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Installing globusconnect

You may want to ask your IT department to install and maintain a Globus Connect multi-user endpoint on a server using the Globus OnlineGCMU application. Otherwise, you caninstall the globusconnect application and createa single-user Globus Online endpoint on your own computer or on a computer at your home institute without administrative rights. Detailed instructions for the Mac OS X, Linux and Windows operating systems are provided on the Globus Online website at Please open those instructions in a separate tab on your browser for reference while you perform the installation.

One Important note when installing as non-administrator: By default, Globus Connect prompts to be installed in C:\Program Files. Regular users can not write to this folder. Instead, browse to a place you have write access to (e.g. your Desktop folder).

The process summary below is taken largely from the Globus Connect for Windowsonline instructions.

  1. Register for a Globus Online account at You will only need to do this once.
  2. Log-in to Globus Online using your Globus Online username and password at
  3. Create a Globus Connect endpoint and get your Globus Connect Setup Key. Click Globus Connect near the bottom of the Manage Datatab to get started. You begin the installation process by naming your new endpoint. Endpoint names automatically begin with a prefix consisting of your Globus Connect username followed by a # sign. It is a good idea to use your computer name to complete the endpoint name; but, you can add anything you choose, as long as you haven’t previously created another endpoint with the same name.

Important! After you click the Generate Setup Key button you must copy the Setup Key to the clipboard. You will need to paste it later into the Initial Setup window the first time you run globusconnect.

  1. Click the appropriate button to download the right version for your computer.

Important note when Installing as non-administrator: By default, Globus Connect prompts to be installed in C:\Program Files. Regular users can not write to this folder. Instead, in the Choose Install Location windowchange Destination Folder by browsing to a place you have write access to (e.g. your Desktop folder). This does not need to be where your data will be copied.

  1. Double click the downloaded file and follow the instructions to install Globus Connect.
  2. When the installation completes, ensure that "Run Globus Connect" is checked and click "Finish".
  3. Since this is the first time you are running Globus Connect, you will see the Initial Setup window below where you are required to enter a setup key.
  4. Paste in the key you generated in step 2 above. The ‘OK’ button will be enabled if the key is valid. Click ‘OK’ to complete the installation. (If the ‘OK’ button is not enabled, please ensure you have properly copied the entire key generated in step 2 above.

Globus Connect will connect to Globus Online and await transfer commands. You will see the window below while Globus Connect is running - you may minimize this to your task bar.

When Globus Connect is transferring data, the transfer status will show ‘Active’ instead of ‘Idle’.

Globus Connect is now installed and your endpoint will be available online whenever globusconnect is running on your computer.

Windows Platform Notes

Drive Mapping: Globus Connect on Windows will translate a path beginning with /~/ into your home directory, e.g. C:\Users\Demodoc\. To access paths and drives outside of your home directory, use the syntax "/drive_letter/path", for example "/C/Users" lists the C:\Users directory.


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