium Picolinate – preventer of sugar cravings, Guarana (Caffeine), and Willow Bark (Salicin which converts to Aspirin for the Aspirin /Caffeine stack that increases metabolism). It differs from similar products in that it also contains Acetyl L-Carnitine – a very powerful ingredient that breaks fat cells down, Tyrosine to lift the mood and support thyroid hormone production, and Coleus Forskohlii (for forskolin) the most effective fat burner.

THIS UNIQUE FORMULATION attacks fat from many angles. Combine this with a reasonable food intake and exercise program. It will enhance body fat reduction as well as helping to retain muscle – your body’s furnace for burning calories.

With spring on the way, please come in and ask us for help to achieve your desired body shape.


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Blackmores have just released a new Men’s Performance Multi directed towards men in their 30’s and 40’s who require a good multi vitamin and mineral formula. It is also particularly beneficial for men who want to improve sperm health and/or sexual performance.

The formula has been developed for energy and stamina in both mental and physical performance with a special emphasis on nutrients for male reproductive health, all with the input from a leading natural fertility clinic.

Fertility via supplementation / Performance via supplementation
Detoxification through liver-specific herbs (Milk Thistle) and general antioxidants / Detoxification through liver-specific herbs (Milk Thistle) and general antioxidants
Reduce stress using B-group vitamins and Damiana / Reduce stress using B-group vitamins and Damiana
Nutrients for sperm health and motility e.g. B-group vitamins, Folic acid and Zinc / Herbs for performance e.g. Tribulus and Ginkgo.

Features and Benefits.

Blackmores Men’s Performance Multi has been formulated with key vitamins, minerals and herbs to boost mental and physical performance and has the added convenience of being a “one-a-day” tablet

The ingredients in this formula have been included at levels which have been demonstrated to exert a benefit and it is even Mint scented to reduce that vitamin odour.

Zinc supports male reproductive health, immune health and the production of healthy sperm. Vitamin B6 plays a role in modulating the effects of hormones including the male sex hormones. Other nutrients essential to hormone and reproductive health include Vitamin B2 and Iodine.

The B-group of vitamins are generally involved in production of energy from both carbohydrates and fats, and may also be of additional assistance during times of over-indulgence and stress.

The antioxidants in the formula fight the damage caused by free radicals. They include:

  • Milk thistle, a tonic which supports the liver
  • Ginkgo, traditionally used to assist circulation to the extremities
  • Organic selenium (more easily absorbed than inorganic selenium)

It’s the mint men’s multi for males of the moment.

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And for Women…

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The Women’s Multi Plus is still available. It sports the full range of vitamins and minerals we expect these days in a multi, but of special interest, it contains 250mg of Evening Primrose Oil.

Evening Primrose Oil is renown for its benefits in easing PMT and menopausal symptoms when taken at full dosage. The amount in the Women’s Multi Plus is welcome for its benefits to skin and hair moisture and lustre

Folic acid is included at a level which generally makes additional folate unnecessary when preparing for pregnancy.

If your vitality and healthy glow has dimmed a little, try Blackmores Women’s Multi Plus.

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Ladybird Figure Meno-Soy is made from Non Genetically Modified (NGM) Soy Protein Isolate, which is water-washed to maintain isoflavones in their natural state. Studies have shown isoflavones may decrease the risk of breast cancer, reduce calcium loss from bones and reduce the severity of the symptoms of menopause.

This special isoflavone-standardised soy protein contains a minimum of 3.4mg total isoflavones per gram of protein. Being soy, it is 100% natural and suitable for people on vegetarian and vegan diets. Ladybird Figure Meno-Soy also contains the herbs and botanical extracts Wild Yam, Licorice Root, Red Clover Leaf, Chaste Tree Berry and Black Cohosh which also provide isoflavones and other constituents that help support a woman’s health during the hormonal transitions of menopause.