TO: Secondary Students and Staff

DATE: May 2nd, 2016

FROM: Alexa Kontes and Pat McCall

Meetings this week include:

Mon, May 2 10am Planning mtg for PP led by Jen, 11W


Tues, May 3 9:45am Planning mtg for SB led by Randi

10am PCP for BL HR Conference rm, by invite

10:30am TPM for MM led by Denise, Denise’s room

11:30am SW and School Psychologist mtg, fall planning

1:30pm Oliver Mtg


Wed, May 4 11:30am ILC, 11W

2:15pm May mtg

2:15pm Gala Hosts and coaches meet in the chapel

Mikolai – Linde

Jaime – Terie

Jonah – Alex

Zach B – Jen

Anicia – Lynne

3:10pm – 4pm Chorus Gala rehearsal, chapel

AEC Bryce

Thurs, May 5 9:45am IEP for JM led by Dan D, 11W

10:40am Post-Eval, 11W

11:30am Oliver Behavior mtg

12pm Gala Hosts go to the tent

12:30pm – 4pm – chorus at tent for rehearsal, meeting in Fisher

1:20pm KS mtg, group 1

1:20pm Brooks behavior mtg

5:30pm Perkins Gala

AEC Chris

Fri, May 7 10am IEP 3yr Re-veal for PP led by Jen, 11W


If you would like to submit something for the newsletter, please email it to Alexa Kontes by Wednesday at 4:00. Any students interested in reporting for the newsletter should contact Alexa.

Congratulations to Mercedes Austin who is the Secondary Program student of the month of May. Her nominators said..

“Mercedes has made tremendous progress in many areas over this past year. Mercedes has demonstrated exceptional gains in Keller-Sullivan in many areas of independent living skills including cooking, organization, time management, and budgeting just to name a few. She has successfully managed a full academic course load this year which will lead to a high school diploma this June.

Additionally, Mercedes has a great attitude, great sense of humor, gets along with everyone she knows, and she is great for staff morale!”

Congratulations Mercedes!! Stop by Pat McCall’s office to get your cash prize!!

Margie would like to thank the many people who have donated cans and bottles. Students have redeemed the cans and bottles and the Secondary Program made a donation of $90 to the Jared Branfman Sunflower for Life Fund ( Jimmy Fund at Dana Farber). We received an email from Ellen Branfman with sincere thanks from her family for the hard work the Secondary Program does to raise this money. she sends her love and appreciation.

Secondary students are welcome to submit their best original writing to the 2016 Perkins Press! All submissions must include a title and the author's name. Please send your submissions via email to . The submission deadline has been extended to May 9th.

Radio Drama Recreation Program Coming Soon!

Radio drama is a unique experience which incorporates elements of live theatre, radio broadcasting, and conventional cinema, which gives students an opportunity to tell a story using auditory techniques that pull from all three of these disciplines. Students with visual impairments can learn about this experience in a 9-week program, 1x per week, starting in May 4th 6:30 – 8 PM. Sign up for this enrichment course with Jennie O’Brien (Secondary) x7595 or Chris Corry (Grousbeck Center) x 7729. The program needs at least 6 students to make the commitment for the full program and walk-ins will be accommodated on a week-to-week basis. Course description:

Session 1: Overview of program; microphone techniques; Session 2: Developing the group; Session 3: Rehearsal techniques; Session 4: Vocal expression and character development techniques; Session 5: Sound effects both low tech and high tech; Session 6: Assign parts for radio drama to be produced for Perkins Radio and rehearse. First recording session. Listen to playback and decide re: sound effects.; Session 7: Rehearse for radio drama and include sound effects. Second recording session; Session 8: Rehearse for radio drama in final format; Third recording session.; Session 9: Launch party and students receive their copy

When you sign up, please indicate your learning media including font and font size. This program will be a lot of fun!

Hi everyone,

There will be an appreciation breakfast on Wednesday, May 25th, to thank students for their service to the community. At the same time, we thank those who supported the students in their service and someone from the community service site.

The breakfast will be from 9:30 to 10:30 in Multipurpose Room 1 (MPR1) in the Grousbeck Center. Please let me know by May 9th if you have people who should be included.


Kathy Bull

A reminder that the Voice Recital has been changed – the new date is June 2nd at 7pm. Jennie will send out additional information as the concert approaches. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Jennie at jennie.o’

Now on view through the donation of the International Life Cast Museum: Classical Composers of the Romantic Era, featuring Beethoven and Tchaikovsky, is on display in the Tactile Museum hallway in the Howe Building, west basement level. The Life Cast Museum would like feedback about its displays. I am offering some gift certificates to the Student Store/Snack Bar as a thank you for doing this after you visit with your students. The US Civil War Life Cast Display, featuring Ulysses S Grant and Robert E Lee will continue to be on view in the Southwest corridor, near Dwight Hall.

Secondary’s annual celebration of poetry has ended. Special thanks to those who submitted entries to the contest. Due to the low number of entries received, there will not be a poetry contest assembly this year.

The Auction will take placeMay 9th-13 at 12:30 pm in Dwight Hall located in the Howe building.

This year the student council is changing the way that we recruit for members. Rather than hold individual cottage elections, the council would like to open involvement to any students who are interested. Our project is to find a way to have an ongoing memorial to Jason Lewis. How we actually do that will be the primary focus of the council this year. In addition, the council is always available to support student’s interests here at Perkins. Students who participate will receive “Community Service” hours that will be applied to the graduation requirement for all students. If you have any questions please contact Kate Katulak, Jeff Migliozzi or members of the council, Robert E, Jonah L, Brendan F, C-Jay M or Melisa L.

Word of the Week: habitual: something that has become a habit

On Wednesdays, Anicia Almeida, Michael Cote, and Izzy Primeau prepare lunches 2nd thru 5th. On Thursdays, Aiden Stott, Alex Figueroa, and Mikolai Friendare block scheduled toprepare lunches. Zach Gousie assists during 2nd period. This is an on- campus paid work experience. We plan in advance for it, and order and buy food ahead of time for class. So, please do not schedule these students to participate in other activities during their food service class time without contacting Karen Keeler and discussing it 2 weeks ahead of time. This includes participation in assemblies, rehearsals, plays, meetings, sports activities, field trips, concerts, etc. Thank you for your cooperation. We are looking forward to a delicious year of serving you. Thank you, Karen Keeler

Reminder: Secondary now has an advice column called Howe and Why. If you have a question, or would like to sign up to be a columnist, contact .

New in IMC: additional APH parts for the SLK kit, including the print guide and routines books.

Margie has a bag on her classroom door, room 114 Howe West for redeemable cans and bottles. We recycle and donate the money to a good cause every few months. Please leave cans and bottles in the bag.

Margie recycles ink jet cartridges; please leave them in her mailbox or in the bag on her door.

If you are interested in delivering produce and herbs from the student garden to the Watertown Food Pantry, please contact Deb Krause. The pantry is open Tuesdays 10-12 and Thursdays 4-6. You can also harvest and prepare the produce or just pick it up at the Horticulture Center to deliver it weekly or occasionally. Tuesdays 2nd period can work well or Thursdays 7th period – we can discuss other options.

Please contribute to the Sunshine Fund. Donations can be given to Kendra.

This year we will be focusing on two general rules for all students:

1.  Students are expected to be on time for class (teachers should keep attendance)

2.  Students should be prepared, including having technology charged and materials organized.

We will continue to focus on our Secondary Program standards in addition to the new campus-wide Core Values initiative.

Secondary Standards:

We RESPECT each other, and we respect ourselves.

We HELP each other to become better citizens and to achieve our goals.

We CREATE and SUPPORT an atmosphere promoting high achievement and independence.

We are EMPOWERED to grow and advocate for ourselves.

We HONOR our rights and responsibilities as members of the Perkins community.

Please note: The library will close promptly at 4:00 on Tuesdays for the remainder of the school year. There will be no after school study hall or clubs on Tuesdays.

We, William and Stephanie, are doing a job called “Goodwill”. What we do is collect items such as, clothes, shoes, toys and books. We are going to donate these items to Goodwill and other donation spots. If you have any lightly used or new items please email Ms. Randi and we will pick them up as soon as we can.

Thank you for your support!

Notes for Staff

Perkins will host our 11th AnniversaryPerkins Possibilities Gala on campus on Thursday, May 5th.During this evening there will beclose to600 guests on campus for a special dinner and program. The following parking lots will be closed for Gala preparations.

Friday, April 29th, 2016 closed at 5PM

·  BTBL (including spaces in the side lot by the loading dock) and the cottage end of the Lower School parking lots from April 29th through May 8th .

Thursday, May 5th, 4:00PM

·  Beechwood Lot and the top half of the Lower School lot (North Beacon street End)

Watertown Police Department has authorized parking on the following streets during the time period of April 29th.- May 9th

·  North Beacon Street

·  Beechwood Avenue

·  Irving Street

·  Irving Park (off Royal Street)

·  Pequosette Street

·  Royal Street

·  Riverside Street

·  Paul Street

Attached, you will find a map which highlights these streets. Please do not block driveways or fire hydrants.

As parking on campus and adjacent streets will be limited for families, staff and visitors during this short period of time, we ask that if possible, Perkins Staff utilize alternative transportation.

In appreciation for your cooperation and understanding, we will raffle FIVE (5)- $50.00 Visa Cards to staff members who walk or bike a mile or more, or carpool to work 3 or more week days between April 29th and May 8th, or utilize public transportation. Simply send Amy Ryan in Facilities, an email noting when and with who you carpooled, or what days you walked, biked or took public transportation to work and you will be entered in the drawing! Winners will be drawn at 10 AM Monday, May 9th. (This is also a fantastic way to continue your participation in the Spring Walking Challenge!)

Please call me with any questions about these temporary procedures.

Thank you for your understanding and support for this year’s Gala.


Are you interested in working in our Outreach summer program? If so, we are beginning the recruitment process for summer 2016. We have opportunities for 1 week, 3 week and 5 week programs and are in need of teachers, teaching assistants, awake overnights, assistant coordinators, coordinators and others (see attached job posting for more details).

If you are interested, you can submit an internal application on AskHowe through the link below:


App requests for Perkins iPads can be made by completing the app request form. App requests are not automatically granted. Each request will be reviewed separately by the program’s technology liaison or collectively by the school educational technology committee, depending on the app purpose and cost. Staff may be required to justify the purchase of an app request with additional details. Betsey will confirm your request with you. http://goo.gl/forms/87cM5T70YB

Options for learning UEB, the new Unified English Braille Code:

Learn UEB


·  2015 UEB Training Calendar –File types:Word,print PDF

·  NLS Braille Transcriber Course –For information about the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) braille transcriber course:https://nfb.org/braille-transcribing

·  Introduction to Unified English Braille:Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired –http://www.wcbvi.k12.wi.us/outreach/ueb-introduction

·  CNIB Transcriber's UEB Course– File types:Word,print PDF,BRF, andDXB.


·  The Hadley School for the Blind UEB Courses;For information on Hadley UEB courses, visithttp://hadley.edu/UEBTransition.asp

·  New Zealand UEB Manual–NZ UEB manual pdf tutorial

·  Unified English Braille: Australian Training Manual 2014–Australian Training Manual website

·  UEB Online– New onlineUEB coursefrom the RIDBC in Sydney, designed for sighted readers

Northern Illinois University: UEBOT . They have a federal grant so this one is also free. http://uebot.niu.edu/

Want students to use your computer, but not have access to your files, etc? You can have them log onto your computer with this log-in:

username: SecStudent

password: S3condary

Reminder to staff. All schedule changes should be submitted in writing on the schedule change request form and will go through Joan.

Reminder, please email the for any assistance with your phone, computer, ink printer, internet, server, wifi, or standard software issues such as Outlook, Word, Excel. Call the Helpdesk at 7669 if it is an urgent/work stoppage issue. IT Dept would like you to utilize the Helpdesk lines rather than contacting individuals unless requested otherwise by them. Please contact Betsey Sennott, Secondary’s technology liaison for any issues you may have with any assistive technology, iPads, and for the installation of Assistive Technology/specialized software. She will help you determine if it’s an issue she can address and provide support for, or if it should be addressed by the Helpdesk/IT Dept.