Contract Management and Tracking System
Standard Operating Procedures
SOP Reference Number Version Date Replaces Version:
CMTS/002/01/01 05.07.12 06.24.10
Title: General Operating Instructions
Revenue Contracts are initiated using the Contract Management and Tracking System. The UAMS Department Administrator (or other designated employee) creates a contract by entering contract information into the CMTS. Access to this system shall be provided to each department’s chief business administrator. Additional access shall require the approval of the department’s chief business administrator. Please contact the System Administrator for access. Individual training can be provided.
The official contract document is received in the form of either an electronic or a paper document. If received electronically, the department administrator uploads the contract into the Contract Management and Tracking System.
Each contract has a status associated with it. Once the contract has been approved by the Dean’s office, the administrator or designee will print the cover sheet along with two paper copies of the contract and mail to Contract Services. The contract status is tracked throughout the life of the contract. Based on the contract approval process, the contract status is tracked for review, approval, and signature through CMTS.
Contract billing and payment transactions are entered into the UAMS SAP system. Billing and payment activity is downloaded from SAP to CMTS on a nightly basis. Summarized billing and payment transactions can be displayed for contracts in CMTS.
The CMTS committee is appointed by the Dean of the College of Medicine to manage CMTS and to regulate all activity. All changes to CMTS must be approved through the CMTS committee. Committee membership is comprised of representatives from the COM Dean’s Office, Contract Services, IT, and various COM departments
Access the Contract Management and Tracking System page 3
Login to CMTS page 4
View Existing Contracts page 6
Create a New Contract page 8
Save the Contract page 15
Edit a Contract page 16
Forward the Contract page 16
View/Print Contract Log page 16
Contract Approval page 17
Contract Billing page 18
Expire Contract page 18
Billing and Payment Reports page 19
View/Print Billing Options page 23
My Profile page 24
Logout page 24
Using a web browser, go to the CMTS website at
CMTS Home Page
Menu Bar Definitions
Login: Login and password screen.
Login Direct: Direct to the Contract Listing Screen.
Question Form: Account setup questions and comments screen.
Minutes: CMTS Committee meeting minutes.
What is New: Tracks changes to the Contracts Management Tracking System.
Help Instructions on use of system
Useful Links Documents related to the system
Download Shortcut: Download shortcut icon to your desk top
Click the Login link on the menu bar to login to CMTS.
Login Screen
Enter Username and Password in the spaces provided. (NOTE: Username is the same as UAMS Domain Login Name, i.e. LastFirstMiddleInitial (SmithJaneR); Password is the same as UAMS Domain password.
If you are unable to login to CMTS or need assistance, click the Questions Form Link which will take you to the Account Setup Questions & Comments link located on the left menu bar to send a message to the CMTS database administrator.
Enter your complete email address in the space provided ().
Type in a question/comment in the blank area below the email address. Complete by clicking the Send button.
Upon initial login to the system, the password can be saved so that Windows will remember it for future logins.
Upon successful login to CMTS, the CONTRACT LISTING screen is displayed. This screen displays all contracts associated with your login role. Click the up/down arrows to scroll through the list of contracts.
To return to the CONTRACT LISTING screen from other CMTS screen views, click the View Contracts link located on the menu bar.
Menu Bar Definitions
View Contracts Screen with all contracts you are allowed to view
New Contract Screen used to enter a new contract into the system
Contractors Pull up contractors in the system or request to have a new contractor added to the system
Reports Various billing and other reports available on this screen
Question Form If you need assistance logging in or need help with anything
else, click this link and follow directions
Minutes Meeting Notes
What is New Lists any changes
Download Shortcut Place CMTS shortcut on your desktop
My Profile User profile screen. User information and system roles. Can
change roles, set vacation mode, set email notifications, request certification, and upload signatures
Log Out Logout of CMTS
Contract View Options
To narrow the list of contracts shown, locate the View All Contracts ê dropdown list. View options include: All Contracts, Saved Contracts, and Contracts Sent for Revision. The default view is ‘All Contracts’. To limit the view, click the dropdown arrow and select the view option desired. Make the selection then click the REFRESH button to complete the step.
Sort Contracts
To change the order in which contracts are displayed, choose a different sort order. Locate the Order By Date Created ê dropdown list. Order choices include: Date Created, Status, Contract Begin Date, and Department. Highlight the desired sort order then click the REFRESH button.
Search by Option
To search a contract by department, contractor, CMTS contract number, contract category, contract description or contractor’s contract number, choose the option from the drop down list and type in the content in the “look for” field.
Each contract must be entered and tracked using the CMTS.
To enter a new contract, click the Add New Contract link located on the menu bar at the left side of the screen.
TIP: Contractor’s Contract Number may not exist for all contracts. This typically only applies to Arkansas Children’s Hospital contracts and Professional/Consultant Services Contracts (PCS). If no contract number is available, you must enter n/a
Fill in the contract information.
Contract Type
Click the Contract Type dropdown arrow to choose the type of contract. Options: (Revenue, No Cost). Revenue Contracts are contracts where “money is coming in” to UAMS. No Cost contracts are contract where “no money” is involved.
Department Information
The Department and Division information displayed is based on your login. If you are creating a contract for a different department/sub-department within your division, you can choose the desired department from the drop down list.
Provide the name of the contractor with whom the contract is written.
Click the Select Contractor link to access the list of contractor names. The contractor list for CMTS is maintained in the SAP system.
Click the dropdown arrow to locate the contractor.
Arkansas Children’s Hospital ê SELECT
If the contractor is listed
Highlight the selection and click the SELECT button.
Next choose the contract officer/contact from the contact list.
If the contract officer/contact name is provided
Locate the contract officer/contact name and click the SELECT button to complete the contract officer/contact selection.
If the contract officer/contact name is not listed
If the correct contact is not provided for this contractor, a new contact can be added by completing the contract officer/contact information at the bottom of the screen.
Enter the information then click the ADD button to save or click the CLEAR button to discard the contact information.
If the contractor is not listed
If the contractor for the contract is not added, the new contractor will need to be added to the SAP system. To request the addition of a contractor to SAP, click the Request New Contractor button.
Request a New Contractor
Complete the Request New Contractor/Vendor information and click Request Contractor to email the request to the SAP staff in the Treasurer’s office. The new SAP Contractor ID will be added to SAP. The updated information will be downloaded and available in CMTS on the following day.
If you do not wish to complete the request for a new contractor, click the Clear button.
TIP: Search for Ark versus AR. If you cannot locate the contractor, you’ll need to complete the Request a New Contractor section.
Contractor’s Contract Number
Contractor’s Contract Number may not exist for all contracts. This typically only applies to Arkansas Children’s Hospital contracts and Professional/Consultant Services Contracts (PSC)
Previous Contract Number
Prior year contract number that typically only applies to Arkansas Children’s Hospital contracts and Professional/Consultant Services Contracts (PSC)
Contract Category
The Contract Category is a field used by Contract Services. Choose the appropriate Contract Category from the dropdown list. If you are unsure of the correct category, contact Contract Services at 501.686.8425 or 686.8451 for assistance.
Project Name (if applicable)
Name of the project if there is one
What is the deliverable product or service?
What service or product are you contracting for? (Include scope and objective)
Who will provide the service?
List the employees, department or entity that is providing the service.
Why should we do this?
The description should list how the service or product is meeting the mission(s) of UAMS.
Contract Term Begin Date
Enter the contract start date. The contract start date is the actual contract date. Click the Calendar icon if desired.
Contract Term End Date
Provide the date the contract ends. The end date would be the actual end date of the entire contract (i.e. if a contract is for multiple years this date would be the last year the contract would be in place). Click the Calendar icon if desired.
Budget Period Begin Date
Provide the date the contract starts for that fiscal year. Click the Calendar icon if desired.
Budget Period End Date
Provide the date the contract ends for that fiscal year. Click the Calendar icon if desired.
TIP: If unsure about dates, call the Contracts Office for more assistance. Their numbers are 686.8425 or 686.8451.
Bill Frequency
The bill frequency is the frequency that the contract will be billed.
Bill frequency choices are Monthly, Quarterly, and As Needed. Click the arrow to choose from the dropdown list. Most contracts have a bill frequency of monthly.
Payment Terms
The Payment Term is the amount of time the contractor has to pay the bill before the payment is considered late.
Select the correct payment term from the dropdown list. Options are 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days. Most contracts have a payment term of 30 days.
Annual: The annual compensation field represents the current budget year compensation.
Total: The total compensation field represents the budget total Inclusive of all years.
New Names for Amendment and Renewal
The renewals of a contract will be named as: Renewal 1, Renewal 2, Renewal 3…
The amendments of the renewal will be called Amendment 1.1, Amendment 1.2, or Amendment 2.1, Amendment 2.2…
The amendments of the original contract will be called: Amendment Original.1, Amendment Original.2 …
Renew Contract
These types of contracts are “NEW” Contracts with “NEW” begin and end date for a set-time period only. The use of the same CMTS assigned number is to create a “connection” to any previous expired contract(s) in CMTS to maintain a link for referencing/auditing purposes; otherwise, if you are in a current contract period, refer to “amend contract”.
Amend Contract
The purpose of “amending” a contract(s) is when there is a need of a continuation of an existing contract(s) to keep active and on-going for additional time/year(s) and/or include a “NEW” scope of work and/or change of dollar amount(s) during a current contract period.
TIP: If you have a vendor who requires amendment versus renewal, please contact the contracts office for information on how to proceed.
Subject to a Business Associate Agreement
Indicate if contract involves the transfer of protected health information, in accordance with UAMS Administrative Guide,
Research or Sponsored Programs
Indicate if contract involves research or sponsor programs.
Contractor Requirement Regarding Original Document
The finalized contract is available electronically, as a printed hard copy, or the original.
This information is provided by the contractor upon completion of a web form indicating the requirement for the finalized contract.
Document Upload Section
The original contract is received electronically or as a paper hard copy.
Electronic contracts are uploaded into the Contract Management and Tracking System by the department administrator. Executed contracts are sent to Contract Services for upload into CMTS.
Upload an Electronic Document
Documents can be uploaded to the CMTS. This includes the original contract and all other documents that need to be associated with the contract for review/approval.
Documents are added to a contract in one of two ways: 1) from the Document Management section in the “New Contract” window or 2) from the Contract Listing window, by clicking the Upload button. For either method, the steps are identical and are provided below.
To upload one or more documents to a contract, the documents must be in PDF format. If an electronic document is in word or other non-pdf format, it will need to be converted to a pdf document prior to upload.
Converting a document to pdf requires Adobe Acrobat (full version). If Adobe Acrobat is not available, forward the electronic document to the Contracts Office for conversion and upload. Steps to perform the forward are described later in this document.
To add an electronic pdf document to the contract, follow these steps:
1. Select the type of document (Original or Supporting Document)
2. Click Browse to locate the document (either on the local computer or on the network). Highlight the document then click Open.
3. Click Add to complete the upload process.
4. After adding the document, it appears in the Document Section of the contract. For instance, an uploaded original contract appears as (original.pdf); an uploaded supporting document appears as (doc name.pdf).