Hotel & Package Modules

Levels of Operation/functionality (Administration)

·  Hotel Administration

·  Hotel Staff Administration

·  Client Booking/Reservation

·  Functional Operation

Hotel Administration

Check Pending Request

Checking of all those requests that have come in due to following reasons :

·  no rates available

·  no rooms available /

·  reservation request within the dates of Black-out defined for that particular hotel.

A details link is provided, wherein the administrator can check the reservation, and if rooms available, could then forward the rates to the client.

An email is sent to the client which requests for logging onto the reservation system and accepting the rates provided.

Search Reservation

Searching for a reservation based on various parameters available

1)  Booking Number

2)  First Name

3)  Last Name

4)  City

5)  Currency

6)  Country

7)  Booking Date (From Date / Until Date / Month Specific)

8)  Check-In Date (From Date / Upto Date / Month Specific)

9)  Booking Status (All /Pending/Processed/Rejected/Accepted )

10)  Sort Results (Booking Date / Check-In Date/Enquiry Date/Booking Status/Booking Number)

Create Room Category(Hotel Room Description)

Displays Room Categories available for the specific hotel. Once the Room Categories are created, rates as well as allotment can be created.

This module accepts the Room Category name, a thumbnail image as well as large image can also be uploaded for the said Room Category. This module also requests for the Tariff rate for the two currencies defined in the system. This rate then shows up in the rate creation screen as the Tariff rate.

·  Create Rates

Allows users to define the rates for the Room Categories created.

Rates can be created as Normal / Special.

Normal rates are those rates where the amount is fixed throughout the week.

Special rates are those rates where a user can define day groups from the beginning of the week upto the end of the week

·  Day(s) are defined in numbers

So if a special rate has to created where the rates for (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) is one rate, rates for (Thursday, Friday) is another rate and (Saturday, Sunday) is another. A week day group rate can be created.

The Validity range can be defined and accordingly, the number of blocks displayed will be where the user will define different rate for each season

For each of the above range the user can define what will be the weekly rate. (Normal / Special). An email too will be forwarded to the client as well as the contacts defined in the email setting list.

·  View Rates

Displays all the rates available in the system for each Room Category

Add Allotment allows to Add Room Availability

Create allotment / availability for a particular Room Category.

An email too will be forwarded to the client as well as the contacts defined in the email setting list.

View Allotment (Check Days-Wise Availability)

Allows the user to view calendar wise allotment for a specific Room Category.

It also displays the number of Balance Rooms Available as well as Room blocked / Sold on account of a booking made by the client on the website.

Mail Settings

Defines where the Reservation emails will be directed

The settings provided also control whether the contact should be sent an email or not.


Displays a brief about each and every reservation in the system. Functionality is also provided to update the actual days stayed as well as the actual bill raised for the total number of nights of stay.

1)  A report can also be generated in Excel format on click of the

2)  Download Report Displayed

3)  The other Report option provided is the Summary Report

4)  This report generates the month wise summary of the following

1.  Enquiries In (Month)

2.  Enquiries For (Month)

3.  Accepted Bookings (Month)

4.  Rejected Bookings (Month)

5.  Pending Booking (Month)

6.  Bookings Awaiting Client's Acceptance (Month)

7.  Check-In (Month)

8.  Room Nights (Month)

9.  % of Accepted Bookings (Month)

10.  Total Room Revenue (Month)

Hotel Staff Administration

The Hotel Staff user can avail all the above modules, except managing the Allotment/Availability of Room.


·  Index page is displayed

·  Hotel Reservation Page is Displayed

·  User Requests for room availability and sends request

·  Confirmation of the booking is sent


B2B Admin Access

Show Pending Requests:

Checking of all those requests that have come in:

A details link is provided, wherein the administrator can check the reservation, and if rooms available, could then forward the rates to the client.

An email is sent to the client which requests for logging onto the reservation system and accepting the rates provided.

Search Bookings:

Search bookings on specified criteria.

·  booking date range

·  Checking date range

·  Specific order no

This page will display printable reports, according to user selected

Mail Settings

Defines where the Reservation emails will be directed

The settings provided also control whether the contact should be sent an email or not.

Logout :
Ends your administrative session

1.  Package Group:

Package Group Edit

Package Group Edit

Package Group View

Package Group Delete

2.  Package

Package Add

Package Edit

Package View

Package Delete

3.  PackageDay Itinerary

Shows the list of package names that are defined within a group. On selection of a package you can edit the data.

4.  Package Pricing

Shows the list of package names that are defined within a group. On selection of a package you can edit the rates.

5.  Package Hotel Choice.

Shows the list of package names that are defined within a group. On selection of a package you can enter the choice of hotels and the rates for different levels.

6.  Package Includes

Shows the list of package names that are defined within a group. On selection of a package you can enter the description of the package with the rates at different levels.


·  Index page is displayed

·  List of package groups are displayed

·  On every click the package group display is changed.

·  Create Itinerary

·  Add different cities to the package itinerary

Q D Travel Pack

Confidential – All rights reserved. Quantum Designs –2004

Unauthorized reproduction of this document is prohibited.

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