6th Grade
Team Liberty Newsletter
OCTOBER 13, 2015
Mrs. Randolph-Language Arts
Hello Parents! For the next few weeks we will be focusing on the narrative writer’s tool box. We will be learning various narrative writing techniques and using them in our original pieces. We will continue to work in the Vocabulary Workshop book for spelling and vocabulary during this time. Students should keep reading for the DEAR logs and don’t forget to encourage your child to be filling out book tickets for the Fall Reading Challenge.
Mr. Walden-Science
Science students have begun astronaut training in preparation for their fieldtrip to the Buehler Challenger Science Center. We will visit the campus of Bergen Community College in Paramus NJ on November 10,11, and 12. Each student attends one of the three days. Please fill out and return the permission slip as soon as possible. The permission slip will notify you of the day your child is attending. Lunch will NOT be provided on the trip. Pack a lunch! Chapter tests will be coming home to be signed, corrected and returned.
Mr. Rosenberg-Social Studies
October has been a very busy month so far for Social Studies. We are going to have our first test this Friday, October 16, 2015. I have handed out the study guide which is due on Thursday. If they complete the study guide (which is not optional), and get the study guide signed by a parent, they will receive five points extra on the test. On my website there is a “test helps” web page which has many of my notes in Powerpoint format and other resources.
As far as the project is concerned, the research guides were due today. As long as they were completed, the students should take a small break from the project until the test is over. I scheduled both the test and the project in a way that would not interfere with each other, unless they missed a due date. I will be working on the Works Cited in school with them. They were taught how to write a newspaper article and I am working on teaching them the other parts of the project later this week.
Please check my website for updates and information you need. Feel free to contact me, preferably by e-mail at any time.
Mrs. Rascher’s Math Corner
Math Matters
In Math, we continue to review some core math skills and are diving into work with fractions, decimals, and percents. All at the same time, I want the students to be aware of how they use numbers in their everyday lives. In addition, I encourage them to use the online textbook resources for additional practice. (
Multiplication: The Facts of Life
Thefactisthat6thgrade studentswouldgreatly benefitfromhavingautomaticitywithmultiplication facts.Automaticityisdefined assomethingdoneunconsciouslyorfromforceof habit. Mathhomeworkwouldgo muchsmootherandtake lesstimeif allstudentshad automaticitywithmultiplicationfacts. Almosteverylessontaughtinmathrequires multiplicationskills. Students whohavenotmasteredthemultiplicationfacts shouldbepracticingtheir factsseveral timesperweek. Therearemanygoodweb sites availabletohelpstudentspracticemultiplication.