This award will be presented at 2017 Combined Sections Meeting – San Antonio, TX
Dear Nominator:
Enclosed in this letter you will find the nomination forms and requirements needed to put forward your colleague for the Elizabeth Noble Award.
Elizabeth Noble was the founder of the Section on Women’s Health (SoWH) (then the Section on Obstetrics and Gynecology). She served as the first Chair and was a driving force behind the development of the field of obstetric and gynecological physical therapy in the United States. She was the author of multiple books for both the lay public and the professional.
The Elizabeth Noble award is the highest honor in the SoWH. This award is given to a member in good standing of the SoWH who has provided extraordinary and exemplary service to the field of physical therapy for women, or to the SoWH. The award may be presented on an annual basis at the Annual Business Meeting during the APTA Combined Sections Meeting.
The enclosed nomination packet contains a nomination form that the Nominator must complete and return. It also contains two blank letters of support the nominator should distribute to individuals who also advocate the nominee’s selection. All forms and letters should be returned via email to:
Or via hard copy mailed to:
Attn: Elizabeth Noble Award
Section on Women’s Health APTA
8400 Westpark Drive, 2nd Floor
McLean, VA 22102
Deadlines are indicated on the form. It is ultimately the nominator’s responsibility to ensure that nomination forms and letters of support are received before the deadline. Nominators are encouraged to send nomination and letters together in one packet (email or hard copy mailed). Incomplete nominations cannot be considered.
Please contact SoWH representatives if you have any questions regarding the application process:
Section Executive Office at 703-610-0224, FAX 703-995-0936, or email .
Vice President at
Thank you for your interest in nominating a colleague for the Elizabeth Noble Award.
Darla Cathcart, Vice President SoWH
DUE OCTOBER 10th, 2016
I, ______, nominate ______
for the Elizabeth Noble Award, an award given to honor a person or institution providing extraordinary service to the field of physical therapy for women, or to the Section on Women’s Health of the American Physical Therapy Association.
Note: Responses to the questions below need not be lengthy. If additional room is needed, add additional pages. Typewritten responses are needed for clarity; no handwritten responses please.
I, ______, am writing in support of ______, who has been nominated for the Elizabeth Noble Award, an award given to honor a person or institution providing extraordinary service to the field of physical therapy for women, or the Section on Women’s Health of the American Physical Therapy Association.
Responses need not be lengthy. If needed, additional pages may be given. All letters should be typewritten for clarity.
Please include in your letter the nominee’s contributions to the field of physical therapy for women and to the Section on Women’s Health.
Section on Women’s Health, APTA