School Closure and Snow FAQs – January 2017

When is it decided whether the School will be open?

This decision is usually made on the morning of each day. Sometimes the weather forecast is so certain about the amount of snow the next day it is possible to announce a closure in advance.

Ordinarily we would try to make any decision by 7.30am. If there is no closure announcement on the website, School Facebook Page and local radio, the school is open. On occasions a later decision has to be made when the level of disruption to transport only becomes apparent through the early morning.

What factors are considered when making the decision to open?

The School will do everything it can to stay open and continue to provide education for our students.

We monitor the national and local forecasts carefully. Of course because we serve a large area for a primary school some areas and routes can be badly affected and others relatively clear. We need to consider whether the weather is likely to improve or worsen.

There is a difficult balance to be struck between the health and safety of staff and children and the need to continue as normal. If there are many days and weeks of ice and snow we believe it is important to keep operating. As a country and society we may have to get more used to coping with these type of conditions.

There are very different expectations from parents. Some expect us to close; others look for us to stay open. We are very conscious of the childcare issues which can result from school closure. The school does not want to see children or staff unable to get home having come to school.

We do face particular challenges because of the distances children, parents and staff travel and the nature of the lanes and roads in our part of the country. Sometimes the disruption is very localised or the problem is access from side roads and estates which haven’t been cleared or gritted.

How are parents informed about a school closure?

This is posted on the School website and school Facebook page, and we would aim to do this by 7.30am. If there is no closure announcement on the website or School Facebook Page, the school is open. An update will be added to the School website or school Facebook page to keep everyone aware of the current situation.

Dorset County Council have introduced a new system whereby the school informs the County on our status. This is updated on the Dorset website The local radio stations pick up this information from this site.

How do you know if the bus companies are operating?

This is usually announced on the school website or FB page, if we have been informed. The bus companies also usually contact local radio stations.

Different companies may make different decisions. This is because they serve different areas and routes.

What happens in school if it is open but there are children and staff absent?

Staff make a great effort to get into School. If there are enough staff for the school to open we will try to operate as normally as possible. If the class teacher is present a lesson will take place. It will probably be adapted; there may be extra help in the class because there are fewer students. Some lessons will not be able to take place and students will be supervised in other classrooms.

What happens if the school opens as normal and there is then heavy snow during the day?

We would try to pre-empt this situation by monitoring the weather forecast. In an extreme situation we would contact parents and the buses to collect students early.

What happens if the school is open but your child is unable to attend because of local conditions?

It is ultimately each parent’s decision as to whether it is safe and possible to get to school. Local conditions can be so variable that each individual journey will face its own difficulties. If an absence is genuine it is recorded as authorised and does not count against a student’s attendance record.

Jane Prelogauskas


January 2017