Survey project airspace class D
This form must be used for airspace class D.
Do not use this form for survey projects in other airspace.
Project name: / Project valid till:
- Fill in the required flight details on page 1 (only white fields) and send this form least five working days prior to requested ETD.
- You will receive a project form with projectnumber. Use this form for co-ordination.
- At least one hour prior to ETD, you must fill in the required data on page 2 of this form (only white fields), and send the form to . Wait for approval and instructions.
Name aircraft operator:
Phone number(s): / and
Callsign / registration: / or / or
Type: / or / or
Name project owner / sponsor / Tel:
Altitude: / ftFL (Choose ft or FL from pulldown menu)
Alternative 1: / ftFL(Choose ft or FL from pulldown menu)
Alternative 2: / ftFL (Choose ft or FL from pulldown menu)
Number of tracks:
Duration per track: / min / min / min
Maximum turn radius:
(If the flight will fly or turn in another (higher) airspace class, use the form applicable for that airspace class.) / NM / NM / NM
Total project duration: / minHrs / minHrs / minHrs
Exemptions valid within Amsterdam FIR:
Night VFR: / No / Yes ILT 44.1.a / valid till
Low level flights / No / Yes ILT 45.1.a
No / Yes ILT 45.1.b / valid till
- If the flight will fly or turn in another (higher) airspace class, use the form applicable for that class.
- If applicable, aircraft operator is responsible for co-ordination of the flight with:
- ATC units responsible for ATC in adjacent FIRs;
- foreign ATC units responsible for ATC in parts of Amsterdam FIR where ATS is delegated.
- You may use this form for prior co-ordination with foreign ATC units.
- Aircraft operator is responsible for obtaining the required permits for crossing special areas within the project area (e.g. EHP26).
- If applicable, Operational Help Desk will send this form to Belgocontrol SPACC.
Call sign: / SSR code: / Altitude: ftFL
(Choose ft or FL from pulldown menu)
ADEP: / ADES: / Project duration:
ETO target: UTC / Remark:
Page 2 is to be filled in by LVNL Operational Help Desk
Copy to (to be filled in by LVNL Operational Help Desk):
ACC-SUP / MIL SUP / FIC / TS / Belgocontrol SPACC
EHBK / ILT / Other:
No rights can be derived from this form. For questions and/or comments, please contact LVNL Operational Help Desk. Phone +31 20 406 2201 or or EHAMZXHD.
F1.0255D, issue 009Page 1of 2Issued: 7-12-2017