Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 21st September 2011 at 7 p.m. at Upavon Village Hall

Present: Paul Cowan, Chairman, (PC), Ralph Hilliard, (RHil), Peter Williams (PW), Eric Hagon, (EH), Russ Appleton, (RA), Julie Swansborough (JS), John Cabra, (JC), Pat Eyre, (Clerk), (PE), Danny Dakin, (DD), Trenchard Lines

Apologies: Robert Bruce, Vice Chairman, (RB), Tony Willman (TW), Noel Maskell (NM), Paul Baggaley, (PB), Alistair Gammie (AG), Paula Brown (Chairman, UCG), (PB), Richard Barratt (Neighbourhood Police), (RBa), Robert Hall, (RH), (Wiltshire Council)

Members of the Public - John Stevens

(WC = Wiltshire Council, UCG = Upavon Community Group)


2. Adjournment - Danny Dakin updated arrangements in hand for the celebration of the Centenary of the Central Flying School. The Golf Club were also planning to hold an event on 17.5.12 and Mick Cotton is preparing a package for the Camp. The playgroup has now moved into their new building. Work continues on the hangars. There will be more troops moving in during December and accommodation will be at full capacity by April. The airfield will be used for training. Efforts were still being made to establish a Pelican crossing over the A342.
Nigel Linge (Lands Liaison Officer) gave a presentation on Project Ubique which aims to resolve Rights of Way issues on Salisbury Plain. It is hoped to improve access for the public and involves improving signage, safety, security and conservation with the overall aim of achieving a better and safer Rights of Way network on the Plain.
- 21 Avon Square - it was reported that several of the vehicles had been moved and it was hoped that progress was being made. It was felt that pressure to clear the area should be kept up.
- Community Speed Watch - There had been a meeting with the police at Pewsey and representation had been sent to Wiltshire County. It had been suggested that it might be better to have a group of people from various villages around the A345, including Rushall and Everleigh joinong together to provide a Speed Watch. It was hoped that they would be funded in order to buy SIDs and other equipment. They would receive training and move around the villages to provide cover 24/7 rather than on an ad hoc basis as now. Thanks were due to Enford Parish Council for their work on this issue. The A342 would be included in the scheme, as would Trenchard Lines and Everleigh.
This new approach was felt to be a good idea as the current scheme was not working. It was hoped that it would be put into action within months.
It was also reported that Stan Bagwell of Enford Parish Council was working on strategies to reduce the volume of HGVs using the A345 by working with companies producing satnavs regarding the information users would receive regarding the suitability of the roads for HGV traffic. Another approach was to investigate the possibility of altering priority signage.
- Police report - Richard Barratt was not present but had sent a report. There had been one reported crime in Upavon which was the theft of a bag which had been left outside. There had been crimes in other villages including the theft of farm machinery, tractors, diggers and quad bikes. A quantity of lead had been stolen from the roof of Rushall church. Residents were asked to be aware and to report any suspicious vehicles.
Endorsable fixed penalty tickets had been issued for speeding on the A342. Richard would continue to attend different locations in Upavon. He was also investigating the possibility of establishing new sites for Community Speed Watch to take place.
Attention was drawn to the new non-urgent contact number for the police - 101 should be used where the matter is less urgent than 999.
It was reported that Tony Willman had resigned from the Council due to pressure on his time from both family and work. Paul Cowan agreed to meet with him to discuss the work he had been doing in the village. / PC
3. The Minutes of the meeting 20.7.11 were agreed and signed.
4. Matters Arising - dealt with under other items
5. Planning/Development Control -
E/11/0270/FUL and amended plans - 3 Devizes Road - house and garage - no objections
E/11/0833/FUL - hangar, Trenchard Lines - granted
E/2011/0973/FUL - 28 Fairfield - conservatory - no objections
E/2011/0892/LBC -Trenchard Lines Building 36 - granted
E/2011/1024/TCA - Dairy Cottage - tree work - granted
E/2011/1018/TCA - Wessex House - tree work - no objections
6. Parish Plan - Restoration of red telephone boxes - this work was nearing completion and additional spare parts had been ordered. There were various suggestions regarding their use. Paul Cowan agreed to contact Tony Willman regarding the possibility of having a defibrillator in the one in centre of the village. Other suggestions were the installation of a touch screen which could be used on a 20p in the slot basis and an information booth, particularly for displaying Parish Council Minutes.
A345 footpath from Riverside - Noel Maskell was not present but had contacted the owner of Grey Flags who wanted more information about the project. He had also proposed that Council apply for funding from the Lottery. Peter Williams agreed to look into this and would meet with Noel to discuss.
Speedwatch - see above.
Footpaths and bridleways - Russ Appleton reported that he had done some work on the footpath beside the Pottery and arranged for the mowing contractor to make a wide cut through the maize crop and trim alongside the new footpath. He had also done some work on this footpath.
Upavon Community Group - Paula Brown was not present. It was reported that the ROSPA inspection had taken place and the report should be received shortly. Several items of play equipment were in need of repair and replacement on the Upper Playing Field. It was agreed to wait for the report before starting work. (also see below)
Peter Williams had been helping to investigate the possibility of funding for the provision of a trackway on the Upper Playing Field from the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee project but further quotes were needed and any funding would have to be matched. The suggestion of using the proposed mobile skate park was discussed and agreed in principle, but it was felt that it might only be used by a small number of children.
The vandalism of the 'Shed' was discussed. Though it had been suggested that this be removed it was decided to try to organise a working party to repair and reinforce it. Paul Cowan agreed to meet with Paula Brown and organise a group from residents within the Watson Close area to help with the work.
Julie Swansborough agreed to obtain some larger signs regarding dog waste.
Budget - Robert Bruce was not present.
Village Fun Day - planning was underway for 2012. / PC
7. Upper and Lower Playing Fields - Russ Appleton reported that bark had been laid in the Upper Playing Field and that two of the basket swings needed to be replaced. Some repairs had been undertaken by John Stevens and Russ but it was agreed to wait for the ROSPA report before continuing.
Russ had painted the goal posts in the Lower Playing Field.
8. Village maintenance - Julie Swansborough continues to work on the seats when possible.
Paul Cowan reported that he will be working on the gas lamp shortly.
Russ Appleton had provided some signs requesting traffic to slow down at the bridge to allow the geese to cross the road. It was reported that these were having a good effect in slowing down the traffic. / JS
9. Litter picking - There had been more successful litter picking though fewer children had taken part. Both Julie Swansborough and Russ Appleton had taken several loads to the tip. / JS
10. Web site - John Cabra reported that Alistair Gammie had been updating the site, though the SPTA information needed updating. / JC/AG/PE
11. Other items - Route 5 bus service - Paul Cowan had received acknowledgement of receipt of his letters from Wilts and Dorset and Claire Perry. Wilts and Dorset said that the cuts in services reflected the cuts in spending at Wiltshire County and that they decide which routes the buses should follow. No acknowledgement had been received from them. Claire Perry will be interested to see the replies when received. Paul will chase Wilts County.
A345 - Upavon's responses to the Enford survey and submission to the Area Board and PCAP had been or were due to be presented. It was suggested that Council re-apply to the Road Traffic Improvement Scheme.
Great Stones Way - Paul Cowan agreed to liaise with local amenities to ensure they were included in any route guides etc.
Children crossing the A342 by the bus stop on Down View - It had been reported that children were in danger when they crossed the road to board the school buses. There were several suggestions made regarding improvements to safety. Members of the P.Saf. group would contact the bus company, Highways and the police to arrange an on site meeting between 8 - 9 a.m. / PC
12. Finance - Cheques for payment were -
(269) P. M. Eyre - Clerk’s Salary and expenses £390.56
(270) P. Baggaley - bins - September 100.00
(271) Wiltshire County - allotments 1/2 year 28.00
(272) Greenfields - bark 1764.00
(273) J. Stevens - bins 20.00
(275) R. Appleton - maintenance 50.00
(277) J. Swansborough - litter picking 85.00
(278) Upavon Village Hall - 2nd 1/2 year 250.00
(279) St. Mary's PCC - cemetery - 2nd 1/2 year 250.00
(280) HMRC - PAYE July & Sept. 104.80
(281) J. Stevens - expenses 20.00
Bank balance after payment of above and allowing for unpaid cheques = £9748.03
13. Clerk’s notes and correspondence - A letter had been received from Mark Southgate asking that the Council support the proposal to establish a local TV station. It was agreed that the suggested draft letter be used.
Information regarding the Restorative Justice and Redemption schemes was noted.
Views were being sought regarding the Pewsey Campus - it was pointed out that Pewsey already has the facilities mentioned in the survey, albeit not all under one roof.
Thank you letter to be written to John Stevens regarding his work on the bins.
Letter also to be written to Tony Willman thanking him for all his work on the Council. / PE
14. Items for the Magazine/web site - It was suggested that the new number for contacting the police if the matter is not an urgent (999) call be placed on the website. The new number to call for non-emergency calls is 101. / JC
15. AOB - Several examples of Emergency Plans had been obtained. These were to be passed round and discussed at the next meeting with a view to drawing up a Plan for Upavon. / PC and all
The meeting closed at 9.40 p.m.



Next meeting -Wednesday 19th October 2011 at 7.00 p.m. in the Village Hall (no meeting in August)