Zoom to Success

Teaching Screen Magnification Programs

for Low Vision

Resource Packet

Compiled by Laura Jones, CTVI, CLVT, COMS


Note: Documents are organized in the order to go with the PowerPoint presentation and video.


Zoom to Success PowerPoint

General Basic Keyboard Commands

Chromebook Magnifier Commands

Low Vision Chromebook Tips

Basic MAGic and JAWS Commands

Supernova Commands Cheat Sheet

Windows Magnifier Commands

ZoomText Long Command Cheat Sheet

ZoomText Short Cheat Sheet

Microsoft Word Keyboard Commands Quiz

Command Bingo

Beginning Screen Magnification Instruction

Website Ideas for Screen Magnification Practice with Young Students

Basic Computer Skills Assessment

Individualized Technology Assessment Detailed with Commands Listed

ZoomText 10.1- World Services for the Blind Assessment


Thanks to Cindy Bachofer (Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired), Kathi Garza (Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired), Dean Ingalls (World Services for the Blind), and Naomi Read (St. Louis Society for the Blind and Visually Impaired) for the documents they contributed.

General Basic Keyboard Commands


Start Menu- Windows Key

Desktop View- Windows D

Switch between Open Programs- Hold Alt and push tab until you get to the program you’re looking for

Exit Program- Alt F4

Access Menu within Open Program- Alt (use arrows to navigate)


Beginning of Document- CTRL Home

End of Document- CTRL End

Copy- CTRL C


Paste- CTRL V

Select All- CTRL A

Print- CTRL P

Spellcheck- F7

New Document- CTRL N

Save- CTRL S

Save As- F12


Activate Address Bar- ALT D

Refresh- F5

New Tab- CTRL T

Switch between Tabs- CTRL Tab

Previous Page- ALT Left Arrow (won’t work with ZoomText on due to conflict with another command)

Next Page- ALT Right Arrow (won’t work with ZoomText on due to conflict with another command)

Chromebook Magnifier Commands

Zoom in: Press Ctrl + Alt + Brightness up .

Zoom out: Press Ctrl + Alt + Brightness down


or Optional: Press Ctrl + Alt and scroll with two fingers up to zoom in, or down to zoom out.

Low Vision Chromebook Tips

  • If possible, get a large screen (15.6” is available) Chromebook
  • Make sure you allow your Chromebook to always update to have the latest options for helpful settings.
  • Students can use CTRL + and CTRL - to adjust webpages (using the screen magnifier may be a more appropriate choice usually). Google apps like Pages, Slides, and Sheets, unlike regular web pages, adjust the toolbar up to a pretty large zoom, so you don’t have to scroll sideways to access the toolbar.


To access settings, click the status area, where your account picture appears in the bottom right. Then click “Settings.”

  • Wallpaper:
  • Click “Set Wallpaper” and choose a high contrast color, such as black orgray, to help the user see the icons on the bottom of the screen.
  • Possibly Adjust Display Settings:

○Consider not changing the screen resolution or only making a slight change if you plan to use the screen magnifier because the image quality will be worse if you adjust the resolution. You can use the screen magnifier to access small icons. The main benefit of adjusting the resolution is making the icons on the bottom bar larger. Adjusting the resolution may mess up how certain apps or web pages appear.

○Click “Display Settings” (underneath “Device”) and adjust it as desired to a lower resolution.

  • Use Advanced Settings:

○Click the status area, where your account picture appears in the bottom right.

○Click Settings > Show advanced settings.

○Use advanced settings to set internet font size and click customize (these may need to be adjusted because it may cause some issues with apps). If you will be using the screen magnifier, consider not setting the font on the biggest level so that web pages appear properly and you have to do less zooming in and out between the huge text on the web page and small toolbar icons.

○Accessibility Settings (That may be helpful depending on the student’s vision):

■Show accessibility options in system menu

■Large mouse pointer

■High contrast

■Enable screen magnifier

To use the screen magnifier:

Zoom in: Press Ctrl + Alt + Brightness up .

Zoom out: Press Ctrl + Alt + Brightness down . or Optional: Press Ctrl + Alt and scroll with two fingers up to zoom in, or down to zoom out.


  • Under Settings > Advanced > Accessibility, click “Add additional accessibility features” and appropriate extensions, such as high contrast and color filters. You can do the same thing by just Googling “high contrast extension” and “color enhancer.” Look up the key command information for your extensions to easily manipulate them.
  • Readability or other web reading extensions: This enables you to take just the article or important text off a web page and remove the other clutter. You can use it to easily adjust the font size on an article (it also has a high contrast setting).

Basic MAGic and JAWS Commands

MAGic Commands

  • Start MAGic (or close MAGic when open): CTRL+ALT+M
  • Toggle Visual Enhancements On or Off: CAPS LOCK + Delete
  • Decrease Magnification: CAPS LOCK + NUM PAD MINUS
  • Increase Magnification: CAPS LOCK + NUM PAD PLUS

JAWS Speech Commands

  • Start JAWS: CTRL+ALT+ J
  • Toggle Speech On and Off: INSERT+SPACEBAR, then S
  • Interrupt Speech: CTRL
  • Say All: Insert+ Down Arrow
  • Exit JAWS: Insert+F4

Supernova Commands Cheat Sheet

(Use number pad for number and plus/minus commands)

Magnifier On/Off=Left Control+Num. Pad Enter

Decrease Magnification=Left Control+Minus

Increase Magnification=Left Control+Plus

Doc Reader= Shift+Alt+D

Voice On/Off= Left Control+0

Windows Magnifier Commands

  • Launch: Windows and plus
  • Increase Magnification: Windows and plus
  • Decrease Magnification: Windows and minus
  • Exit: Windows and Escape

ZoomText Long Command Cheat Sheet


Start ZoomText= CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+Z

Enable ZoomText= ALT+Insert

Disable ZoomText= ALT+Delete

Increase Magnification=

ALT+Number Pad +

Decrease Magnification=

ALT+Number Pad -


App Reader= ALT+SHIFT+A

SpeakIt Tool= ALT+SHIFT+A

Doc Reader= ALT+SHIFT+D

Pause and start App Reader= Enter

Exit Reader= Escape

Speech On and Off= ALT+SHIFT+S


Jump Left= ALT+Home

Jump Right= ALT+End

Jump Top= ALT+Page Up

Jump Bottom= ALT+Page Down

Jump Center= ALT+ Num. Pad 5 (with Num Lock on)

ZoomText Short Cheat Sheet

Start ZoomText= CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+Z

Enable ZoomText= ALT+Insert

Disable ZoomText= ALT+Delete

Increase Magnification= ALT+Number Pad +

Decrease Magnification= ALT+Number Pad -

Speech On and Off= ALT+SHIFT+S

App Reader= ALT+SHIFT+A

Pause and start App Reader= Enter

Microsoft Word Keyboard Commands Quiz

(Contributed by Naomi Read- St. Louis Society for the Blind and Visually Impaired)


CTRL + a
CTRL + b
CTRL + c
CTRL + d
CTRL + f, g or h
CTRL + i
CTRL + k
CTRL + j or l
CTRL + m
CTRL + n
CTRL + o
CTRL + p
CTRL + q
CTRL + r
CTRL + s
CTRL + u
CTRL + v
CTRL + w
CTRL + x
CTRL + y
CTRL + z
CTRL + [
CTRL + ]
Navigation keys
CTRL + Home
CTRL + End
SHIFT + arrow
SHIFT + ctrl arrow
ALT + F4
CTRL + Enter
WINDOWS + Arrows

Command Bingo

To access a Key Command Bingo game created by Naomi Read (St. Louis Society for the Blind and Visually Impaired), visit these links: Command List for Command Bingo and Print Command Bingo Cards.

Beginning Screen Magnification Instruction

For a good resource about initial screen magnification instruction, visit the University of Buffalo’s AT Training Website:

Website Ideas for Screen Magnification Practice with Young Students

Note: It is an excellent idea to preview the websites and games so that your student doesn’t get frustrated with games that are too difficult with their vision.

Why Do I Believe Internet Games Are Great Practice for Screen Magnification?

  1. They keep things fun and engaging for the student.
  2. If you pick the right games, your sessions can reinforce what they are learning in the classroom, such as reading or math skills, including academic IEP goals.
  3. Games usually give reason to practice key commands as you zoom in and out to get the right size for navigating and playing the game.
  4. Games reinforce mouse skills.
  5. You can help the child become more comfortable with websites they commonly use in class.
  6. Just getting to a website and navigating it reinforces important computer concept s (launching the Internet browser and entering the website address or possibly using search or favorites, and understanding concepts of common website layouts).
  • ABCYa.com- Fun educational games and other “just for fun” games that reinforce mouse skills for grades Pre-K through 5.
  • BBC Dance Mat Typing () – This is a great introduction to typing that can be fairly low vision friendly if you zoom it in to the desired size (you may need to also use CTRL + and – so that it doesn’t get too grainy). Depending on the degree of vision loss, the teacher may have to move the mouse along the text.
  • CoolMath.com- This website has both educational math games and many “just for fun games.”
  • FunBrain.com- This website has many educational games and online books. Reading the online books can be excellent screen magnification practice.
  • National Geographic () – This is a great source for science and social studies games, articles, and videos. The articles may be good reading activities for students with a higher reading level than some of the other sites mentioned.
  • PBSKids.com, Nick.com, and CartoonNetwork.com- These TV channel websites are highly motivating and visually complex. It’s great practice to navigate the website with screen magnification on higher and then zoom out when you don’t need as much magnification for the game.
  • Starfall.com- This website has great games for early reading and math, as well as fun games such as holiday related activities. Because many things on every page are interactive, including in the interactive books, a child can get lots of great mouse skills practice. Because most things on the page are already large, it’s a good place to have the student zoom out some and experience success using the magnification program.
  • TarHeelReader.org- Find basic online books on nearly any subject or create your own. Preview the books in order to ensure they are written correctly because they are made by students. This is a great site for older students who are still beginning readers to find topics that are more interesting to them. Having the student read the text, explore the pictures, and click the proper buttons with screen magnification works great.
  • And So Much More- Your school and/or public library may have memberships for other helpful sites. I intentionally left off websites that require paid memberships. Classroom teachers are using new websites all the time. It works great to use ones that the student is using in class.

Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Short-Term Programs

(Contributed by Kathi Garza)

Basic Computer Skills Assessment



Goal: Will improve technology knowledge and skills as related to visual

need by demonstrating increased ratings between pre- and post- testing on

the following objectives:

● Objective 1: Increase knowledge of computer concepts

● Objective 2: Increase ability to navigate the computer and documents using a screen reader and keyboard commands

● Objective 3: Increase ability to word process using a screen reader and keyboard commands


+ = Demonstrates skillA = Demonstrated some awareness in pre-test

> = Shows some improvementN = Not addressed

-- = Does not demonstrate skill E = Exposed/introduced skill

Note: Assessed competency at post-test reflects student’s ability to perform the skill on the fifth day of intensive training, within the training context. This level of performance may not be stable without continued practice.

Skills / Pre-Test / Post-Test
Objective 1: Increase knowledge of computer concepts
Identify physical hardware components:
  • On/off button

  • USB port

  • Headphone jack

  • Screen/monitor

  • Mouse

  • power adapter and port

Identify 3 age appropriate software programs (e.g., MS Word or JAWS)
Objective 2: Increase ability to navigate the computer and documents using a screen reader and keyboard commands
Navigate to the following areas of the desktop:
  • Start Menu

  • Task bar

  • System tray

  • Icons

Navigate within a document for the purpose of reading it and extracting information
  • Reads all text

  • Reads by increments (word or line)

  • Can travel to top or bottom of document quickly

Objective 3: Increase ability to word process using a screen reader and keyboard commands
Open Microsoft Word
Type a simple phrase
Edit a document
Save the document
Close the document
Exit the program
Understand a dialog box when encountered (e.g., Save As dialog box)
Use Spellcheck
Understand and use file/folder organization
Open up Internet Explorer
Navigate an accessible web page

Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Special Programs

(Contributed by Cindy Bachofer)

Individualized Technology Assessment Detailed with Commands Listed



Goal: Will improve technology knowledge and skills as related to visual need by demonstrating increased ratings between pre- and post- testing on the following objectives:

  • Increase knowledge of computer concepts (e.g., file organization, dialogue box)
  • Increase ability to read and navigate documents using Windows keyboard commands and access software (e.g., ZoomText) commands as appropriate
  • Increase ability to create and edit documents using Windows keyboard commands and access software (e.g., ZoomText) commands as appropriate


+ = Demonstrates skillA = Demonstrated some awareness in pre-test

> = Shows some improvementN = Not addressed

-- = Does not demonstrate skill E = Exposed/introduced skill

Note: Assessed competency at post-test reflects student’s ability to perform the skill on the fifth day of intensive training, within the training context. This level of performance may not be stable without continued practice.

Skills / Pre-Test / Post-Test
Objective 1: Increase knowledge of computer concepts (e.g., file organization, dialogue box)
Keyboard Knowledge
Touch typing and location – alphabet
Touch typing and location –Numpad
Locate/Use Function Keys (F1, F2, etc.)
Locate/Use Enter
Locate/Use Spacebar
Locate/Use Backspace
Locate/Use Escape
Locate/Use Arrow Keys
Locate/Use Modifier Keys (Alt, Windows key, Ctrl, Shift, Tab)
Locate/Use 6-Pack Keys (on some keyboards): Home, End, Insert, Delete, Page Up and Page Down)
Locate/Use context or shortcut key for quick commands or spelling change (Shift + F10 on a laptop)
Tasks, General
Open Start Menu (Windows Key)
Open applications from Start Menu or Desktop
Use Alt + F4 to exit an application
Minimize applications and go to desktop (Windows Key + D)
Use Alt-Tab to switch between current and previous window
Skills / Pre-Test / Post-Test
Use Alt-Tab, Tab, Tab… to cycle among active applications (holding down Alt)
Locate “My Documents” in Start Menu; navigate folders, documents
Move back to previous folder (Backspace)
Tasks Within Applications
Use Alt to move to Menu Bar
Navigate Menu Bar with Left and Right Arrows
Navigate tool bar under a menu and select command (Arrows, Enter)
Use tool options (e.g., View Menu, Zoom; Font box) to increase accessibility when software such as ZoomText is not available
Open new document using shortcut command (Ctrl + N)
Rename file (F2)
Use Quick-Save to save previously saved file (Ctrl + S)
Understands difference between “save” and “save as”
Open “Save As” dialog box using shortcut command (F12)
Print document using shortcut command (Ctrl + P)
Work within Dialog Boxes (marked with an ellipses)
  • Move to next item in a Dialog Box (Tab)

  • Move to previous item in a Dialog Box (Shift + Tab)

  • Use selection options (e.g., checkbox, radio button)

  • Activate Dialog Box buttons (Spacebar)

Objective 2: Increase ability to read and navigate documents using Windows keyboard commands and access software (e.g., ZoomText) commands as appropriate
Activate and listen to ZoomText
Enable ZoomText (Alt + Ins)
Disable ZoomText (Alt + Del)
Minimize ZoomText (ESC)
Display ZoomText user interface (Ctrl + Shift + u)
Scroll the screen view (Alt + Arrows)
Enable/disable speech (Alt + Shift + s)
Quiet voice (Ctrl)
Adjust speech rate (faster/slower), (Ctrl plus +/- on Numpad)
Adjust magnification level (Alt plus +/- on Numpad)
Launch AppReader (Alt + Shift + a)
Launch DocReader (Alt + Shift + d)
  • Choose Prompter wrapped text option (p)

  • Choose Ticker single line text option (t)

  • Choose settings in Reader (e) view of the screen
/ NA / NA
  • Choose settings in Speech (s) dialog box
/ NA / NA
Say current day(Ctrl + Alt + y)
Say current time (Ctrl + Alt + i)
Text navigation and reading
Move character by character (↔)
Move line by line (↕)
Say previous word (Ctrl + ←)
Say next word (Ctrl + →)
Say current word (Ctrl + 5)
Skills / Pre-Test / Post-Test
Spell current word (Ctrl + Numpad 5 twice)
Say previous sentence (Ctrl + Alt + ←)
Say next sentence (Ctrl + Alt + →)
Say current sentence (Ctrl + Alt + 5)
Say previous paragraph (Ctrl + ↑)
Say next paragraph (Ctrl + ↓)
Webpage reading and navigation
Open Internet Explorer (Start Menu, I)
Exit Internet Explorer (Alt + F4)
Send focus to address bar/activate URL field for entry (Alt + D)
Open Web Finder ( Ctrl + Shift + w)
Open Text Finder dialog box (Ctrl + Shift + t) / NA / NA
  • Search for text using edit field and initiate reading
/ NA / NA
  • Use ←/→ for moving to previous/next word
/ NA / NA
Move to previously loaded web site (Backspace)
Move cursor to start of document (Ctrl-Home)
Moves cursor to end of document (Ctrl-End)
Next link (Tab)
Prior link (Shift + Tab)
Objective 3: Increase ability to create and edit documents using Windows keyboard commands and access software (e.g., ZoomText) commands as appropriate
Editing text
Select one character left (Shift + )
Select one character right (Shift + )
Select one word left (Ctrl + Shift + )
Select one word right (Ctrl + Shift + )
Select previous line (Shift + Up Arrow)
Select current line (Shift + Down Arrow)
Select previous paragraph (Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow)
Select next paragraph (Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow)
Copy selected text to clipboard (Ctrl + C)
Cut selected text, place copy on clipboard (Ctrl + X)
Paste text from clipboard (Ctrl + V; note: inserts in front of cursor)
Find (Ctrl + F)
Use Undo button (Ctrl + Z)
Formatting text
Select All (Control + A)
Open Font dialog box (Ctrl + D)
Underline selected text (Ctrl + U)
Bold selected text (Ctrl + B)
Italicize selected text (Ctrl + i)
Right align the current row of text (Ctrl + R)
Left align the current row of text (Ctrl + L)
Center selected text (Ctrl + E)
Use of Flash Drive
Recognizes and navigates “new hardware detected” prompt
Move file between drives using copy and paste commands
Remove flash drive safely (Context key list box navigation)

ZoomText 10.1-World Services for the Blind Assessment