Town of Monmouth

Board of Selectmen’s Meeting

Minutes – January 2, 2008

Selectmen present were: Pauline McDougald, Tim McDonald, Pete Thibodeau, and Douglas Ludewig.

Town officials present were: Town Manager Curtis Lunt, Police Chief Bob Annese and CEO David Shaw. Others present include citizens of the Town of Monmouth.

Call to order and flag salute by Chairman McDougald.

Motion to approve the minutes of December 19, 2007, by Pete Thibodeau. Douglas Ludewig seconded the motion. Unanimous vote, 4-0.


Police Chief Annese: Chief Annese submitted his monthly report. He noted the department has been responding to many accidents due to the weather. Chief Annese also reported the Regional Dispatch Center is having technical problems and is trying to work out the interface between Augusta and Kennebec County. For the time being, dispatch will continue with business as usual.

CEO David Shaw: Dave Shaw submitted his monthly report. Only 3 permits were issued. There are legal issues coming up and he will provide updates as these are settled and in place. There is a slight discrepancy with the billing of the new software, but this is being resolved.




·  Police Department Personnel – Hiring of Reserve Officer Wells: - Rob Wells has expressed interest in becoming a full time officer and Officer Pawlak is leaving. Chief Annese requested Rob Wells to be hired to replace Officer Pawlak. Pete Thibodeau moved to hire Robert Wells as a full time police officer. Douglas Ludewig seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous, 4-0.

·  Abatement Requests: Motion by Douglas Ludewig, seconded by Pete Thibodeau to deny the abatements as follows:

Richard Carmire

Lawrence Buggia, Jr.

Raymond Buchanan

Floyd Brown & Cynthia Choate

Joan Blossom

Charles Antul

Motion by Douglas Ludewig, seconded by Pete Thibodeau to approve the abatement as follows:

Jean & Marian Dumais $581.90

Vote: 4-0.

·  Excise Tax: A discussion ensued regarding the excise tax rebate in the situation of a person moving from the town they originally paid the excise tax, then moving to another town and selling the vehicle, expecting a rebate from the new town. The town would have to vote in order to use the law, but otherwise no vote is required. Douglas Ludewig made a motion under the new excise tax reimbursement law to adopt a policy not to refund excise tax to any resident who is canceling their registration. Pete Thibodeau seconded the motion, with the amendment of until such time as this particular issue is resolved in Maine law. Motion passes, 4-0.

·  Appointment of L. Saucier to CPIC

Douglas Ludewig moved to appoint Lawrence Saucier to the Comprehensive Plan Implementation Committee, seconded by Pete Thibodeau. Vote 4-0, unanimous.

·  School Dept. – Doug Beck – Land Acquisition

Doug Beck gave a presentation regarding a 36-acre parcel of land owned by the Water District which is adjacent to Monmouth Academy. This land is the site of the former town water wells. The Water District approached members of the school committee 4-5 years ago regarding a possible interest in purchasing this land. Mr. Beck spoke about the possibility of the town purchasing the land for public use primarily for the school, but as recreational space for the community, as well. The asking price is $100,000, and the Water District has offered flexible terms such as $10,000 per year for 10 years, interest free. Mr. Beck is interested in creating a steering committee of interested parties to devise a comprehensive needs assessment. The goal is to have this on the ballot for June of 2009. Douglas Ludewig and Tim McDonald expressed interest in serving on the committee. Doug Beck will provide a written outline of the expected process and timeline for the next Selectmen’s meeting.

·  2006-2007 FY – Casey Leonard, CPA – Audit Report

The Town of Monmouth recently completed the financial audit process. The School Department is part of the Town and has been included in the Town’s financial statements. Casey Leonard reviewed the graphs and charts included in the packet, which included a breakdown of general fund assets, liabilities, equity, revenue and expenditures, and a breakdown of the tax commitment, collection rates and property tax rates. Also included is a graph representing the undesignated fund balance as a percentage of the budget. It was noted internal control should be implemented for segregation of accounting duties and preparation of financial statements should not be solely in the control of the auditor. Curtis Lunt said it is a matter of budget and balance, an issue which many towns are faced with. Mr. Leonard also recommended funds to be set up in an appropriate accounting system. Curtis Lunt will research accounting programs and report back to the Selectmen.

Consideration and approval of school and municipal payroll/accounts payable:

Doug Ludewig moved to accept warrant #14 for school and town payroll and payables:

·  Municipal payroll: $32,813.02

·  Municipal accounts payable: $154,214.29

·  School payroll: $161,853.92

·  School accounts payable: $94,220.40

Seconded by Tim McDonald. Voted 4-0.

Pete Thibodeau moved to adjourn at 8:23 pm. Seconded by Tim McDonald.

Recording Secretary: Deborah Nichols