Hirschi acappella singers
Policies & procedures
2010 – 2011
Mineasa Nesbit
Choral Music Director
Hirschi Math / Science I.B. Magnet High School
Choral Music Policies & Procedures
(Information adapted from Plano Senior High School Choral Music Handbook 2006 - 2007)
Table of Contents
Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………2
Contact Information ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………..3
Mission Statement ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………4
Membership …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………….5
Ensembles / Placement …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………….6
Guidelines for District Extracurricular Activities / Standard of Conduct / Choir Officers …………………………….…………..……7 - 8
Daily Expectation / Grading System ……..………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………..…9
Attendance / Absences from Performance / Recovery …………………………………………………….…….………………………………………..10
Guidelines for Student Letter Jackets / Student Financial Obligation ……………………………….……………………………………………..11
Fundraising / Uniforms ……………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………….……12
Officer Duties & Responsibilities / Required Signatures…………………………………………………………….………..………..…………13 – 14
Publications, Video, Internet Consent & Release Agreement /
Permission of Members of Student Groups to Participate in School-Sponsored Trips
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………….……………………………………15
Handbook Contract…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………16
· 2010 – 2011 Calendar
· WFISD Drug Testing and Steroid Use Form
Dear Choir Parents & Students,
Another year has come and I am so excited that you have chosen to become a part of such a diverse group of wonderfully talented young singers. Let me thank you in advance for choosing to become a part of Hirschi Acappella Singers. You will have so many great opportunities to learn about music, to interact with peers, to travel to places you’ve never been and to make memories that will last for a lifetime.
This handbook is designed to better introduce you to the Acappella Singers student organization and to insure that choral students and parents understand all policies, to agree to abide by these policies, and to assist me in maintaining an environment that is conducive to the learning process. All policies endorsed in the WFISD student handbook will be followed during ALL school events. It is my sincere belief that your cooperation will help us all have the greatest and most successful year that we’ve ever had. This is not my organization, it is OUR organization and I welcome your support.
Parents and students are encouraged to take time to carefully read this handbook. There are several forms that will require your signature. Please sign and return these forms no later than Friday - September 3, 2010. You may refer back to the enclosed checklist to insure that no forms are overlooked. It is my wish for your student to have every opportunity available to participate in every event scheduled throughout the year. I hope that you will take a moment to review all information concerning student / parent financial responsibilities and keep in mind that our program cannot survive without financial support from our parents as well as our community.
I am looking forward to a great year – the best ever!!! If you have any questions regarding information printed in this handbook, anything that happens this year concerning your student, or if you have suggestions for how we can make our organization better, do not hesitate to contact me.
Thanks advance for making it all happen,
Mineasa Nesbit
Choral Director
Hirschi Math / Science I.B. Magnet High School
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success”
Henry Ford
Vice-President & Chief Engineer of Ford Motor Company - 1903
Hirschi Math / Science I. B. Magnet School
Contact Information
Mineasa Nesbit
Choral Director
Hirschi Math / Science I.B. Magnet School
(940) 235.1070 Ext. 30038
School Administration
Wanda Jackson
(940) 235.1070
Troy Farris
Assistant Principal
(940) 235.1070
Shannon Hill
Assistant Principal
Wichita Falls Independent School District
Dr. Dan L. White
Fine Arts Chairperson
Hirschi Acappella Singers Mission Statement
The Hirschi Acappella Singers student organization is committed to excellence in the art of choral music, to educating students, to making music through creative expression, and to sharing art with its broader community through choral music; to teach techniques and expression from a curriculum that was developed to provide a logical sequential progression of skill building allowing each student to gain the necessary knowledge to be successful during every phase of music education; to assist in the understanding of music as an art and its importance in the shaping of a culture through a wide variety of quality musical experiences to assisting students in gaining the confidence necessary as they develop into musicians performing before diverse audiences, and to building real-life skills which will assist students in making the transition from one phase of learning to the next – regardless of subject area. Through choral music, we affirm the mission of Hirschi Math / Science I.B. Magnet High School to “create a learning environment that encourages the success of all students as they become productive members of a changing, technological, international community”.
“Strive for success while exemplifying the best!”
We never stop learning.
We never stop growing.
We recognize our successes – all that we’ve accomplished.
We choose not to dwell on our failures, yet we learn from our mistakes.
We continue to grow.
We’re open to new ideas.
We set goals and we work endlessly towards reaching them.
We pledge to do
We are the Hirschi Huskies!!!
Choir Membership
Membership in an Acappella Singers ensemble is a privilege. All students selected are expected to adhere to the following statement…
Singers Understanding Commitment Cooperation Excellence Service & Spirit
If we are to experience a sequential progression of skill building allowing each student to gain the necessary knowledge to be successful during every phase of music education, then it requires each member to give 110% of their cooperation and support to this organization. Together we will meet the following expectations for continued success of our program.
Your participation will…
1. Continuously develop the ability to sight-read
2. Develop a strong, mature vocal quality
3. Develop tonal memory
4. Develop self-confidence and pride in the organization on and off stage
5. Master a diverse repertoire of choral literature
6. Develop aesthetic appreciation
“Never be afraid to do something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark;
professionals built the titanic.”
Author Unknown
2010 – 2011
Beginner choir students who have no previous experience in a choral program will be initially placed in a beginner ensemble until further notice. The director reserves the right to move or remove students to or from an advanced ensemble based on performance level and attitude.
Acappella Singers - Mixed Choir
This is an upper level competitive group. Membership includes 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students and is based upon an audition and / or the director’s educational suggestion. Sight-reading skills are further developed and applied to that of advanced choral literature. Members of this choir compete in the annual UIL Concert and Sight-reading Competition, as well as other choral festivals. Academic eligibility and current discipline record is an important factor to be a member of this advanced choral ensemble. Students who chronically fail to meet academic eligibility requirements may be indefinitely move to another less competitive ensemble at the director’s discretion. Students who consistently cannot be depended upon to attend scheduled rehearsals and performances will be moved to another ensemble.
Acapella Singers - Treble Chorus
Membership is a combined group of varsity women from the Mixed Choir and the 9th grade Treble Chorus. After-school rehearsals are necessary to prepare this group to sing together. This chorus also competes as a varsity women’s chorus at UIL Concert & Sight-reading Competition and performs for various events throughout the school year.
Acappella Singers - Men’s Chorus
Membership is a combined group of varsity men from the Mixed Choir and the Men’s Chorus. After-school rehearsals are necessary to prepare this group to sing together. This chorus also competes as a varsity men’s chorus at UIL Concert & Sight-reading Competition and performs for various events throughout the school year.
The following is a statement from the Hirschi High School Staff Handbook concerning extracurricular activities…
1. An extracurricular activity is an activity sponsored by the University Interscholastic League (UIL), the school board, or an organization sanctioned by resolution of the school board. In addition, an activity shall be subject to the provisions and rules for an extracurricular activity if any one of the following criteria apply:
a. The activity is competitive
b. The activity is held off campus, except in a case in which adequate facilities do not exist on campus
c. The activity is held in conjunction with another activity that is considered to be extracurricular
d. The general public is invited
e. Admission is charged
2. UIL and TEA rules govern all extracurricular activities. It is imperative that all rules are adhered to.
3. A list of student participants is to be on file in Mr. Troy Farris’s office a week before your first competition.
4. Linda Fain, Neil Searcy, Troy Farris will be consulted on any questions regarding UIL and TEA rules.
1. Choral students are expected to be the face of excellence for Hirschi High School &
All choir students must know that you are a representative of Hirschi High School and WFISD at all times. Your actions reflect not only our choral program, but also our school district and its administration. All choir students are to exhibit good behavior in and out of school. All trips and performances are a privilege and can be revoked at any time.
Choir members are expected to behave as mature ladies and gentlemen at all times, and to treat each other WITH MUTUAL RESPECT. Students gathered for choral functions at any time are bound by the rules of the WFISD Studen Handbook as well as those within this handbook.
2. Choral students are expected to maintain academic eligibility.
All choral students must be passing ALL classes at the time when progress reports are given. Students who are not passing ALL CLASSES will be placed on academic probation and will not participate in any UIL-sponsored events until eligibility is regained at the end of the six weeks. Non-UIL performances will be based on student conduct and progress shown in the subject areas that were below passing at the time of the progress report.
3. Choral students are subject to random drug – testing.
Random drug testing is a serious matter for the Wichita Falls Independent School District. It is a policy that ALL students participating in UIL-sponsored events (football, basketball, band, etc.) must follow and cannot be refused if the student plans to continue participation in the desired activity.
All students and parents must sign the “Parent/Student signature form”, and afterwards, the student will view a brief video provided by WFISD concerning testing procedures. The Choral Director will provide a time for all participating students to view the video collectively. It is to each student’s advantage to view the video in its entirety as well as all other guidelines concerning drug testing to avoid future problems.
If a student is chosen for random drug testing and the test is positive for drugs, the student’s status to regain eligibility is not determined by the director. The principal, director, and other authorized personnel will conference with the student and his / her parents to determine an alternative plan of action to insure that the student receives fair treatment, but that all parties understand that the student will remain ineligible until another drug test is administered to prove drug-free status.
Any student that becomes ineligible for a prolonged or terminal period of time will be removed from all competitive ensembles at Hirschi High School the semester following their attaining the ineligible status. Students will be allowed to participate in non-competitive ensembles during their time of ineligibility.
4. Choral students are expected to respect ALL administrators, teachers, and other adult supervision.
RESPECT is EXPECTED in all classrooms – not just Choral Music. All referrals will result in a disciplinary conference with Mrs. Nesbit. Three referrals for any reason will reflect participation in performances as well as future participation in the choir.
5. Choral students are expected to attend ALL performances.
ACAP, Women’s Choir, and Men’s Choir are performance-based courses and each student is depended upon to successfully perform in public and to positively represent Hirschi High School. Realizing that scheduling conflicts do occur, students will be informed of all performances well in advance and are expected to make the necessary arrangements to be present. In the event of a scheduling conflict, please inform Mrs. Nesbit to discuss alternatives to make up the performance grade. ONLY emergencies will be considered within five days of a performance. If a performance is missed, it is the student’s responsibility to contact Mrs. Nesbit about make-up work.
Choir officers are elected by their fellow classmates and should be based on their leadership, service and participation in the choir program. These students are expected to exhibit outstanding behavior, excellent leadership and a positive attitude at all times.
In choosing YOUR officers, remember that POPULARITY IS NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT CRITERIA!!! Your student leaders should above all exhibit a desire to serve the needs of our choir.
Please understand that being an AEC officer is a privilege, not a right. The director reserves the right to remove any person from office who exhibits inappropriate behavior or conduct or who does not represent the office held in a positive way.
The ACAP Executive Council is charged with the responsibility of aiding the director in maintaining our standards of behavior and should be respected by the membership for their efforts.
The quality of performance is determined by the quality of rehearsal. Daily and additional rehearsals are very important in achieving continuous quality performances. Members must focus with mind, body and spirit while maintaining maximum self-control regardless of the style of music or type of program / concert.