I.E.S. LUIS CARRILLO DE SOTOMAYOR Unit 7 -8 Level I 2nd Course

Name: ………………………………………………………...... MAY 2010

Listening / Reading / Vocabulary / Grammar / Writing / MARK
____/10 / _____/20 / _____/10 / ______/20 / _____/20 / __/80

Read the e-mail. Then answer the questions. (5 x 4 = 20 points) Write complete sentences

The Winchester House

Hi Patty,

It’s great here in the USA. Tomorrow we’re going to visit a very old and scary house. It’s Sarah Winchester’s house and it’s got many ghosts! I hope that I hear or see a ghost!

Sarah Winchester lived more than a hundred years ago. She was very rich because her father sold many rifles in the 19th century.
But Sarah was scared. Many people died because of the rifles. She thought that the ghosts of those people wanted to kill her.

The Winchester house is unusual. It has got 148 rooms. There are special staircases. Some staircases don’t go anywhere and others are only 5 cm high! There are also doors that don’t go anywhere.

I’m going to find out more when I get there.
I can’t wait!

Write soon,


1. Why does Jennifer want to visit Sara Winchester’s house?

2. Why was Sarah Winchester rich?

3. Why did Sarah think the ghosts wanted to kill her?

4. How many rooms has the house got?

5. What is special about the staircases?

VOCABULARY (10 points)

1 Complete the dialogues with the words below. (5 points)

high places • nightmares • rats and mice • roller coaster • horror film

1. Let’s try the new ...... at the theme park.

I can’t. I’m afraid of ......

2. There’s a great ...... on TV tonight.

I don’t want to watch it. Those films scare me and I have ......

3. Let’s visit the old house.

No way! It’s full of ...... !

2 Unscramble the words in brackets (using pieces of furniture). Then complete the sentences. (5 points)

1. We’ve got new ...... (uiueftrnr) for our living room.

2. There are 10 ...... (eancdls) on her cake.

3. Lynn’s got red ...... (urciants) in her room.

4. I love sitting in front of the ...... (lpfrcieea) in winter.

5. Go up the ...... (iaaecsstr). The bathroom is on the right.

GRAMMAR (20 points)

1.Write the present simple or continuous of the verbs in brackets: (1 point each)

1.  My father (finish) …………..……………… work at 5 o’clock.

2. Pat always (do) ……………………………. Homework after lunch.

3. Look! That dog (eat) ……………..……………….. a sandwich.

4. While Paul (set) ………………………….. the table, his sister (bring) …………..……………………… the dinner to the dinning room.

5. What (you study) ………….………………..……….. ? “Tomorrow’s math exam.

2. Write sentences. Use the comparative form of the adjective. (1 point each)

1. the film / exciting / the book

2. a lion / scary / a cat

3. John / bad football player / his brother

4. A video camera / expensive / a photo camera.

5. The sofa / comfortable / the armchair.


3. Write can, can’t, should, shouldn’t or must, mustn’t in the gaps: (0,5 point each)

1. We …………. bring our mobile in our bag, but we …………….. use it during the classes.

2. I ……………. get back home after 12 o’clock.

3. You …………….. eat so many sweets. You are going to be sick.

4. Maria …………… dance very well, but she …………… jump high.

5. You …………… bring homework to school everyday.

4. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the correct form of be going to. (0,5 point each)

do • not ride • climb • not give • go

1. I ...... my homework after dinner.

2. Mum and Dad ...... on holiday next month.

3. Paul ...... the mountain.

4. Fred and I ...... on the roller coaster. We’re scared!

5. My teacher ...... us homework over the weekend.

Look at Rona’s plans for next week. Then complete the questions with be going to and answer the

5. Complete the dialogues with the verbs below. Use the Present Continuous with future meaning. (0,5p each)

fly • help • play • travel • finish • come

1...... you ...... to my house later?

No, I’m not. I ...... my grandmother tidy her house.

2...... Helen ...... tennis later today?

No, she isn’t. She ...... her project at the library.

3...... your parents ...... by car to Paris?

No, they aren’t. They ...... My brother is taking them to the airport.

LISTENING (10 points)

Listen to Greg, Alice and Holly. Match A to B to make sentences.


1. Alice is afraid ...... a. of high places.

2. Greg put the spider ...... b. in the garden.

3. Greg won’t go ...... c. of spiders.

4. Greg is afraid ..... d. a mouse.

5. Sammy is ...... e. hiking in the mountains.

Writing (20 points)

1. Write the paragraph again. Replace the words in bold with pronouns. (5 points)

Brad and I are going out tomorrow. Brad and I are going to spend the whole day at the
theme park. The theme park is always great fun. Julie is meeting us later. Julie doesn’t
like roller coasters because roller coasters are scary. I asked my brother to come with
us too, but my brother is busy.

2. Imagine you are planning a special surprise for your best friend. Write a paragraph about your plans. Remember to use pronouns.

Fast finishers only – extra points

3.Complete the sentences. Make them true for you. Use be going to or the Present Continuous with future meaning.

1. Next week, I .

2. Tomorrow, my friends and I .

3. Next summer, my family .

4. At the weekend, my friend .

5. In an hour, I .

thank yJu!

have a nice Day!