Pre-adoption survey
The objective of this survey is to find the optimum blend dog/cat – owner in order to reach a happy relation for both after the adoption.
Please, answer the following questions clearly and develop your answers as much as you wish or as you consider.
This survey is aimed to adopters of dogs or cats. Answer the questions in relation with the chosen pet.
STERILIZATION is a fundamental requisite for adoption and must be done within a period of two months for adults and, for puppies, before reach one year old.
If you agree with this carry on with the survey. Please, fill in the answers in the designated spaces next to each question. Thank you very much for your time.
Personal Data *:
Nameand Surname: Clic here to write.
Birth Place: Clic here to write.
Birthplace country:Clic here to write.
Residence Time in Spain:Clic here to write.
D.N.I. / N.I.F.: Clic here to write.
Address: Clic here to write.
City / Province: Clic here to write. Postal Code:Clic here to write.
Birth date: Clic here to write.
Occupation: Clic here to write.
Phone number:Clic here to write.
Contact E-mail:Clic here to write.
Which animal are you interested in?
Name: Clic here to write.
House Type(apartment, flat, chalet, house…):Clic here to write.
Nº of m2 (aprox):Clic here to write. Terrace/Balcony:Clic here to write.
Owner or rented: Clic here to write.
In case of a rented home, Does your landlord/landladyagree with living with an animal?:Clic here to write.
In case of moving Where would you spend that time?:Clic here to write.
¿Does the animal would be accepted?:Clic here to write.
In case of refusal, What would you do?:Clic here to write.
Have you any neighbor specially against of living with dogs/cats in the surrounding area?:Clic here to write.
¿Which place of the home would be destined for the dog/cat?:What places does the animal would be forbidden to access?:Clic here to write.
Doesthe dog/cat would live with the family inside the house?:Clic here to write.
In which cases does the animal would be able to access the whole house?:Clic here to write.
¿In which place does the dog/cat would sleep?(inside the house, hut, garage, other places destined to it):Clic here to write.
In case that it would not be inside the house, describe how is prepared or set up the bedroom of the animal. Please, send a photo if you already have a place prepared for that purpose.
Clic here to write.
Who else live in the house?:Clic here to write.
In case of living alone, if you would have any problem of any kind (hospitalization, illness, etc.), where will remain the dog provisionally or permanently?Clic here to write.
In case of living with partner, if you get divorced, What would happen with the dog? Would he be accepted where you should go?:Clic here to write.
Nº of children:Clic here to write.
Children age: Clic here to write.
How is your children behaviour? (quiet, naughty, responsible,…):Clic here to write.
If you are thinking of having children in the future, What do you think about cohabitation dog-children?:Clic here to write.
Activities/ Spare time:
Are you currently working?:Clic here to write.
Stability in your work:Clic here to write.
Working timetable:Clic here to write.
How much spare time does you have per day/week?:Clic here to write.
What do you do in your spare time?(Hobbies):Clic here to write.
How much time do you think that could you dedicated to your pet?:Clic here to write.
What do you usually do on summer holidays?:Clic here to write.
About dogs in general
How old can a dog/cat live?:Clic here to write.
What do you pay attention to when choosing a dog/cat?(its physical, character, age,...):Clic here to write.
What needs do you think a dog/cat have?:Clic here to write.
What expenses do you think that arise from owning a dog/cat?:Clic here to write.
What average price do you think a veterinary consultation cost?Clic here to write.
What kind of feeding do you think is the suitable for a dog/cat?Clic here to write.
Which one do you thing is the main advantage of having a dog/cat?Clic here to write.
Have you had any bad experience with a dog/cat?Clic here to write.
What negative aspect of dogs/cats upsets you more? (expenses arise, barfing, jumping, scratching, hair dropped, take him out for a walk for his physiological needs, lifetime commitment, what to do on holidays,...): Clic here to write.
Do you consider important to relate your dog/cat daily with other animals? Why?Clic here to write.
How many times will you be able to take your dog to the street for a walk?:Clic here to write.
Time used on each walk:Clic here to write.
Are you aware of any allergic case on the family? What would you do with the animal if an allergic symptom were detected on you or any member of the family?:Clic here to write.
What wouldn’t you tolerate the chosen animal to do? What could lead you to a devolution of the animal?:Clic here to write.
About the adoption
Would the adopted dog/cat be for you or for a gift?:Clic here to write.
In case of a present, Would it be for an adult, kid, old person, disabled person,...?:Clic here to write.
Who has taken the decision of adopting an animal?(Un adulto, un niño):Clic here to write.
Do the rest of the home members agree with this decision?:Clic here to write.
Have you had a dog/cat before?: What breed, size?: What happened with them?: How did they died for?, What Age did they die?: Which was your relation with them (company, protection, hunting...)?:Clic here to write.
In case of a guard dog or hunting dog, where did he sleep?:Clic here to write.
Did you buy or adopt them?:Clic here to write.
Where did you adopt them?:Clic here to write.
Have you currently other animal at home?:Clic here to write.
How many?, What sort of animal?:Clic here to write.
In case of dogs/cats, What breed, sex, size and ages are?:Clic here to write.
What personality do they have(dominant, jealous,...)?Clic here to write.
Which relation do you have with them(company, guard dog,...)?:
Clic here to write.
Did you buy or adopt them?:Clic here to write.
Where did you adopt them?:Clic here to write.
About the dog/cat you want to adopt:
What sort of dog/cat are you looking for?(breed, size, age, sex, hair,...): Clic here to write.
Which personality do you wish the dog/cat to have? (quiet, active, loving, independent, brave,...) Clic here to write.
What could you tell me about the dog/cat breed you want to adopt?:Clic here to write.
Why do you choose that breed?:Clic here to write.
Please, point out your preferences:
If oyu are looking for an adult ora puppy:Clic here to write.
Why do you choose this option?Clic here to write.
What kind of cares do you think he need? Please, point out some advantages and disadvantages from your point of view about adoption of an adult or a puppy: Clic here to write.
Cares:Clic here to write.
Feeding:Clic here to write.
Advantages: Clic here to write.
Disadvantages:Clic here to write.
Why do you decide to adopt an animal? What purpose do you adopt the animal for?(Company, breeding, hunting, guard dog, therapy,...)Clic here to write.
What do you expect from a dog/cat?:Clic here to write.
How much time does the animal would spend alone at home?:Clic here to write.
Have you think about what to do with your dog/cat on holidays?:Clic here to write.
Why do you choose the adoption instead of buy the animal?:Clic here to write.
Have you ever visit an animal shelter?:Clic here to write.
Are you partner of an animal shelter?:Clic here to write. Which one?:Clic here to write.
If at adult age the animal reaches an undesirable size What would you decide about the animal?:Would you give it back to the association?: Clic here to write.
About adoption expenses
A donation is requested to cover the veterinary expenses (deworming, vaccines, chip andpersonal record) per animal adopted.
Do you agree with this? Clic here to write.
*In compliance with the Organic Law of Protection of Personal Data nº 15/1 1999 of December the 13th, 1999, we inform you that the personal data you have provided will be included in a database from DOGHORSECITY A.P.A.P. The purpose of this database is to adequately fulfill and manage our relationship. At any time you may exercise your rights of access, rectification or cancellation by means of written communication to DOGHORSECITY A.P.A.P.
**Association registered in the National Registry of Associations: Group 1 / Section: 1 / National Number: 599328