South Harrison Home and School Meeting Minutes – 9/12/2017

Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m.

  • Brief Board Officer introduction

Principal’s Update

  • Welcome to new Board Officers
  • Welcome to new families
  • Introduction/welcome to new teachers/staff
  • Thank-you for Teacher/Administrator Luncheon
  • Announced return of the Art Show with the new Art Teacher
  • Announced new additions to playground – Foursquare/Hopscotch
  • Announced front parking lot repaved/relined
  • Announced that the cost of MAD Science Program will now be picked up by the school
  • Announced Back-to School Night (9/14/2017, 6:00 p.m.)

Teacher’s Update

  • Thank-you for Teacher/Administrator Luncheon
  • Looking forward to a very good school year

Budget Discussion

  • Starting the year with a budget of about $9K, lower than our normal starting budget of about $15K, due to late determination of starting fundraisers for this year, ending last year with lower than normal funds

Home and School Fundraisers for the start of this year:

  • Cherrydale/Coupon Book/Mum Sale
  • Fundraisers cover assemblies, teacher luncheons, Family Bingo, Skate Night, Winter Wonderland, etc.
  • Discussion of new ideas for fundraising, including a couple of potentially big money-makers to eliminate the smaller, constant events we do now, in order to raise more money more quickly for more projects
  • Asked for any ideas from parents attending, along with a “wish list” from teachers & administration
  • Discussed replacing 5K Color Run with Race for Education, making it a Community event – South Harrison Community Day
  • Parent offered assistance with new Projector system

Followed rest of printed Agenda

  • Goodies Grandparents – 9/21/2017
  • Family Bingo Night – 10/13/2017
  • Scrip Card discussion/benefits of purchasing – perpetual fundraiser, no additional cash laid out, just 5% return to H&S, available from H&S or Tara Reinerth
  • Box Tops for Education – packet to Stacey Tighe for delivery to Box Tops Coordinator
  • Additional mention of H&S Facebook page

Additional discussion on fundraising, questions from parents

  • Fundraising through school supplies –
  • Disney Vacation fundraiser discussion, additional 5K Color Run discussion/Race for Education/South Harrison Community Day
  • Discussion of possibility of assisting disadvantaged families/children through H&S, as we are a “Choice” school; if H&S budget allows, with the success of the new fundraising ideas, idea is on the table
  • Discussed potential sponsors for fundraisers, & how to “reward” such sponsors – company or individual names on tickets, shirts, free advertising, banners

Homeroom Coordinator (Parent) Elections were held

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Upcoming Important Dates

  • 9/14 – Back-to-School Night
  • 9/15 - Cherrydale/Coupon Book Student Presentation
  • 9/18 – MAD Science Assembly
  • 9/18 – School Board Meeting
  • 9/18-9/22 – Book Fair
  • 9/21 – Goodies & Grandparents (Book Fair)
  • 9/23 – STOKES Car Wash/Hoagie Sale (Saturday)
  • 9/27 – American Pride Assembly
  • 9/28 – Cherrydale/Coupon Book Fundraiser ENDS
  • 9/28 – Mum Sale BEGINS
  • 10/4 – Next Home and School Meeting
  • 10/13 – Family Bingo Night