PENA West Annual Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Present: Alan, Ed, DeDe, Laura, David, Doug, Matt, Sally, Deborah
Absent:Whitey, Janice
Meeting called to order7:00p.m.
Minutes from Last Meeting Approved: Sally moved that the minutes from the April meeting be approved as written; Edseconded; motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: DeDe reports that as of 4-30-10 the checking account balance is $20,288.36 and the CD is $5,796.10. YTD collection of homeowner dues is $3,265. She stated that expenses are low right now because most of our activities and expenses happen during the fall. Sally moved the Treasurer’s Report be approved as read; Ed seconded; motion carried.
Block Captain Report: Sally’s read a report showing how many houses had paid or not paid their homeowner dues year-to-date.
Membership Chairman Report: David and Sally are working together in a plan to get letters and membership applications delivered to the block captains to hand out to all unpaid neighborhood residents by the following weekend. Doug offered to get the needed 202 copies of the membership application to David and Sally to pass on to the block captains. DeDe was unable to secure signs at this time, and there was discussion that it might be a good idea to wait until the letters go out before purchasing them as there may not be a need.
VIP Report: Doug reports that we could use more patrols. We have 40 active VIP patrollers, and are averaging almost one patrol a day; 28 this month – 24 last month. Ten crimes (2.3) a month so far this year.
Homeland Security: Nothing to Report. This position is currently unfilled.
Newsletter: As far as anyone knows, Deborah Arnett is still scheduled to send the newsletter out in June 2010. Laura offered to check with her.
Website ( Matt did not have anything new to report.
Non-Profit Status: Allan talked with Bob Arnett who told him we have tax exempt status. He will e-mail Allan a tax ID number so DeDe can mail in the required 9090M form.
Yard-of-the-Month: Laura received an e-mail from Deborah Arnett stating that the yard-of-the month award has been handed out by Gary and Carolyn Been for the past two years. They drive around the neighborhood and evaluate the yards based on the formula that has been used since its inception. A yard is chosen the first week of each month starting in April and ending in November. The winning yard is photographed with a copy sent to Deborah for the newsletter and Matt for the website. The winners are notified and a sign is placed in their yard. As members of Calloway’s Good Neighbor Program we are also able to give the winners a $25 gift card from Calloway’s. We register each year by January to stay in the program.
Doug asked if we would all agree that only due paying members be allowed to win the yard-of-the month award. All were in agreement.
4th of July Parade: Alan checked with Kim Winters who agreed to host the parade again this year. Ed said he had spoken with the owner of the fire truck and was told that the man would be putting it up for sale after this year’s 4th of July. He assured Ed, though, that he would still participate in this year’s parade.
National Night Out: Ed has an appointment to meet with Target employees on May 22 to ask if they would be willing to participate with us in this annual event. Last year they were kind enough to donate food and send individuals to help with the event.
Police Appreciation Dinner: Ed spoke with the North Central Dallas Division and was told that it was too early to set a date for this annual event. Sally suggested sharing our time and any leftover food items with not only the police department but also the fire department in the future. Everyone was in agreement. Doug reminded us to check on signs for this event. Laura agreed to check with Deborah Arnett since she has done some signage in the past.
New Business:
Board Members: According to the new policy set by the board last month, Alan will contact Whitey, who has missed two consecutive meetings, to see if he is still interested in serving on the board.
VIP Training: Ed confirmed that David was registered to attend the VIP training class on Saturday, May 15.
Attendance: David stated that he will be out of town and miss next month’s meeting.
Meeting Adjourned: 7:40 p.m.
Next Meeting: June 8, 2010, Starbuck’s on Arapaho Road, 7:00 pm; please contact Laura Newkirk, if you are unable to attend.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura S. Newkirk