MATH 0310 Intermediate Algebra, 3 Credits Semester: Spring 2015
Instructor: Troy Holleman Phone: 281-577-2800
Office: Room B112 Email:
Office hours: A-Days 5th Period (2:20 PM – 3:30 PM)
Topics for all formats include special products and factoring, rational expressions and equations, rational exponents, radicals, radical equations, quadratic equations, absolute value equations and inequalities, complex numbers, equations of lines, an introduction to the function concept, and graphing. This course carries institutional credit but will not transfer and will not be used to meet degree requirements.
MATH 0308 or placement by testing
Textbook for Math 0310:
Intermediate Algebra with Power Learning
Messersmith, Perez and Feldman
Math 0310 Outcomes:
· Define, represent, and perform operations on real and complex numbers.
· Recognize, understand, and analyze features of a function.
· Recognize and use algebraic (field) properties, concepts, procedures (including factoring), and algorithms to combine, transform, and evaluate absolute value, polynomial, radical, and rational expressions.
· Identify and solve absolute value, polynomial, radical, and rational equations.
· Identify and solve absolute value and linear inequalities.
· Model, interpret and justify mathematical ideas and concepts using multiple representations.
· Connect and use multiple strands of mathematics in situations and problems, as well as in the study of other disciplines.
· Solve quadratic equations and applications using methods including the quadratic formula, factoring, completing the square, and extracting roots.
Attendance: You must be in class to be successful in math. Plan to attend every day.
Evaluation Method:
The grade for this course will be based on:
1. Quizzes and Homework – Count 40% of your grade. Homework given every class period. There will be approximately 3 quizzes each grading period.
2. Tests – Count 60% of your grade. There will be 5 during the semester.
3. Final Exam – will count at least 20% of your final grade. The final will be a comprehensive departmental exam. You MUST score at least 50% on this exam to pass this class.
Makeups: If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to get the assignment and turn it in the next class you attend.
Extra Credit: There are no provisions for extra credit in this course.
Tutoring: Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. 3:50 – 4:20 pm
Please schedule your tutorial time with me as needed.
Supplemental Instructor: There is no supplemental instructor for this course.
Calculator: Scientific Calculators only. No Graphing Calculators or TI-36, Casio fx-300ES or equivalent.
WebAssign: NCHS will not be using this platform.
Contacting your instructor: Email me if you have any questions.
Assignment of a letter grade will be made according to the following scale:
A= 90-100, B= 80-89, C= 70-79, F= 69 or lower
You MUST receive a grade of A, B, or C in order to proceed to the next class. Also, students must obtain a score of 50% or higher on the Final, along with an overall average of 70% or higher in order to pass the course. (One retake possible on Final, but on if overall average is 70% of higher, including the original Final.)
ADA Statement – LSC - Kingwood is dedicated to providing the least restrictive environment for all students. Any student with a verifiable learning or physical disability who requires course modification must speak to the Instructor in private regarding the disability. A request for accommodation must be made through the ADA Counselor, Ms. Coulson-Liebst at 281.312.1453, and submitted to the Instructor no later than the third day of class.
Academic Integrity – LSC - Kingwood will not tolerate cheating or plagiarism. Any student caught cheating or plagiarizing, or aiding another student in cheating or plagiarizing on a quiz or test, will receive a zero for that test or assignment. Students subject to penalty due to academic dishonesty have the right to appeal to the interim MASH Dean, Shelley Caraway at 281.312.1764
Instructor-Initiated Drop – A student may be dropped from the class with an “F” for repeated disruptive behavior or for repeated violations of academic integrity.