Year 1Class Newsletter
Friday 3rd March 2017
Swimming for Hazel class is every Wednesday.
P.E for Hazel Class is every Tuesday morning.
P.E for Cherry Class is every Wednesday and Thursday.
Forest Friday is every Friday for all of Year 1.
Please ensure your child has the correct clothing for these activities.
The whole of Year 1 had a great trip to Norwich Cathedral. They were in awe as soon as they stepped in, marvelling at the windows, the stone work and the size of the Cathedral. They listened so well to “Edith Cavell” and her life story. Hopefully they have shared some of this information with you. We also learnt about Florence Nightingale and how she led the cleaning up of hospitals. We looked at different ways that we could share facts eg bill boards, newspapers and news report on film.
We have been learning to write fiction narratives through the story of The Elves and the Shoe Maker. We have used Story Maps and the children created their own Story Map, finishing with them writing their own version of the story of the Elves and The Shoe Maker. We have been practising joining clauses in sentences using ‘and’ or ‘because’. We have been learning to use adjectives and similies to up-level our sentences. The children are also making sure that they re-read what they have written to check that it makes sense.
In Phonics we have learned that: wr as in write,mb as in climb, and dge as in edge. We are reviewing some of the trigraphs (3 letters making one sound) and digraphs (2 letters making one sound)that we learnt in Year R,please keep practising these when you are at home.
We have been learning to multiply and divide. We have used equipment to show our calculations before writing them down. This has also led to learning that half of a number can be linked to division.We have been learning to recognise odd and even numbers.
We are continuing to do our Maths Meetings every day with Maths Monkey. The children are particularly becoming confident with telling the time. Well done Year 1!
At home you could:
- Practise reading the words on our Year 1 word mat.
- Practise spelling the words on our Year1 word mat.
- Play Maths problems. For instance: There are 4 children sitting at the table. They have 3 potatoes each…How many potatoes altogether? There are 20 stickers and 5 children. How many stickers do they get each?
- Help your child learn to do his or her coat up, and learn to do their shoe laces independently.