Capital letters

  • For the first word of a sentence

e.g. This is Jane. She is a student.

The pronoun “I” alone.

e.g. Jack and I are students.

(The capital letter for “i” is: I. Do not put a dot at the top.)

  • For proper nouns

a person (name – surname) – James Baker

a country - Brazil

a nationality - Turkish

a town or a city - Kadıköy

a day of the week - Wednesday

a month - October

  • For titles

Title / Single / Married
Male / Mr / √ / √
Female / Miss
Ms / √
√ / --

  • For abbreviations

e.g. the USA

the UK

A- Use capital letters.

hi! my name is mary. welcome to my homepage. i’m twenty years old. i’m from england. my favourite sport is swimming. my favourite day is saturday.

these are my friends jim and tony. they are twenty-one years old and they are from the usa. their favourite sport is basketball and their favourite day is monday. this is laura. she’s thirty years old and she is from italy. her favourite sport is tennis. her favourite day is friday.


B-Usemy, your, her, his, our, their

1. A:It is Rose’s dictionary.

B: It isn’t her dictionary.

2.A:They are David and John’s bags.

B: ......

3. A: Ken’s bicycle is in the garden.

B: ......

4. A: That’s Andrew’s wallet.

B: ......

5. A: Elizabeth is Tom’s sister.

B: ......

6. A: This is Michael’s and my room.

B: ......

7. A: That is George’s key.

B: ......

8. A: That is Jackie’s computer.

B: ......

9. A: They are Bill’s and your shoes.

B: ......

10. A: My brother’s wife is a teacher.

B: ......

11.A: Tina’s children are very clever.

B: ......

12. A: Barbara’s room is tidy.

B: ......

13. A: They are Lynn’s and your bags.

B: ......

14. A. They are your father’s students.

B: ......

15. A: Molly’s sister is in Ordu.

B: ......

16. A: This is my cat’s ball.

B: ......

17. A: They are Sandra and Susan’s toys.

B: ......


C-Put in this is or these are.

1 ______Ann's gloves and______her school bag.

2 ______Ahmet's cap and______his socks.

3 ______Mr. Bell's watch and______his umbrella.

4 ______the children's books and ______their snacks.

5 ______Ali's scarf and ______his boots.

D- Complete the sentences. Use the words in parentheses.

1. (This, These) ______books belong to me. (That, Those) ______book belongs to Jane.

2. (This, These) ______coat is black. (That, Those) ______coats are blue.

3. (This, These) ______earrings are gold. (That, Those) ______earrings are silver.

4. Students are sitting at (this, these) ______desks, but (that, those) ______desks are empty.

5. (This, These) ______are my books. (That, Those) ______is your book.

E-Read the email and write T for True or F for False.

Dear Deniz,
How are you? I’m fine. Here’s an email in English. It’s good practice for you and me!
I have classes in English at The Embassy Language School. I’m in a class with seven students. They are all from different countries: Japan, Brazil, Switzerland, Germany, and Italy. Our teacher’s name is Simon. He’s very funny and a very good teacher.
I live with an English family in a small, old house near the centre of town. Tom and Ann have got a daughter and a son. Their daughter, Jane, is 20. She’s a student at BrightonUniversity. Their son, John, is a software designer for a computer company. He’s 26. They’re all very friendly.
Brighton isn’t very big, but it’s very exciting! The restaurants and nightclubs are expensive, but the student bars and cafés are cheap. It’s hot now, and the sea is lovely. I’m very happy here.
Email me soon!
Love, Merve

___1. Merve’s language school is in London.

___2. Merve is in a class with students from different countries.

___3. Merve’s teacher’s name is Simon.

___4. Tom and Ann have got a daughter and a son.

___5. John is a computer engineer.

___6. Brighton is very big and exciting.

___7. The student bars and cafés are expensive.

___8. Merve is sad there.

G- Complete the tree with your family members.

H -



I-Complete the questions. Use What…../ Who …/ Where… /How…..

1- ………….………. your parents? They’re very well.

2-…………………. the bus stop? At the end of the street.

3-………………….. your children? Five, seven and ten.

4-…………………. these oranges? £ 1.20 a kilo.

5-……………………… your favorite sport? Skiing.

6- …………………… the man in this photograph? That’s my father.

7- ………………..your new shoes? Red.

II-Choose the correct word underlined in each sentence.

1-Tom and Lisa live/lives in England.

2-Harry watch/watches television every evening.

3-I usually go/goes to school by bus.

4-You never clean/cleans your teeth!

5-All the buses leave/leaves from this bus stop.

6-It never snow/snows in this city.

III-These sentences are wrong. Correct them like this:

In the ground / Leaves / In Australia / Under water
In China / At the South Pole / In the air √ / In hot countries
  • Birds fly under water. Wrong. Birds don’t fly under water. They fly in the air.
  • Pandas live in Africa. ______
  • Fish swim in the air. ______
  • Bananas grow in cold countries.______
  • Kangaroos live in India. ______
  • Peanuts grow on trees. ______
  • Penguins live at the North Pole. ______
  • Koalas eat fish. ______

IV-Complete each sentence. Use the verb and frequency adverb in brackets.

1-Tina (miss, sometimes) …………………………. the bus to school.

2-I (never, get up) ……………………………………….before 6.00.

3-Our teacher (wear, always) …………………………. a tie.

4-Jim and Helen (often, go) ……………………….. to the theatre .

5-You (finish, never) ………………………. your homework.

V-Make questions and negative sentences.

1-Jack- get up at 7.00 ………………………….…..………………………………….?

2-Alice and Mike – walk to work ……………..………………………….……………?

3-Jack – leave home at 8.00 ………………………………………….………………?

4-Alice and Mike – not/like football ……………………………………………….……..

5-Jack – not/ do his homework ……………………………………………..…………..

VI-Put the words in brackets into the correct order.

1-Where (Helen, live, does) ……………………………….?

2-(do, not, go, we) …………………………. to the cinema on Friday.

3-What (you, do, want) …………………………………..?

4-I (lunch, usually, have) ………………..…………….. at 1.30.

5-(not, Ali, does, go) …………………………… to school on Friday.

VII-Fill in the blanks with at, in, on, from or to.

My life in New York City is very busy. My home is far from my work, so ______Monday ______Friday, I am awake ______5:00 ______the morning. _____ Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I take the bus to work. _____ Tuesday and Thursday, I drive my car. My day is very long. I am usually home _____ 7:30 or 8:00 ______the weekend, I sleep late.



I-Read the text below and answer the questions.

The Button

Mary works in an office in London, and she usually goes out and has lunch in a restaurant. She likes foreign food and often looks in the newspaper for the names of the new restaurants, because she likes going to different restaurants eating new things.

One day, she sees the name of a new Greek restaurant in the newspaper and she goes there for lunch. The restaurant is very small, but it is clean and nice, and the food is good.

But then she finds something hard in her mouth. She takes it out. It is a button.

‘Waiter! Come here!’ she says. ‘I find this button in my food.’

‘Thank you, thank you!’ the waiter answers. ‘I look everywhere for it.’

1-What does Mary usually do?______

2-What kind of food does she like? ______

3-How is the new Greek restaurant? ______

4-What does she find in her mouth? ______

5-Is the waiter happy or angry? ______

II-Read the following text and write T for True or F for False.

Paul Smith’s Day

Paul Smith gets up at 7:30 every day. After he gets up, he has a shower. At 8:00 he eats breakfast, and he leaves the house at 8:30.

His school begins at 9:00. He usually goes to school by bus, but he is always late for school. When he gets there at 9:15, his friends are in class.

At 12:00 Paul is tired and hungry, his friend and he go to the school cafeteria for lunch. They sit, talk and do their homework. At 12:30 Paul’s mathematics class begins, and he studies Science at 2:00. Mathematics and Science are Paul’s favourite subjects, but he’s happy when it’s 3:30. After school, he goes home and relaxes for a while. Then, he meets his friends and they play basketball.

In the evenings, first he does his homework, then he watches TV. He goes to bed at 11:30.

1-_____Paul gets up at 7:30 every morning.

2-_____He is seldom late for school.

3-_____He goes to school by car.

4-_____He has lunch at 12:00.

5-_____He dislikes Mathematics and Science.

6-_____He meets his friends after school.

7-_____He watches TV then he does his homework.


I- Look at Lucy’s family tree and underline the correct word in bold.

1-Steve is Alan’s father/brother.

2-Alan doesn’t have any cousins/sisters.

3-George is Alan’s uncle/grandfather and Mary is his grandmother/aunt.

4-Steve’s father’s/brother’s name is Rick and his cousin’s/mother’s name is Susan.

5-Alan has three aunts/cousins. Their names are Bob, Lucy, and Harry.

6-Lucy is Tom and Helen’s son/daughter.

7-Susan is Harry’s sister/auntand Rick is his uncle/brother.

8-Tom is Helen’s wife/husband.

9-Mary and George are Susan’s parents/grandparents.

10-Harry’s last name/nickname is Happy.


III- Put the words under the correct heading.

motorbike go jogging underground read a magazine
bus play tennis bike go clubbing




