Geometry Syllabus

Instructor: Mrs. Ivette Worley and Mr. Christopher Robinson ( 1st, 2nd, and 5th period only)

Contact information: (phone): 279-7432(email):

(phone): 279-7168 (email):

Tutoring Hours:Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 2:15-3:00 p.m.

Course Description:

This course is meant to employ an integrated approach to the study of geometric relationships. Congruence and similarity of triangles will be established using appropriate theorems. Transformations including rotations, reflections, translations, and glide reflections and coordinate geometry will be used to establish and verify geometric relationships. A major emphasis of this course is to allow students to investigate geometric situations. Geometry is meant to lead students to an understanding that reasoning and proof are fundamental aspects of mathematics and something that sets it apart from the other sciences. This course prepares students for more advanced studies of math and science. Algebra skills are required.This course is required for High School graduation.

Rules and Expectations:

  1. Respect each other at all times.
  2. Come to class prepared (notebook, homework and pencil/pen)ready to learn.
  3. 7 P’s of Higley High School (Prompt, Prepared, Polite, Positive Mental

Attitude, Participate, Produce, and Pride).

  1. Use the bathroom before class except for emergencies.
  2. Limit refreshments to water. Gum is not allowed at school.
  3. Students will follow the procedures and guidelines of the student handbook.
  4. Keep all phones and iPods put away during class. We can’t be distracted.

Grading Policy:

80% of final grade:

  • Interactive Notebook Unit Quizzes
  • Homework quizzes Unit Tests
  • Lesson checks Projects
  • In class activities

20% of final grade: Final Exam

Grades are updated weekly

Homework and warm-ups are not included in the grade calculation. Assignments will be given daily, and students are expected to complete the work, grade it the next day with the class, and ask questions. The purpose of classwork and homework is to ensure understanding. Homework Quizzes will be given several times a week and will include problems from the homework. YOUR GRADE IN THIS CLASS IS BASED ON YOU DEMONSTRATING THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPTS, through a variety of assessments. If you do poorly on the assessment, you can get extra help, then come and retake for a higher grade or complete corrections. THERE IS NO EXTRA CREDIT. All homework assignments can be found on the teacher’s page

Materials: Students who are successful bring their materials EVERY DAY

  1. 1-1 ½ inch - 3 ring binder with dividers and loose leaf paper for your interactive notebook.
  2. Pencils.
  3. Colored pencils/markers for projects, and highlighters for notes.
  4. Graph paper.
  5. Calculator (not cell phone app). A scientific calculator is acceptable.
  6. Compass, protractor and ruler (needed by the second week of school).

Please see the classroom website for donation items that will be utilized throughout the year in our classroom.

Late Work Policy:

Problems of the week, projects, etc. will have due dates. Work that is submitted after the due date will then be worth a maximum of 75% credit. Late work can be submitted up to a week after the assigned due date.

Attendance Policy:


Definition: An absence is defined as a student's non-attendance in the student's assigned classroom during an assigned period. The difference between an excused absence and an unexcused absence is parents have followed procedures to excuse a student by calling the attendance line. However, the accumulation of excused and unexcused occurrences will result in potential consequences. ALL absences accrue towards the limit of 10 per semester.

Higley Unified School District has implemented a limit of ten absences per semester. If the student acquires ten or more absences during a semester, the student will lose credit in those classes.


Students must be in the classroom and ready to work, when the bell rings. Students who are Tardy will receive After School Detention (ASD).


After school detention may be assigned to a student for the following reasons:

  • Tardy
  • Rule infractions
  • Missing or incomplete work

ASD will be served in the teacher’s classroom after school during tutoring days. Parents will be notified by email, please make sure your email address is current in Synergy.

Behavior Management Plan:

The following steps will be taken should a behavior issue occur in the classroom:

  1. Verbal warning
  2. Parent Contact
  3. ASD
  4. Referral


All grades are updated at least weekly on Synergy. You can access it through the following address are responsible for checking their grades and resolving any problems. The best way for parents to reach me is by email.

Class Website: This contains information about my background and education, class rules, assignments, a calendar, project information, and helpful websites for math help. These resources are there for students to try to find out answers to their questions themselves, first. When a student comes to me for help, I expect that they have first looked in their notes, and at some online resources to have their question answered. The link to my website is: Worley –

Robinson -


All individuals have a right to an educational environment free from bias, prejudice and bigotry. As members of the Higley High School educational community, students are expected to refrain from participating in acts of harassment that are designed to demean another student’s race, gender, ethnicity, religious preference, disability or sexual orientation.

Expectations of Academic Integrity:

Academic honesty is expected of all students. Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to: communication with other students during a test, using notes on test, using a cell phone while testing, or sharing test questions with other students. Any behavior that affects the integrity of the test will result in a grade of 0. In addition to the policies and procedures stated above, all school policies and the code of conduct will be enforced.

How can you be successful?

My philosophy toward teaching is that every student can learn – some people just need a little more time, another approach, or some extra help. Too often students give up in math because it’s difficult. Vince Lombardi said, “We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible.”

Expect the challenge to come. Understanding takes work, but it will come in time.

Take responsibility for your learning. You’re the only one who can make you succeed.

Listen and take notes in class. Ask questions and write down the examples.

Review your notes and do the homework, even if you’re not totally comfortable yet.

Replacenegative messages like “I stink at math,” “No one in my family is good at math,” “I’m not smart” with positive messages, like “I get this,” or “I’m ready for this test.”

If you’re lost, don’t wait. Come right in and get help so you don’t get behind.

Give yourself permission to succeed!

When will I ever use this? No matter what career field you choose, from doctor to car mechanic to full-time parent, you will benefit from the ability to think things through, use procedures, and solve problems. Those are the skills that you will learn in a challenging math course like this. Together we can succeed and even have fun as we explore the material. This is a worthwhile process, and you will be better from the experience. Good luck!