General Meeting Agenda

Worthingway Middle School Library

August 2nd, 2016

  1. Call to Order
  2. 6pm
  1. In Attendance
  2. Dreama Justice, Kathy Willis, Nathan Kellenberger
  1. Quorum Present
  2. Yes
  1. Secretaries Report – Minutes
  2. Motion to approve August 2016 minutes:
  3. 2nd:
  4. Passed:
  5. Move to Old Business, secretary not present at the meeting
  1. Treasurer’s Report – Budget
  2. Budget presented from August meeting. Approval moved to Old Business to allow full PTA Board opportunity to view and vote (for 9/6 meeting)
  1. President’s Report
  2. Thank you:
  3. To Kathy Willis and Liz Eaton for helping with envelope stuffing for school/PTA mailing
  4. Board Vacancies
  5. Vice President
  6. WPTAC (filled by Valerie Swearengen)
  7. Kroger Rewards
  8. Form presented, will be located at school, outside of main office
  9. Spirit Wear
  10. Will close 8/28; shipped to school on 9/14
  11. Spirit wear will not be sorted for families this year, as has been done in the past. PTA will be expected to sort spirt wear items for students/families.
  12. Registration Day
  13. Genius sign up completed, need more volunteers, especially for day shifts
  14. $400 needed for cashbox for day
  15. Request volunteers remind families that sign up and/or donate to PTA, to put check number on PTA form
  16. It’s a Wonderful Window Contest
  17. Application completed, no cost to school or PTA
  18. We will know August 15th if our school has been selected to decorate a local business window for charity event
  19. Back to School Supplies
  20. 3 families ordered through PTA, items will be mailed to Dreama’s home by 8/9b.
  1. Principal’s Report
  2. Thank you to PTA for support in school mailing
  3. Schedule Pick Up 8/9: Thank you to Dairy Queen for supplying treats in support, all day
  4. WPTAC volunteer: Valerie Swearengen
  5. Summer Boost Program held at Slate and Park (with Estates), run by Matt Zingery, Joy Nieto, and Laura Marks to help students review/prepare for 7th grade math
  6. Facilities and Enrollment Planning Meetings
  7. Will be held at all middle and high schools
  8. Purpose is to provide district representative to provide facility updates and to receive community feedback
  9. Worthingway will host on 9/13 at 6:30-8:30pm
  1. President’s Action List
  2. Concession Stand: Will be run by Student Council (Dreama will purchase items if necessary)
  3. Tail Gate: October 6th
  4. Canteen: October 28th
  1. Unfinished (old) Business
  2. PTA minutes will be sent out by secretary to PTA Board, via email, for approval by vote or shared at following PTA meeting for same
  3. August meeting minutes approval
  4. 16-17 Budget approval
  1. New Business
  2. Parent Teacher Conferences: Will provide dinner for staff on 10/18, will do sign up; staff will support selves on 10/20
  3. Honors Night: Popsicles, request PTA support to help pass out
  4. Canteen
  1. Open floor for questions or comments
  1. Announcements
  2. Future PTA meeting Dates: 9/6, 10/4, 11/1, 12/6, 1/3, 2/7, 3/7, 4/4, and 5/2
  1. Adjournment: 6:56pm