Tragedy of the Commons

Modified by Kevin Bryan


DescriptionPage #

  • Introduction 1
  • Teacher Notes 2
  • Acknowledgements 2
  • Correlation to Course Description 3
  • Correlation to the National Standards 3
  • Correlation to the California States Standards 3
  • Story 4
  • Copy write 4
  • Activity 5
  • Point Assignment 7
  • Handout A 8
  • Handout B 9
  • Rubric 10
  • Score Sheet 12
  • The Commons 13
  • Pictures 16


Textbooks define “Tragedy of the Commons” as the depletion or degradation of a potentially renewable resource to which people have free and unmanaged access. The over use of our natural resources by people is a common topic in environmental science. The availability of clean air, water and soil has decreased dramatically the last 100 years as the population climbed to over 6 billion people. The lost of undisturbed lands, biodiversity and other natural resources as the population grew and spread to cover much of the land has dramatically affected many species. Below is a short explanation of Easter Island

Eastern Island (Rapa Nui) is a small island, isolated in the South Pacific. It was colonized by the Polynesians about 2,500 years ago. The civilization they develop was based on the island’s towering palm trees, which were used for shelter, tools, fishing boats, fuel, food, rope, and clothing. Using these sources, they developed an impressive civilization and a technology capable of making and moving large stone structures, including their famous statues. However, they used up the islands precious trees faster than they were generated. Once the trees were gone, the islanders could not build canoes for hunting porpoise and catching fish. Without the forest to absorb and slowly release water, springs and steam dried up, exposed soil eroded, crop yields plummeted, and famine struck. When the Dutch explorers first reached the island, they found only 2,000 inhabitants, struggling under primitive conditions on a mostly barren island, the starving people turned to warfare and possibly cannibalism. The islanders had lived an unsustainable lifestyle, where they had taken advantage of their resources, when they didn’t manage their food or natural resources they fell on hard times.

Please read “The Commons” section at the end of the handout for additional information and background on the Tragedy of the Commons. Also there are several pictures at the end of the text from one of my classes.

Teacher Notes:

1)I use a group size of 4 students, three if I have an odd number. I know that other teachers have used up to six students.

2)There are a lot of different ways to do this activity; many use M&M, Hershey’s Kisses or other candy that can be picked up easily with a straw or spoon. I prefer the cheese cracker fish, since the students are fishing for their food.

3)Yes, tell the students they can eat the fish when it is appropriate which will be discussed later.

4)As I begin the activity I tell a story to encourage the students to provide for the people in their country. I will provide the story in a section below.

5)Some students will complain that you didn’t give them all of the instructions, especially if they over harvest. Simple state that is correct and that was by design. You probably will learn more this way than if I told you that you were going to add more fish.

6)After the first round or two, some groups may overfish their oceans; you can allow them to start over.

7)You might want to give each student a country name. This may help with additional ownership. I have chosen to use countries that might fish the same waters. A list is provided in the instructions. I would like to thank Dr. Norm Herr, professor at California State University, Northridge for this suggestion.

8)The Commons written paper at the end has the above introduction section at the beginning as this is meant as a handout to the students after they have completed the activity.

9)The activity has been modified to include the colored goldfish crackers to be predators. Contact me for the additional activity; it does not have the detail this activity has.


1)A special thanks to Ben Smith at Pales Verdes High School in California. I participated in this activity in his weeklong workshop. I have made a few changes to fit my style. Plus I have added the different standards, how I score the activity and the scores sheets I use.

2)Ricky Bermudez, one of my former AP Environmental Students, read material on Easter Island and wrote the short paragraph about the rise and fall of Easter Island.

3)The Commons section at the end of this activity was written by Gary W. Harding. The website address is His last update was 1997, I have modified it to fit my needs and with some additional information. I plan to add additional examples in the future.

Correlation to the Course Description:

This activity corresponds to several sections of the course description.

III. Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources: Distribution, Ownership, Use, Degradation

All sections A – F.




  • Human beings live within the world's ecosystems. Increasingly, humans modify ecosystems as a result of population growth, technology, and consumption. Human destruction of habitats through direct harvesting, pollution, atmospheric changes, and other factors is threatening current global stability, and if not addressed, ecosystems will be irreversibly affected.



  • Human populations use resources in the environment in order to maintain and improve their existence. Natural resources have been and will continue to be used to maintain human populations.
  • The earth does not have infinite resources; increasing human consumption places severe stress on the natural processes that renew some resources and it depletes those resources that cannot be renewed.
  • Humans use many natural systems as resources. Natural systems have the capacity to reuse waste, but that capacity is limited. Natural systems can change to an extent that exceeds the limits of organisms to adapt naturally or humans to adapt technologically.


  • Materials from human societies affect both physical and chemical cycles of the earth.
  • Many factors influence environmental quality. Factors that students might investigate include population growth, resource use, population distribution, over consumption, the capacity of technology to solve problems, poverty, the role of economic, political, and religious views, and different ways humans view the earth.


Biology/Life Science: Ecology

  1. Stability in an ecosystem is a balance between competing effects. As a basis for understanding this concept:
  1. Students know biodiversity is the sum total of different kinds of organisms and is affected by alterations of habitats.
  2. Students know how to analyze changes in an ecosystem resulting from changes in climate, human activity, introduction of nonnative species, or changes in population size.


Here is a sample story I tell the students as we play the game. The exact story changes every time I do the activity, but the guidelines are below.

Begin this section by passing out Handout A. As I am passing out the handout, I begin the story.

Students you represent your countries fishing fleet. In order to stay in the game, you must catch at least one fish. If you don’t you are eliminated from the game. The straw represents your method of fishing. Fisheries use trawling, long-line with hooks, nets, and traps to catch fish and other sea animals. You have 30 seconds to catch your fish.

After 30 seconds, tell the students to stop. I usually give them some count down to try to encourage the students to fish as long as possible and as much as possible.

OK, stop. Count the fish you caught and record the data in the table provided. Share your results with the other members of your group, recording each others results. Now, let’s see how many fish each group still has left in their “ocean.” Great job groups, your country has eaten very well this season. Now let’s prepare for the next season.

Now, for round two, for every fish that you have left on your plate, you may add one fish. The total number of fish on the plate can not exceed 30, the carrying capacity of our “ocean.”

At this point, one or more groups will comment that they don’t have a lot of fish left or none at all.

What do you mean; you have no fish left that means your country will starve during the next year. OK, I’m a generous guy; you can start over, and add 30 fish to your ocean. It is now time for round #2. Just a reminder that your goal is to feed your people, if you don’t provide enough food your nation will starve.

Repeat the above for each round, modifying what you say during and between rounds to encourage the students to stay active in the game. Most groups will get the idea after 2 or 3 rounds; there will be that one group that will need some additional guidance to understand the game. Usually, I just encourage them to take a few minutes and discuss their actions and the results they have after each round. Don’t let them know when you will end the game or they will overfish the last round.

Now the best pat, allow the students to eat the fish they have caught. Any fish left on their trays at the end of the game should be eaten by the students.

Copy write: please feel free to use this activity and make changes as needed for your class.

Tragedy of the Commons



Goldfish, straw, 2 trays (plates), timer, paper (paper towels)


1)You are going fishing. The straw will be your fishing pole. Aspirate through the straw, to catch the fish. Place the caught fish on your paper. Aspirate: scientific word to suck.

2)Make sure to follow all oral instructions.

3)Divide into groups of 4 students (or other size depending on the class size).

4)Get a tray of goldfish, one straw and one piece of paper per person.

5)Count 30 goldfish onto the second tray.

6)You have 30 seconds to catch your fish, you are feeding your nation with your catch, and you must catch at least one fish.


8)Count your fish and record in the table. Add the data for all members of your group. Determine the number remaining.

Students Name
Round # / Starting # / # Remaining
1 / 30

9)Count the remaining fish. It should equal the number remaining.

10)Add a column to the end of the table.

11)Add 1 fish for every fish you have left. Maximum number of fish is 30, due to carrying capacity. Record the number of fish added.

12)Repeat for round two.

13)You must catch a fish to stay in the game.

14)Repeat for additional rounds.

15)Eat your fish.

16)Answer the conclusion questions.



Tuna / Anchovies / Students Name / Tuna / Tuna / Anchovies / Anchovies
Round # / Starting # / Starting # / # Remaining / # Added / # Remaining / # Added


Please answer the questions completely. Elaboration (explanation) is required to get full value.

1)What happened the first time you went “fishing”?

  1. How does this relate to overfishing?

2)Why have time limits? What does the time limit represent?

3)Did your group discuss your actions and strategies before each harvest? If so, briefly relate you’re the discussion.

4)If there was no discuss, discuss each member’s actions.

5)Do you think each group was affectedly harvesting the ocean? Explain

6)Mathematically, what is the best strategy for harvest the natural resources.

7)How is this a model for sustainability?

8)How is this a model for carrying capacity?

Tragedy of The Commons

Point Assignment

Grade: This assignment is worth 100 points. Each Student is responsible for their own written report.

Purpose: 10 points

A descriptive purpose that is written after the activity has concluded (opposite of the usual way).

Table: 20 points

The data is entered in the appropriate locations.


Answer the 8 questions in the conclusion section above. Make sure to elaborate to get full value.


Typed, tables computerized

Teacher Discretionary Points

Cooperation in your group

Active participation in class debriefing

Description / Possible
Points / Points
Received / Comments
Purpose / 10
Table / 20
(8 questions x 5 pts) / 40
Organization / 10
Teacher Discretionary Points / 20
TOTAL / 100

Tragedy of the Commons

Handout A


1)You are going fishing. The straw will be your fishing pole. Aspirate through the straw, to catch the fish. Place the caught fish on your paper. Aspirate: scientific word to suck.

2)Make sure to follow all oral instructions.

3)Divide into groups of 4 students (or other size depending on the class size).

4)Get a tray of goldfish, one straw and one piece of paper per person.

5)Count 30 goldfish onto the second tray.

6)You have 30 seconds to catch your fish, you are feeding your nation with your catch, and you must catch at least one fish.


8)Count your fish and record in the table. Add the data for all members of your group. Determine the number remaining.

Students Name
Round # / Starting # / # Remaining
1 / 30

Tragedy of the Commons

Handout B

9)Count the remaining fish. It should equal the number remaining.

10)Add a column to the end of the table.

11)Add 1 fish for every fish you have left. Maximum number of fish is 30, due to carrying capacity. Record the number of fish added.

12)Repeat for round two.

13)You must catch a fish to stay in the game.

14)Repeat for additional rounds.

15)Eat your fish.

16)Answer the conclusion questions.



Students Name
Round # / Starting # / # Remaining / # Added

Tragedy of The Commons


Below is the rubric for grading each section. The bulleted items need to be written in complete sentences.

Purpose: 10 points

  • 5 points
  • catching fish in the allotted time (30 seconds)
  • understanding the tragedy of the commons
  • other
  • 10 points
  • over use of resources
  • conservation of resources
  • not to deplete resources
  • frailty of our resources
  • non-ending amount of food
  • greed when it comes to using resources
  • other

Table: 20 points

  • Multiple rounds – 5 points
  • Round 1 where they failed, unless they didn’t fail, see other answers to verify if needed. – 5 points
  • Multiple rounds of fishing with data in all columns. – 10 points


Each question is worth 5 points. The answers should include an elaboration for full value.

1)What happened the first time you went “fishing”?

  • Over fished, that is all or most were gone – 2 points
  • Other – 2 points
  • How does this relate to overfishing?
  • This activity shows how catching (overfishing) causes problems with new fish being produced – 3 points
  • Other – 3 points

2)Why have a time limit? What does the time limit represent?

  • The time limit represents fishing seasons. – 2 points
  • Fishing seasons help set limits as to when, where, size and how much fish can be caught. – 3 points

3)Did your group discuss your actions and strategies before each harvest? If so, briefly relate you’re the discussion.

  • Probably not on the first round – 2 points
  • Discussion on additional rounds – 2 points
  • Elaboration on what was discussed and decided – 1 point

4)If there was no discuss, discuss each member’s actions.

  • What were each members actions during the first round. – 5 points

5)Do you think each group was affectedly harvesting the ocean? Explain

  • Not during the first round – 1 point, a 2nd point is award if they elaborate on why they didn’t affectively harvested the first round
  • Multiple rounds – 1 point, a 2nd and/or 3rd point can be award for elaboration

6)Mathematically, what is the best strategy for harvest the natural resources.

  • The best strategy is harvesting 15 fish – 2 points
  • Explaining why this is the best strategy – 2 points
  • Explaining that one member will have less fish (4 member group) or all will have the same (3 or 5 member group) – 1 point

7)How is this a model for sustainability?

  • An explanation on sustainability – 2 points
  • If the students ultimately develop an understanding how that the ultimate catch is 15 per round – 3 points

8)How is this a model for carrying capacity?

  • Maximum amount of fish is 30 because that was in the instructions – 2 points
  • If they discuss how the habitat can only support 30 fish because of other limiting factors (food, predatory/prey, other) – 3 points


  • the document is typed (computerized) – 5 points
  • table is organized (neat, easy to read) – 3 points
  • overall appearance – 2 points

Teacher Discretionary Points

  • Cooperation in your group, worked as a group during the activity, discussion (except first round) – 10 points
  • Active participation in class debriefing – 5 points
  • Other points – up to 5 points
  • Extra ordinary written report
  • Pictures
  • Graph
  • Other

Recording the Points

The points are placed into a copy of the table below. The grader should make comments about what the student has written.

Description / Possible
Points / Points
Received / Comments
Purpose / 10
Table / 20
(8 questions x 5 pts) / 40
Organization / 10
Teacher Discretionary Points / 20
TOTAL / 100

Tragedy of The Commons: Score Sheet


Description / Possible
Points / Points
Received / Comments
Purpose / 10
Table / 20
(8 questions x 5 pts) / 40
Organization / 10
Teacher Discretionary Points / 20
TOTAL / 100

Tragedy of The Commons: Score Sheet