McHenry County, Illinois

JULY 11, 2017


Supervisor Jones called the regular monthly meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. on

Tuesday, July 11, 2017 in the Village Hall, Spring Grove, IL.

Roll call present: Supervisor Jones, Clerk Shetsky, Road Commissioner Sutton, Trustees; Eileen Miller, Merrilee Anhalt, John Flood, Dennis Riechert and Assessor Jessica Hubert.

Supervisor Jones led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The minutes of the regular meeting held on June 13, 2017 were read. Trustee: Eileen Miller made a motion to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Trustee: Merrilee Anhalt. The accounts payable were presented for payment for the various funds, they were audited, initialed and ordered paid.

Accounts Payable

Township Supervisor:

Road Comm. Dan Sutton $1,548.00

Supervisor Sam Jones $ 896.66

Jessica Huber $1,887.19

Clerk April Shetsky $387.00

Trustee Eileen Miller $78.65

Trustee John Flood $78.65

Trustee Merrilee Anhalt $78.65

Trustee Dennis Riechert $78.65

Verizon (Town Cell Phones) $161.77

ComEd $31.59

NICOR $30.22

Dam, Snell & Tavierne $329.00

Mediacom (Town phone $ Internet) $83.63

Walmart (17GA06407) $245.00

Capital One (17GA06467) $245.00

TSI (Supervisor Dues) $30.00

TOI (Membership Dues) $563.26

IDES (Workers Comp) $211.62

Road & Bridge:

Dave Zimmer (Rent/Utilities) $1,200.00

ComEd (Street Lights) $400.96

ComEd (Shop) $43.79

Nicor Gas $24.83

Cell Phone (Highway Phone) $58.00

Waste Management (Trash) $165.60

Hi Viz Inc. (Post & Sign) $280.00

Eddies Tree Service (Tree removal) $3,600.00

Reimbursement $737.47


Steve Shetsky (Gross) $1,345.50

Supervisors Report

The current Verizon phones that Sam, Jessica and Dan have are outdated and not in good working order. Verizon is now offering the Moto Z phone for $49.99 ea. with our Government discount.

·  Trustee Merrilee Anhalt made a motion for Sam, Jessica and Dan to purchase a new phone and was seconded by Trustee Eileen Miller, voice vote, all ayes, motion carried.

·  Sam received a letter from the Village stating the Fish Hatchery sold 490 dinners and raised over $5,000.00 during their fund raiser.

·  Toirma now offers the Township Cyber coverage for no additional cost.

·  Sam spoke with Paul, the Richmond Senior Transportation Program, he was told they budget $70,000.00 annually for the program themselves.

Road Commissioners Report

·  The highway dept. had to clean up one tree on Zarnstorf.

·  Dan is waiting to hear when the road repair will be scheduled. Once he has the exact date, he will share with the homeowners who are calling about it.

·  The highway is offering wood chips to Burton Township residents if they are willing to make an appt. and bring their own vehicle to haul them. FCFS.

Sam will post on our website.

Assessors Report:

·  Jessica took the exam and will get the results on July 15.

·  There is an assessors meeting on August 25th that Jessica will attend.

·  She will be on medical leave from July 31st through August 18th.

·  Jessica will submit her assessments to the County when she returns mid August.

·  The Senior Freeze bill passed both the house and senate and is now on Rauners desk.

If passed, it will increase income from $55,000 to $65,000.00.

Clerks Report:

·  No report at this time.

Trustees Report:

·  No report at this time.

New Business:

·  No report at this time

Old Business:

·  No report at this time.

Public Comments

·  No report at this time.

Adjournment of Regular Meeting:

A motion was made by Trustee: Merrilee Anhalt to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 pm it was seconded by Trustee: Dennis Riechert, voice vote all ayes, motion carried.

April Shetsky

Burton Township Clerk