How to make an effective oral presentation (while using PowerPoint as the main presentation medium).
  1. Use consistent backgrounds. Make sure you use good use of contrast so text is readable.
  2. State the purpose of the presentation. This helps the audience recognize their role.
  3. Go easy on the builds and transitions. Simple is better.
  4. Use graphics. Adjust their size to make them look good.
  5. Have a script.
  6. 5 points per slide, 5-8 words per point rule.
  7. Have an agenda; tell them where you are going.
  8. Speak slowly!
  9. Practice hand-offs to other group members. Good hand-offs are noticed by the audience and really add a professional feel to your presentation.
  10. If projecting PPT, have a helper click the mouse. Also, projectors usually have to warm up.
  11. Practice to ensure the clicks match the pace of the script.
  12. Arrange and over-manage outside help. Example: people needed to unlock doors, turn on lights, get microphones working, turn on projectors, lower screens, provide power and/or lectern or load a vhs machine.
  13. Be ready to 'adjust on the fly'. You might run short on time or some outside force may shorten your presentation mid-stream. What if the audience starts to fall asleep?
  14. Voice: make sure your statements are authoritative and end down vs up. I'll explain this.
  15. On graphics, manipulate scales to help your case. I'll explain this.
  16. Take much care in thinking about the order of slides. Is it logical?
  17. Use custom animation to your advantage.
  18. Integrate what other groups have already used.
  19. Prepare for questions: forecast what will be asked. How will you cut off questions? Can you quickly jump to the slide in question?
  20. Visual appearance: dress, location on stage, location of other group members when you are talking.
  21. Practice using a microphone if possible. It is a weird experience the first time.
  22. Always link to theory where possible. It gives you credibility.
  23. Insert blank slides at the beginning and end of your presentation.
  24. Humour. Don't use it if you are presenting to employees senior in position to you. This shows respect.