The World Bank's Pilot Demonstration Projects for Poverty Alleviation by Developing Industries in Poverty-stricken Areas
Pest Management Plan of Animal and Plant
in Sichuan Province
Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Nov 2014
1. Related national policies and regulations 5
1.1 National principles for protecting animals and plants 5
1. 2 Major laws, legislations and standards 7
2. National institutions and mechanisms for the management of pests 9
2.1 Institutions and mechanism for the management of plants pestsplant pests 9
2.2 Institutions and mechanisms for the management of animals diseasesanimal diseases 10
2.3 Sichuan province's The institutions for the prevention and management of pests and animals diseasesanimal diseases in Sichuan Province 12
3. China's experiences and existing problems challengesin management of pests 20
3.1 China’sexperiences in management of pestsexperiences in managing pests 20
3.2 China’s existing problems challengesin managingmanagement of pests 21
3.3 Major contributors to above-mentioned problemschallenges 21
4. The World Bank's experiences and lessons from management of pests and diseases in previous projects 23
5. Main animal and plant diseases and pestsin project areas in Sichuan province 24
6. Major preventive measures against plants pests in project areas 28
6.1 Preventive measures against pests in project areas 28
6.2 Non-chemical preventive measures to curb crop pests and diseases in project areas in Sichuan province 29
6.3 List of recommended pesticides against pests and diseases (chemical methods) 31
7. Primary methods for preventing and controlling animal diseases in project areas 36
7.1 Preventive methods against the majoranimal diseases in project areas 37
7.2 Management plan formajoranimal diseases 38
7.3 Majoranimal diseases and non-chemical prevention and control methods 39
Major animal epidemics and the non-chemical measures of prevention and control in the project areas are put forward, in terms of possible epidemic of beef cattle breeding, Liangshan Semi-Fine Wool Sheep breeding and goat raising (see Table 4). 39
7.4 List of recommended animals vaccines and veterinary drugs (chemical methods) 39
7.5 List of recommended veterinary drugs against animals parasites (chemical methods) 41
8. Plan for management of pests and implementing arrangement 41
8.1 Institutions arrangement and responsibility 41
8.2 System and procedures for management of pests 43
9. Training and technique services for management of pests 44
10. Monitoring on management of pests 47
10.1 Purposes and Priorities for monitoring 47
10.2 Arrangement for monitoring 47
10.3Monitoring plan 48
Appendix 1: Major Types of Pests and Diseases of Orange, Walnut, Amorphophallusalbus, and Potato in Sichuan and Preventive Measures 52
Appendix 2: Main genre of animals and plants pests and control measures for Sichuan orange, walnut, amorphophallus albus, and potatoAppendix 2: Major Epidemics in Sichuan Beef Cattle, Liangshan Semi-Fine Wool Sheepand Sichuan Goats, and Their Treatment and Prevention 62
The World Bank's Pilot Demonstration Projects for Poverty Alleviation by Developing Industries in Poverty-stricken Areas
Plan for Management of Animal and Plant Diseases and Pests in Project Areas in Sichuan Province
Sichuan province is an underdeveloped agricultural region in western China. In order to speed up its poverty reduction and achieve prosperity, cultivate dominating agricultural industries to advance rural development, China' State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development plans to use the World Bank's loans to push forward the "Pilot Demonstration Projects for Poverty Alleviation by Developing Industries in China's Poverty-stricken Areas". The project areas in Sichuan Province cover 47 towns and 199 poor villages in XuyongCounty and GulanGulinCounty in LuzhouCity; and ButuoCounty, JinyangCounty, ZhaojueCounty, and MeiguCounty in Liangshan stateLiangshan Prefecture. The agricultural development priorities for XuyongCounty and GulanGulinCounty in LuzhouCity are cultivating orange and cattle, and orange and walnut respectively; while for ButuoCounty, JinyangCounty, ZhaojueCounty, and MeiguCounty in Liangshan stateLiangshan prefecture, key genrestypes are potato and cattle, amorphophallus albuswhite konjac and Liangshan Semi-FinLiangshan e Wool ShipSemi-Fine Wool Sheep, potato and Liangshan semi-finLiangshan Semi-Fine Wool Sheepe wool ship, and walnut and Meigu goat respectively. This project is closely related to the development of leading agricultural industries in villages and towns and to the production of characteristic farm products. To facilitate smooth processing operationof the project, we mobilized experts to conduct field investigations and interviews, and collected large bulks of statistical information. The Plan for Management of Animals and Plants Diseases and PestsAnimal and Plant Diseases and Pests in Project Areas in Sichuan Province was drafted in compliance with requirements of the World Bank's Environmental Assessment and Pest Management (OP/BY 4,09) and Pest Management.
The purpose of drafting this plan isto, through implementing the policy of prioritizing prevention and comprehensive control, toset up ten to twenty exemplary demonstration bases, introduce the conception of integrated pest management (IPM), offer IPM techniquetechnologies trainings for farmers, grass-roots agricultural techniquetechnologies cohorts and staff from the project office, and widely exercise large scale prevention and control against plants pestsplant pests and animals diseasesanimal diseases. The pests prevention and control should cut the outbreak by more than 90%, the utilized dosage of pesticides by over 30%, and the usage of chemical drugs in the core green exemplary demonstration areas by above 50%. We hope the average mortality of sheep and beef cattle can be lowered by 2% and 4% respectively compared with the level prior to this project. The foot-and-mouth disease and parasites among other animals epidemics of sheep and beef cattle must also be effectively contained, with certain localities reaching purification standards. Such major zoonoses as Brucella should be substantially curbed, while the prevention capacity against imported epidemics must be significantly enhanced. We will try to improve the preventive capability and efficiency on ofpreventingpests, popularize information about on thesafe utilization of chemical pesticides, and via compiling the catalogue of recommended chemical pesticides, make public bidding and procurement of the recommended pesticides, vaccines, and veterinary drugs. We'll also step up supervision and monitoring on pesticides so that the practice in the exemplary demonstration areas is consistent with the World Bank's requirement (OP/BO 4.09) and other international norms. What we hope to achieve is to substantially alleviate the negative effect of incremental usage of chemical pesticides in the project, and under the prerequisite of environmental safety, increase both agricultural production and farmers' income and a sustainable development of the agricultural industry.
1. Related national policies and regulations
1.1 National principles for protecting animals and plants
Through adopting the conception of integrated management of pest (IMP), theChinese government's policy of controlling animals and plants pestsanimal and plant pests and diseases aims at downsize minimizestheir thetheir damage degree to promote quality agriculture and the sustainability sustainable usageof agricultural resources for agricultural resource protection and ecological conservation. The policy has emphasized for years on prevention first, scientific control, management according to laws, and health promotion. China gave special attentions to animal quarantine to avert the outbreak and spread of animals and plants pestsanimal and plant pests and diseases. It also attached great importance to biological control methods by applying alternatives to chemical drugs and to produce non-pollution food, green food (A class) and organic good (AA class).
1.1.1 Integrated management of pest
The integrated management of pest (IMP) is both the core content of and important approach forthe comprehensive pest control, and arequirement inthe related policyfor theprojects funded by theWorld Bank---Integrate Management of Animal and Plant Pest (OP 4.09). The Chinese government adopted the concept of IMP since 1975.
Based on the notion of Integrated Pest Control (IPC) proposed by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization in 1966, IMP was the revised version of pests controlpest control strategy in 1972. The Chinese government adopted the concept of IMP since 1975 and steadily substituted chemical drugs for alternatives for ecological conservation in farmlands.
Economic efficiency, ecological balance, and social safety should all be considered when adopting IPM. So in terms of animals and plants pests controlpest control, prevention is the priority. Based on proper agronomic measures, we should fully take advantage of the natural pests controlpest control elements to create unfavorable conditions for the growth of pests. Considering the distinctive biological feathers features and habitus of different pests, we should strengthen early warning and hazards monitoring, coordinate biological, physical, and chemical approaches, and try to avoid hurting pests' natural enemies and polluting the environment to curb the pests' number within a tolerate range. We should resolve resortto trichogramma, BT pesticide, and beauveriavuillemin and other natural enemies to control pests, use microorganism agent and insect hormone to curb defoliators. Only when the above-mentioned methods fail to show effect, can we use highly effective and low toxic chemical drugs pesticideor veterinary medicines with low residue, which. Pesticide should be applied in a safe way to reduce chemical residue in soil or water.
1.1.2 Quarantine of animals and plants
The quarantine of animals and plants is a method to fend off damages caused by pests and diseases hurting crops or animals and to avert weeds from encroaching or spreading to the planting areas of crops. China started quarantine practice since the 1990s. With the implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine in 1991, China set up more than 300 quarantine institutions at customs, inland areas and air harbors against the access and spread of foreign animal and plant pests. These institutions proved to be very important in prevention and control of animal and plant pests and diseases. Many pests including Mediterranean fruit fly and hyphantriacunea were detected at those quarantine institutions. China's quarantine works are carried out by three institutions under the Ministry of Agriculture: the agricultural produce quarantine is monitored by the general General office Office of national National plant Plant protectionProtection, the timbertimber quarantine by the general General office Office of national National forests Forestand seeding Seeding managementManagement, and the animal quarantine by the general General office Office of husbandry Husbandry and vVeterinary.
1.1.3 Food safety and detection ofpesticide residues
The Chinese government has given great attention to food safety.
In line with the policy of "putting prevention first and exercising comprehensive prevention and control", in animal and plant protection, preventive measures focusing on biological control are expected to be gradually implemented. The rapid development of green good and organic food market contributed to the discarding of chemical pesticides by offering price incentives. In order to encourage the production and the certificationof green and safe agricultural produce and certification of /green and organic food, the Green Food Development Center publicized a regulation on pesticides usagepesticide usage to guide the production of green food (A class) and organic food (AA class).
The Regulation on Agricultural Chemicals andthe Regulation on Administration of Vaccine and Veterinary Drug promulgated by the Chinese governmentState Council, and the Standard for Safety Application of Pesticides and the Standard for Safety Application of Vaccine and Veterinary Drug released by the Ministry of Agriculture encourage the utilization ofing high-ly effective and low-toxic pesticides, vaccines, and veterinary medicine with low residue. All the producers of pesticides, vaccines, and veterinary drugs must abide by these documents. Some of their items are as follows:
Applying scope of pPesticides, vaccines, and veterinary drugs for can only be applied in certain scopes for prevention preventingand controlcontrollingof animals and plants pestsanimal and plant pests in agricultural production (some hazardous or highly toxic pesticides are banned, including parathion, monocrotophos, and phorate.)
Agricultural produce with excessive residue from pesticides, vaccines, and veterinary drugs are blocked prohibitedfrom access goingto the markets.
The Safe safe utilization of pesticides, vaccines, and veterinary drugs includes:involveschoosing those of certain form,sand which are safe and with appropriate applying method, the general and maximum dosage, annual maximum usage frequencyof usage, and time interval between the final usage and harvest.
The inspection institutions under the various provincial leveles and the Ministry of Agriculture are in charge of the supervision ofng the testing of pesticides residue of inagricultural produce (especially of invegetables, fruits, grain crops, poultry, eggs, and meat.)
1. 2 Major laws, legislations and standards
The centraland local governments promulgated and implemented laws, regulations, standards, measures, provisions, and norms to promote the concept of IMP.
1.2.1 Important laws, regulations, and standards against onplants pestsplant pests and diseases
A. Law of the People's Republic of China on Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products (Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, April, 2006)
B. Regulation on Agricultural Chemicals Administration (State Council, November, 2011)
C. Implementation Method for Pesticides Management( No. 9 amendment order by the Ministry of Agriculture, December 8, 2007)
D. Regulation on Non-contaminated Agricultural Produce (Ministry of Agriculture, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection, and Quarantine, April 2002)
E. Standard for Safety Application of Pesticides GB4285-1989 (Ministry of Environmental Protection, September 1986)
F. Standard for Safety Application of Pesticides GB8321.2-1989(Ministry of Environmental Protection, September 1986)
G. Pesticide Application Guidelinefor Green Food Production NY/T393-2000 (Ministry of Agriculture, May 2000)
H. Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticides in Food GB2763-2005
I. Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues in Foods GB/T 5009.20-2003
J. Standard for RationalApplication of Pesticides GB/TB8321.1- 8321.8
K. Regulations on Plant Quarantine (revised and issued by the State Council, May 13, 1992)
L.Implementing Rules of Regulations on Plant Quarantine (Agricultural Sectors), (Ministry of Agriculture, May 1995)
M. Antitoxic Regulations for Storage, Transportation, Marketing and Use of Pesticides (GB 12475-226), (Ministry of Agriculture)
1.2.2 Important laws, regulations, and standards for onanimal epidemic prevention
A. Animal Epidemic Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China (adopted at the 26th meeting of the Eighth Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on July 3, 1997, and amended at the 29th meeting of the Tenth Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on August 30, 2007)